A assist B track C sustain D dismiss

A assist B track C sustain D dismiss


我是安保部经理, 将协助这次安保工作A.I’m a manager of the enterprise, who will assist you in this security departmentB.I’m a manager of the security department. , who will assist you in this security workC.The security manager who will assist you in this security work, is on the wayD.The security work will be assisted by the manager of the security department

A business model is the method of doing business by which a company can sustain itself - that is, generate (). A、patentB、informationC、partnerD、revenue

Some parents are just too protective. They want to their kids from every kind of danger, real or imagined.A. spot B. dismiss C. shelter D. distinguish


which expression is wrong about learning students' names? () A. It shows students that the teacher is interested in them.B. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.C. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.D. It shows the teacher is responsible.

What does VAT stand for?A. Value-Assist TagB. Value-Added TaxC. Value-Added TagD. Value-Assist Tax

We were able to () the error and have credited your account.A、track outB、track downC、track overD、track up

The pillars ____ the roof of the house.A.preserveB.reserveC.retainD.sustain

Which two statements about the track configuration option are correct?() A. The track option monitors interfaces as defined by the user.B. The track option monitors all interfaces participating in VRRP.C. The track option allows for a reduction of the priority value if the monitored interface goes down.D. The track option causes syslog entries to be written in the messages log file, if the monitored interface goes down.

[A] tolerate[B] sustain[C] experience[D] undertake

Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ______.A.latitude scale near the middle of the track lineB.longitude scale near the middle of the track lineC.latitude scale at the midlatitude of the chartD.latitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale

If you persist( )causing troubles,the company will have to dismiss you.in

The company would be able to _________workers selectively.A. disorder B. depart C. Dismiss D. demand

You have to be patient if you want to sustain your position.A:maintain B:establish C:acquire D:support

Quality management ensures that an organization , product or service is ( ).A.guaranteed B.sustain C.goodD.consistent

Quality management ensures that an organization , product or service is ( ). A.guaranteed B.sustain C.good D.consistent

The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.A对B错

以下装备中CC不具备的是()。A、ACC自动车距控制B、HUD平视显示C、Park Assist智能停车转向辅助D、Rear Assist倒车影像辅助

The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.

对话框进度条打开和关闭的方法是什么()。A、showDialog()和dismiss Dialog()B、showDlg(id)和dismiss Dlg(id)C、showDlg()和dismiss Dlg()D、showDialog(id)和dismiss Dialog(id)

Which two statements about the track configuration option are correct?()A、The track option monitors interfaces as defined by the user.B、The track option monitors all interfaces participating in VRRP.C、The track option allows for a reduction of the priority value if the monitored interface goes down.D、The track option causes syslog entries to be written in the messages log file, if the monitored interface goes down.

多选题Which two statements about the track configuration option are correct?()AThe track option monitors interfaces as defined by the user.BThe track option monitors all interfaces participating in VRRP.CThe track option allows for a reduction of the priority value if the monitored interface goes down.DThe track option causes syslog entries to be written in the messages log file, if the monitored interface goes down.

单选题The word decathlon in paragraph 3 probably means ______.AjumpingBfive track and field eventsCthrowingDten track and field events

单选题对话框进度条打开和关闭的方法是什么()。AshowDialog()和dismiss Dialog()BshowDlg(id)和dismiss Dlg(id)CshowDlg()和dismiss Dlg()DshowDialog(id)和dismiss Dialog(id)

单选题Distance along a track line is measured on a Mercator chart by using the ().Alatitude scale near the middle of the track lineBlongitude scale near the middle of the track lineClatitude scale at the midlatitude of the chartDlatitude or longitude scale at the middle of the scale

判断题The engineer hasn’t got time to track down the problem.‘To track down’ means to find out.A对B错

名词解释题持续清洁生产(Sustain Cleaner Production)