



It's __________ windy day. Let's stay indoors. A.a suchB.such aC.a a

Without __________ music, life would be __________ mistake. A.the, theB.a, theC./, aD.the, a

__________ violin is one of __________ hardest musical instruments to play. A.The, theB.A, theC./, theD./, /

__________ division between English-speaking Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is __________ important issue Canada is faced with. A.An, theB.An, anC.The, theD.The, an

With the successful launch of Tiangong-l, which was _____ breakthrough in this field, China's space dream took a step closer to ____ reality. A.a, /B.the, aC.a, theD.the,/

There is _____picture on the wall.I like _____picture very much. A.a, aB.a, theC.the, theD.the, a

_________ film includes some recently discovered newsreels of _________ Word Warll A.The, theB.A, theC.The, ―D.A, ―

The education of ________ young is always ______ hot and serious topiC. A./, /B.the, aC./, theD.the, the

Let\'s go to _________ cinema that\'ll take your mind off the problem for while.A.the; theB.the; aC.a; theD.a; a

下列符号顺序编排正确的是()。 A.A、B、C 2、CmB.A、ζ、aC.A、B、a、bD.B、b、Cm、C2

______recent report stated that the number of Spanish speakers in the U.S .would be higher than the number of English speaker by_____ year 2091. A.A, theB.A, /C.The ,/D.The, a

There is _______ picture of _______ elephant on _______ wall. A.a, the, theB.a, an, theC.a, an, aD.the, an, the

摩尔吸光系数与吸光系数的转换关系: ( ) A.a=M·εB.ε=M·aC.a=M/εD.A=M·ε

信息采集通道中,模拟量向数字量的转换应该使用哪种装置()。 A.A/AB.D/AC.A/D

有以下程序: 程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.b,B,b,AB.b,B,B,AC.a,B,B,aSX 有以下程序:程序运行后的输出结果是( )。A.b,B,b,AB.b,B,B,AC.a,B,B,aD.a,B,a,B

—The film “A World Without a Thief” is on in the Theater nearby tonight.—What ______ pity! I haven ’t got ______ ticket for it. A.a; aB.a; theC.the; theD.the; a

8. Betty can play ________ guitar, but she can't play ________basketball.A.a;aB.the;theC.a;theD.the;/

9. My aunt likes playing _________violin at _________ night.A./;/B.the;/C./;theD.the; the

Education is ___________ lifelong experience that starts long before ___________ start of school.A.the; theB.the; aC.a; aD.a; the


Take your time-it’just__________short distance from here torestaurant.A.不填;theB.a;theC.the;aD.不填:a

The biggest whale is__________ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters long--theheight of __________ 9-storey building.A.the; theB.a; aC.a; theD.the ; a

More college graduates would like to work in____west part of country____next year.A.the;theB./;/C./;theD.the;/


Your friend really ought tomake__________ most of this opportunity, because she won′t get __________second chance.A.the; the B.a; aC.a; the D.the; a

Of all__________reasons for my decision to become a university professor,my father′s advice was__________most important one.A.the;aB.不填;aC.不填;theD.the;the

The driver kept one eye on__________traffic and the other on__________map.A.不填;aB.a;aC.the;theD.the;不填