Which of the following is not a wind ________.A.GrowlerB.NortherC.LevanterD.Mistral
Which of the following is not a wind ________.
"Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; /Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!" the line are taken from Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind".() 此题为判断题(对,错)。
The appearance of nimbostratus clouds in the immediate vicinity of a ship at sea would be accompanied by which of the following conditions?______.A.Rain and poor visibilityB.Dropping barometric pressure and backing wind in the Northern HemisphereC.High winds and rising seaD.Severe thunderstorms
A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______.A.dead reckoning wind directionB.true wind directionC.apparent wind directionD.estimated wind direction
An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A.apparent wind speed onlyB.true wind speed and true wind directionC.true wind speed onlyD.apparent wind speed and true wind direction
For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation, which one of the following factors would’t be considered?______.A.selection of landmarksB.character of sea bottomC.strength of current and wind forceD.radius of ship swing to wind or tide
Which of the following utilities are used to choose which programs run at startup? ()A、SFCB、SETDEBUGC、MSCONFIGD、REGEDIT
单选题For determining the amount of chains used in anchoring operation,which one of the following factors wouldn’t be considered?().Aselection of landmarksBcharacter of sea bottomCstrength of current and wind forceDradius of ship swing to wind or tide
单选题In his poem, Ode to the West Wind, Shelley intends to present his wind as a central _____ around which the poem weaves various cycles of death and rebirth.AconceptBsymbolCsimileDmetonymy
单选题Which wind results from a land mass cooling more quickly at night than an adjacent water area?()Acoastal breezeBsea breezeCland breezeDmistral
单选题According to the passage, which of the following should be considered sources of renewable energy?APetroleum, sunlight and wind power.BGas, water and fossil fuels.CCoal, natural gas and hydropower.DSunlight, water and wind power.
单选题A local wind which occurs during the daytime and is caused by the different rates of warming of land and water is a().AfoehnBchinookCland breezeDsea breeze
单选题Which position includes the effects of wind and current().ADead reckoning positionBLeeway positionCEstimated positionDSet position
单选题When a wind is permanently changing the direction from which it blows, it is().AvariableBchangingCbackingDveering
多选题Which of the following fragments might cause errors?()AString s = Gone with the wind;String t = good ;String k = s + t;BString s = Gone with the wind;String t;t = s[3] + one;CString s = Gone with the wind;String standard = s.toUpperCase();DString s = home directory;String t = s - directory;
单选题A reaching course is one in which the wind().Acomes directly over the bowBcomes directly over the sternCcomes over an area extending from broad on the bow to the quarterDhas no effect on the vessel
单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().Aapparent wind speed onlyBtrue wind speed and true wind directionCtrue wind speed onlyDapparent wind speed and true wind direction
单选题When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift,which course should the ship take?()ADownwind so that the apparent wind is close to nilBA course that will keep a free flow of air,clear of smoke,over the hoist areaCA course that will have the hoist area in the lee of the superstructureDWith the wind dead ahead because the helicopter is more maneuverable when going into the wind
单选题The maneuvering information required to be posted in the wheelhouse must be based on certain conditions.Which of the following is NOT one of these conditions()AThe hull must be cleanBThere must be calm weather – wind 10 knots or less and a calm seaCThere must be no currentsDThe depth of the water must be at least one and one-half times the draft
单选题If two sailing vessels are running free with the wind on the same side, which one must keep clear of the other?().AThe one with the wind closest abeamBThe one to windwardCThe one to leewardDThe one that sounds the first whistle signal
单选题The centre of lateral resistance is().Athe center of the hydrodynamic forces acting on the underwater hull to resist the effect of the windBthe point of influence of wind on the shipCthe pivot pointDthe point on the ship's above-water structure upon which the whole force of the wind can be considered an act
单选题Wind power is an ancient source of energy________ we may return in the near future.Aon whichBby whichCto whichDfrom which
单选题Which condition indicates that you are in a hurricane’s dangerous semicircle in the Northern hemisphere().AA backing windBA veering windCA northerDA strong,gusty wind
单选题Your vessel is off a lee shore in heavy weather and laboring. Which action should you take?().APut the sea and wind about two points on either how and reduce speedBHeave to in the trough of the seaCPut the sea and wind on either quarter and proceed at increased speedDPut the bow directly into the sea and proceed at full speed