______is the speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance.A.Safe speedB.Economic speedC.Proper speedD.Navigation speed

______is the speed of a vessel allowing time for effective action to be taken under prevailing circumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance.

A.Safe speed

B.Economic speed

C.Proper speed

D.Navigation speed


In restricted visibility the speed of a vessel without operational radar may be ________ enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.A.too low toB.too high toC.too high forD.too low for

In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be over-taken has to take action to permit safe passing, the vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding appropriate signal. This means that ________ .A.the vessel to be overtaken shall sound appropriate signal firstB.the overtaking vessel shall sound appropriate signal firstC.the overtaking vessel shall take action to permit safe passingD.the vessel to be overtaken shall take action to permit safe passing before hearing appropriate signal

In restricted visibility the safe speed of a vessel without operational radar may be ________ enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.A.too low toB.too high toC.too high forD.too low for

A charterer is unable to complete the loading of a vessel during the lay days specified in the charter party. Under these circumstances,the ______.A.vessel operator can collect demurrageB.ship is authorized extra time to discharge the cargoC.charterer must pay dispatch moneyD.effective period of the charter is extended

Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)______.A.barometerB.wind vaneC.anemometerD.Thermometer

Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed.Safe speed is defined as that speed where ______.A.no wake comes from your vesselB.you can stop within your visibility rangeC.you can take proper and effective action to avoid collisionD.you are traveling slower than surrounding vessels

单选题Which will most likely occur when entering shallow water? ()ARudder action will become more effectiveBThe vessel's list will changeCThe vessel's trim will changeDAn increase in speed will occur

单选题If you are the stand-on vessel in a crossing situation,you may take action to avoid collision by your maneuver alone. When may this action be taken?().AAt any time you feel it is appropriateBOnly when you have reached extremisCWhen you determine that your present course will cross ahead of the other vesselDWhen it becomes apparent to you that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate action

单选题You are in charge of a stand-on vessel in a crossing situation.The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port.You believe that risk of collision exists.You should().Atake avoiding action immediately upon determining that risk of collision existsBimmediately sound the danger signalCtake avoiding action only after providing the give-way vessel time to take action ,and determining that her action is not appropriateDhold course and speed until the point of extremis, and then sound the danger signal, taking whatever action will best avert collision

单选题Two vessels are approaching each other near head on. What action should be taken to avoid collision?().AThe first vessel to sight the other should give wayBThe vessel making the slower speed should give wayCBoth vessels should alter course to starboardDBoth vessels should alter course to port

单选题In stopping distances of vessels,head reach can best be described as the().Adifference between the vessel's speed through the water at any instant and the new speed ordered on the telegraphBdistance the vessel has actually run through the water since a change of speed was orderedCdistance the vessel will run between taking action to stop her and being stationary in the waterDspeed at which a vessel should proceed to ensure that she will run a predetermined distance,once her engines have been stopped

单选题Safe speed is defined as that speed where().Ayou can stop within your visibility rangeBthe vessel is not subject to vibrationsCyou are traveling slower than surrounding vesselsDyou can take proper and effective action to avoid collision

单选题SAFE SPEED is defined as that speed where().Ayou can stop within your visibility rangeByou can take proper and effective action to avoid collisionCyou are traveling slower than surrounding vesselsDno wake comes from your vessel

单选题Five or more short blasts on a vessel’s whistle indicates that she is().AIn doubt that another vessel is taking sufficient action to avoid a collisionBAltering course to starboardCAltering course to portDThe stand-on vessel and will maintain course and speed

单选题A fishing vessel is approaching a vessel not under command. Which statement is TRUE? ()AThe fishing vessel must keep clear of the vessel not under commandBIf the vessel not under command is a power-driven vessel,she must keep clear of the fishing vesselCThey must exchange whistle signalsDBoth vessels are required to take action to stay clear of each other

单选题In a crossing situation,the stand-on vessel should normally().Atake action to cross ahead of the other vesselBtake action to pass astern of the other vesselCmaintain course and speedDchange course and increase speed

单选题When shall the stand-on vessel change course and speed?()Athe stand-on vessel may change course and speed at any time as it has the right of wayBafter the give-way vessel sounds one blast in a crossing situationCwhen action by the give-way vessel alone cannot prevent collisionDwhen the two vessels become less than half a mile apart

单选题Every vessel should at all times proceed at a safe speed. Safe speed is defined as that speed where().Ayou can stop within your visibility rangeByou can take proper and effective action to avoid collisionCyou are traveling slower than surrounding vesselsDno wake comes from your vessel

单选题Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)().AbarometerBwind vaneCanemometerDthermometer

单选题When in sight of another vessel,any action taken to avoid collision must().Abe accompanied by sound signalsBnot result in another close quarters situationCinclude a speed changeDAll of the above

单选题When taking action to avoid collision,you should().AMake sure the action is taken in enough timeBNot make any large course changesCNot make any large speed changesDAll of the above

单选题Any alteration of course and/or speed to avoid collision shall,if the circumstances of the case admit,()to another vessel observing visually or by radar.Abe large enough to be readily apparentBbe a succession of small alterationsCbe with due regard to the power and speed of the vesselDleave sufficient room for the other vessel to take action

单选题In restricted visibility the speed of a vessel without operational radar may be()enable effective avoiding action to be taken on sighting another ship.Atoo low toBtoo high toCtoo high forDtoo low for

单选题Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?().AA vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce her speed to bare steeragewayBA vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her enginesCA vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with cautionDIf a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing,she shall take avoiding action in ample time

单选题Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that she can().Atake proper and effective action to avoid collisionBbe stopped within a distance appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditionsCneither A nor BDboth A and B

单选题A vessel may be unable to take proper and effective action due to the speed()too high or,in some circumstances,too low.AisBis to beCwill beDbeing

单选题Which measure should NOT be taken to reduce the pounding of a vessel in a head sea?()AAdd ballast in the afterpeakBAdd ballast forwardCAlter courseDReduce speed