PLEASE BE ADVISED THE CAPTIONED VESSEL PROVISIONS SUPPLY HAS BEEN DULY ARRANGED AND SHIP CHANDLER WILL GO ON BOARD YR GOOD SHIP TO ATTEND TO THIS AFTER BERTHING. This telex says that ______.A.the provisions have been provided on boardB.the provisions will be delivered to youC.the shipchandler will go on board your vessel for detailsD.the provisions have not yet been arranged


A.the provisions have been provided on board

B.the provisions will be delivered to you

C.the shipchandler will go on board your vessel for details

D.the provisions have not yet been arranged


An overtaken vessel means a vessel________.A.which has been overtaken by another vesselB.which is going to overtake another vesselC.which has overtaken another vesselD.which is going to be overtaken by another vessel

The certificate of pratique certifies that ______.A.the ship has no rats or mice on quarantinable disease has been found on the person has died during the voyage the ship has just completedD.all the crew members have no health problem

If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ______.A.filed in the ship's officeB.posted in a passenger areaC.posted adjacent to the Certificate of InspectionD.posted in the pilothouse

My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means: ______.A.My ship has been maintainedB.My ship has been paintedC.All my crew members have been vaccinatedD.All my crew members have no quarantinable diseases

Once vessel has been cleared by Port Health or Immigration ______ must proceed to appropriate berth or anchorage.A.ItB.sheC.heD.the vessel

Please supply 200 tons of fresh water ______ my ship.A.withB.inC.toD.on

A Master would be well advised to file a note of protest if ______.A.Portions of his vessel’s cargo were illegally impoundedB.Longshore labor went on strike in a port causing undue vessel delayC.Cargo was received at ship side which was damaged in land transitD.The vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused bottom damage

Your ______ working on my vessel has acknowledged the truth of and liability for the

When several salvors are on-scene at the same time to assist a vessel that has not been abandoned,which principal governs the decision as to which one's services will be accepted ________.A.The Master of the ship needing assistance has the absolute right to decideB.The first salvor on-scene has the prior claim providing he has adequate facilities to assist the vessel needing assistanceC.The salvors must agree to a division of any salvage among themselves with the major share allotted to those doing the most workD.The first salvor on-scene has the absolute right to provide assistance;however,he is liable if the ship is lost due to his lack of experience,equipment,etc

For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port ________.A.When the vessel is in an overloaded conditionB.When the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenanceC.When the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or loggedD.When the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functions

Construction on a new wing at the Markunas Museum ____as soon as additional funding has been arranged.A.has been be resumingC.was resumedD.will resume

船舶物料商通常给船上供应物料和食品。()A、The agent usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.B、The shipyard usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.C、The ship chandler usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.D、The captain usually provides stores and provisions to the ship

单选题A Master would be well advised to file a note of protest if().APortions of his vessel's cargo were illegally impoundedBLongshore labor went on strike in a port causing undue vessel delayCCargo was received at ship side which was damaged in land transitDThe vessel encountered heavy weather which might have caused bottom damage

单选题My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique.What does the sentence My vessel is healthy mean?It means;().AMy ship has been maintainedBMy ship has been paintedCAll my crew members have been vaccinatedDAll my crew members have no quarantinable diseases

单选题Our ship has not been to shipyard for a long time, the fouling on the ship’s hull greatly decreases her().AresistanceBweightCspeedDdisplacement

单选题Please supply 200 tons of fresh water()my ship.AwithBinCtoDon

单选题The above mentioned ship has been duly()in accordance with the provisions of the convention referred to.ArelayedBdelayedCconveyedDsurveyed

单选题If your passenger vessel has been issued a stability letter,it must be ().Afiled in the ship’s officeBposted in a passenger areaCposted adjacent to the Certificate of InspectionDposted in the pilothouse

单选题For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port?()AWhen the vessel is in an overloaded conditionBWhen the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenanceCWhen the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or loggedDWhen the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functions

单选题Please()that my ship is ready in every respect to load her cargo.AadvisedBto be advisedCbe advisedDare advised

单选题Please supply my vessel()120 tons of diesel oil.AforBwithCtoDon

单选题船舶物料商通常给船上供应物料和食品。()AThe agent usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.BThe shipyard usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.CThe ship chandler usually provides stores and provisions to the ship.DThe captain usually provides stores and provisions to the ship

单选题Please arrnge for the workers to do the()work during loading the trucks and heavy cargo on the ship, and also supply the necessary materials for the work.AlashingBshiftingCliftingDtallying

单选题PLEASE BE ADVISED THE CAPTIONED VESSEL PROVISIONS SUPPLY HAS BEEN DULY ARRANGED AND SHIP CHANDLER WILL GO ON BOARD YR GOOD SHIP TO ATTEND TO THIS AFTER BERTHING. This telex says that ().Athe provisions have been provided on boardBthe provisions will be delivered to youCthe shipchandler will go on board your vessel for detailsDthe provisions have not yet been arranged

单选题The certificate of pratique certifies that ().Athe ship has no rats or mice on boardBno quarantinable disease has been found on the vesselCno person has died during the voyage the ship has just completedDall the crew members have no health problem

单选题()is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship’s course and the distance being those indicated by log.Adead reckoningBdead weightCdead slow aheadDdead slow astern

单选题Port of Registry refers to the port where().Athe ship has been namedBthe ship has been builtCthe ship has been signedDthe ship has been registered

单选题Whenever visible traces of oil are observed on or below the surface of the water in the immediate vicinity of ship or its wake,Governments of Parties to the Convention should,to the extent they are reasonably able to do so,promptly()the facts bearing on the issue of whether there has been a violation of the provisions of this Regulation or Regulation 10 of this Annex of MARPOL 73/78.AobserveBinvestigateCseeDlook