The free surface corrections depend upon the dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the ______.A.volume of liquid in the tankB.displacement of the vesselC.location of the tank in the vesselD.height of the center of gravity of the vessel

The free surface corrections depend upon the dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the ______.

A.volume of liquid in the tank

B.displacement of the vessel

C.location of the tank in the vessel

D.height of the center of gravity of the vessel


Repairing damage to the hull of a ship at or above the waterline reduces the threat of surface effectsB.capsizing the shipC.continued progressive floodingD.wind overturning moments

An upright vessel has negative GM.GM becomes positive at the angle of loll because the ______.A.Free surface effects are reduced due to pocketingB.KG is reduced as the vessel seeks the angle of lollC.Effective beam is increased causing BM to increaseD.Underwater volume of the hull is increased

A tank containers should not generally be more than 95% full, allow for possible thermal expansion of the prevent dangerous surging movements in increase its change the free surface in it

The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel can be found by dividing the vessel's displacement into the ______.A.Transverse free surface correction for the vesselB.Sum of the vertical moments of the vesselC.Sum of the longitudinal free surface moments of the vesselD.Longitudinal centerline of the vessel

The free surface effects of a partially full liquid tank decrease with increased ______.A.Density of the liquidB.Placement of the tank above the keelC.Displacement volume of the shipD.Size of the surface area in the tank

When displacement increases,the free surface corrections for slack tanks ______.A.increaseB.decreaseC.are directly proportionalD.remain unchanged

单选题Aboard a vessel,multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity from the centerline results in the load’s().ATCGBtransverse momentCrighting momentDtransverse free surface moment

单选题To calculate the free surface correction,it is necessary to divide the free-surface moments by the().Atotal weight of liquid loadsBtotal displacementClightweightDdeadweight

单选题The correction to KG for longitudinal free surface effects for a vessel can be found by dividing the vessel’s displacement into the().Atransverse free surface correction for the vesselBsum of the vertical moments of the vesselCsum of the longitudinal free surface moments of the vesselDlongitudinal centerline of the vessel

单选题Which of the following is more important in determining the amount of free surface that will be produced?().AOutside temperatureBDewpoint of the outside airCDewpoint of the air in the cargo holdDTemperature of the cargp

单选题The effects of free surface on a vessel’s initial stability do NOT depend upon the().Avolume of displacement of the vesselBdimensions of the surface of the liquidCamount of liquid in slack tanksDspecific gravity of the liquid in the tank

单选题Aboard a vessel, multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity from the centerline results in th eload’s().ATCGBtransverse momentCrighting momentDtransverse free surface moment

单选题As the displacement of a vessel increases, the detrimental effect of free surface().AincreasesBdecreasesCremains the sameDmay increase or decrease depending on the fineness of the vessel's form

问答题The difference between a liquid and a gas is obvious (1)____ the conditions of temperature and pressure commonly found at the surface of the Earth. A liquid can be kept in an open container and fills it to the level of a free surface. A gas forms no free surface but tends to diffuse throughout the space available; it must (2)____ be kept in a closed container, as in the (3)____ of a planet’s atmosphere. The distinction was a prominent feature of early theories (4)____(describe) the phases of matter. In the nineteenth century, for example, one theory maintained that a liquid could be “dissolved” in a vapor without losing its identity, and another theory held that the two phases are made up of different kinds of molecules (分子). The theories now prevailing (5) t____ a quite different approach by emphasizing what liquids and gases have in common. They are both forms of matter (6)____ have no permanent structure, and they both flow easily. They are fluids.The (7)____(fundament) similarity of liquids and gases becomes clearly apparent when the temperature and pressure are raised somewhat. Suppose a closed container partially filled with a liquid is heated. The liquid expands, or in other (8)____, becomes less dense; some of it evaporates. In contrast, the vapor above the liquid surface becomes dense as the evaporated molecules are added to it. The combination of temperature and pressure (9)____ which the densities become equal is called the critical point. Above the critical point the liquid and the gas can no longer be (10)____(distinguish); there is a single, undifferentiated fluid phase of uniform density.

单选题Topside icing decreases vessel stability because it is usually off-center and().Aincreases displacementBincreases the height of the center of gravityCincreases draftDreduces the pocketing of free surface

单选题You may improve a vessels stability by ().Akeeping the fuel tanks topped offBincreasing the free surface effectCkeeping the fuel tanks at least half MIDkeeping at least one fuel tank empty for slops

单选题A change of trim may be simply defined as().Athe change in difference between the forward and aft draftsBthe sum of free communication,free surface and pocketingCthe moment of inertia of the ship's waterline plane about the athwartship axisDrolling and listing

单选题The center of the underwater volume of a floating vessel is the().Acenter of buoyancyBcenter of flotationCuncorrected height of the center of gravity of the vesselDcenter of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effects

单选题Many vessels are provided with flume tanks,which also have a dump tank located under the flume tanks. In the event the ship is damaged,you could dump the flume tanks into the dump tank which would().Areduce the free surface effect and raise the KGBnot have any effect on free surface and raise the KGCreduce the free surface effect and lower the KGDnot have any effect on free surface and lower the KG

单选题The successful operation of any engine or machine and () depend on effective lubrication.Atheir no trouble periodBtheir freely trouble periodCits free trouble lifeDits trouble-free life

单选题Jettisoning weight from topside().Areturn the vesselto an even keelBreduces free surface effectClowers the center of gravityDraises the center of buoyancy

单选题The pitch of a propeller is a measure of the().Aangle that the propeller makes with a free stream of waterBangle that the propeller makes with the surface of the waterCnumber of feet per revolution the propeller is designed to advance in still water without slipDpositive pressure resulting from the difference of the forces on both sides of the moving propeller in still water without slip

单选题A wooden plug fitted tightly in the vent of a damaged tank may prevent the tank from().Afilling completelyBdeveloping free surfaceCdeveloping free surface momentDcollapsing

单选题What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?()ACorrosion from the shifting liquidBRupturing of bulkheads from the shifting liquidCLoss of stability from free surface effectDHoling of the tank bottom from the weight of the shifting liquid

单选题The effect of free surface on initial stability depends upon().Athe amount of liquid in the compartmentBthe dimensions of the liquid surface and the vessel's displacementConly the length of the compartmentDthe vertical position of the liquid in the vessel

单选题The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the().Avolume of liquid in the tankBvolume of displacement of the vesselClocation of the tank in the vesselDheight of the center of gravity of the vessel

单选题A serious loss of reserve buoyancy resulting from flooding any compartment of a ship will always().Aincrease the trimBchange the free surface effectCcause a serious listDdecrea e ship stabilty