在产品认证标志上显示“CONVERSION TO ORGANIC”指的是( )。A.中国有机产品认证标志 B.中国有机转换产品认证标志C.中国能效标识 D.强制性产品认证标志
在产品认证标志上显示“CONVERSION TO ORGANIC”指的是( )。
A.中国有机产品认证标志 B.中国有机转换产品认证标志
C.中国能效标识 D.强制性产品认证标志
A.中国有机产品认证标志 B.中国有机转换产品认证标志
C.中国能效标识 D.强制性产品认证标志
解析:中国有机转换产品认证标志适用于有机产品转换期内生产的产品或者以转换期内生产的产品为原料的加工产品。该标志标有中文“中国有机转换产品”字样和相应英文(CONVERSION TO ORGANIC)。A项中国有机产品认证标志标有中文“中国存机产品”字样和相应英文(ORGANIC); C项能源效率标识的名称为“中国能效标识”,英文名称为 China Energy Label; D项强制性产品认证标志的名称为“中国强制认证”,英文缩写为 “CCC”(China Compulsory Certification)。
根据《产品质量法》的规定,生产者在产品生产中不得实施的行为包括( )A.生产国家明令淘汰的产品B.在产品上伪造产地C.在产品上伪造或冒用他人的厂名、厂址D.在产品上伪造或冒用认证标志、名优标志E.在生产中掺假、掺杂,以假充真,以次充好
Which statements concerning casting and conversion are true?() A、Conversion from int to long does not need a cast.B、Conversion from byte to short does not need a cast.C、Conversion from float to long does not need a cast.D、Conversion from short to char does not need a cast.E、Conversion from boolean to int using a cast is not possible.
使用读秀图书搜索(http://www.duxiu.com/),查找2009年出版的书名中有“organic chemistry”的中文图书()。 A、《有机化学 Organic chemistry eng》B、《有机化学 Organic chemistry 中文版 eng》C、《有机化学中的光谱方法 ORGANIC 6TH EDITION CHEMISTRY》D、《Organic Chemistry有机化学》
Which statement is true about the digital to analog conversion process?()A、the two steps of digital to analog conversion are decompression and reconstruction of the analog signalB、the two steps of digital to analog conversion are decoding and filteringC、the two steps of digital to analog conversion are decompression and filtering of the analog signalD、the two steps of digital to analog conversion are quantization and decoding
单选题Which statement is true about the digital to analog conversion process?()Athe two steps of digital to analog conversion are decompression and reconstruction of the analog signalBthe two steps of digital to analog conversion are decoding and filteringCthe two steps of digital to analog conversion are decompression and filtering of the analog signalDthe two steps of digital to analog conversion are quantization and decoding