请根据句意,从下面的几个单词中选择并填入恰当的连接词(正确答案可能不止一个) and but or yet so for I got out of bed had a shower.

请根据句意,从下面的几个单词中选择并填入恰当的连接词(正确答案可能不止一个) and but or yet so for I got out of bed had a shower.



His drinking had got _______. (A)off hand(B) on hand(C) to hand(D) out of hand

He was severely ill, _______ he had to lie in bed. A. as much as thatB. so many so thatC. so serious so thatD. so much so that

Last night he had a bed to sleep ___, but I had only a chair to sit ____.A. in, onB. x, xC. on, inD. in, to

I bought a new house last year, but I_________ my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.A. didn't sellB. have not soldC. had not soldD. don't sell

—Have you __________ ?—No. I had the wrong number.A. got in B. got away C. got off D. got through

A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.31.1 like eggs and milk(牛奶)for b_________

A)根据句意及汉语提示写单词31. Robert is a ________ (学生).

I _____my breakfast at 8, but_____ I lunch yet. .A. had, haven't hadB. had, didn't haveC. have had, didn't have

At last we got the letter we had long () expecting.A. areB. wereC. beD. been

Never before had I speak out my mind in public, so when someone asked to sing a song at the party, I felt too ( ) to do so.A.embarrassedB.unfortunateC.unwillingD.pleasant

My brother lived at home before he got married, and so ___. A.did IB.had IC.I hadD.I did

Li had something to tell the manager, Mr Smith, so he went to his place, entering the room and said:A、You're not busy, I hope.B、Got a minute?C、I'm terribly sorry to trouble you, Mr Smith.D、Can I have a word with you Mr Smith?

以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入。()ineludemain(){int a[10], 以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入。( ) #inelude<stdio.h> main() {int a[10],i=0; while(i<10)scanf("%d",______); ┇ }A.a+(i++)B.a[i+1]C.a+iD.a[i++]

以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入。include main(){int a[10],j 以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入。#include <stdio.h>main(){ int a[10],j=0; while(i<10)scanf("%d", ______ ); : :}A.a+(i++)B.a[i+1]C.a+ iD.a[++i]

以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入:includemain(){ int a[10],i 以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入: #include<stdio.h> main() { int a[10],i=0; while(i<10)scanf("%d",______); : : }A.a+(i++)B.a[i+1)C.a+iD.a[++i]

以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入。 include main() { int a[10 以下程序段给数组所有的元素输入数据,请选择正确答案填入。 #include<stdio.h> main() { int a[10]=0; while(i<10)scan("%d"______); : : }A.a+(i++)B.a[i+1]C.a+iD.a[++i]

B)根据首字母提示完成单词。(5分)6.I’m really t _________.I've got to go to bed.

Passage TwoEvery year just after Christmas theJanuary Sales start.All the shops reduce their prices and for two weeks,theyare full of people looking for bargains.My husband and I do not normally go tothe sales as we don′t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we haveto buy lots of Christmas presents.Last year,however,I took my husband with me to the sales at thelarge shop in the center of London.We both needed some new clothes and werehoping to find a television set.When we got to Oxford Street,it was so crowdedthat we decided to split up and meet again at the underground station.So Ileft my husband and started looking around the shops.Unfortunately all theclothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me.But I did buya television at a very cheap price,so I felt quite pleased with myself.When I arrived at thestation,my husband was not there.So I sat down in a nearby car6 to have a cupof tea.I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meethim.He looked very happy.Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavycardboard box."Oh,dear!"I thought.Yes,we had no new clothes buttwo televisions.We shall not be going to the sales again.After their day′s shopping,they__A.were happy with their bargainsB.had got everything they wantedC.got more than they had hoped forD.had to go back to the sales the nextday

请根据恢复块方法工作原理完成下图,在图中(1)~(4)中填入恰当的内容。并比较恢复块方法与N版本程序设计方法,将比较结果(5)~(8)填入下表中。 (请作答第一个空)A. 主块 B. 验证测试 C. 输出正确结果D. 异常处理

I had my meals()when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.Ato bringBbringCbroughtDbringing

I had my meals()when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.AtobringBbringCbroughtDbringing

I never()to bed so late.A、got used to goingB、used to goingC、got used to goD、used going

请选择合适的单词选项,补充下面的英文句子:I’m happy to inform you that your parcel will soon ()with 2-3days.A、arrivalB、arriveC、arrivedD、arriving

单选题As soon as children were _____ , their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.AwokeBawokeCawakeDwoken

单选题I had my meals()when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.Ato bringBbringCbroughtDbringing

单选题I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in my life _____ so happy!Adid I feelBI feltCI had feltDhad I felt

单选题以下程序中给数组所有元素输入数据,请从选项中选择正确的答案填入下划线处。(  ) #include main() {  inta[10],i=0;  while(i10)scanf("%d",_________);  … }Aa+(i++)B&a[i+1]Ca+iD&a(i++)

单选题I had my meals()when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.AtobringBbringCbroughtDbringing