If a weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure system to be 100 miles due east of you, what winds can you expect in the Southern Hemisphere? ______.A.South-southwesterlyB.North-northwesterlyC.South-southeasterlyD.North-northeasterly

If a weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure system to be 100 miles due east of you, what winds can you expect in the Southern Hemisphere? ______.






Of the following, which one is not a term of Marine Weather Bulletin?______.A.Complex lowB.DepressionC.High pressureD.Ambient pressure

The circulation around a low pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere is ______.A.counterclockwiseB.variableC.clockwiseD.Anticyclonic

Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due toA.use of low viscosity oil in cold weatherB.increased moisture content of inlet air in cold weatherC.increased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosityD.higher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during cold weather

A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except ______.A.rising warm airB.proximity to a low pressure areaC.inward spiraling circulationD.clear dry weather

A single barometric pressure reading of 28.60 indicates ______.A.rapidly improving weatherB.deteriorating weatherC.a severe low pressure systemD.fair weather and calm

Which general weather conditions should you expect to find in a low pressure system ________.A.Fair weatherB.Precipitation and cloudinessC.Scattered clouds at high elevationsD.Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures

A low in a marine weather report is an air pressure system the pressure at the center of which is ______.A.the highest over the areaB.the lowest over the areaC.higher than 1013 HPAD.lower than 1013 HPA

If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere, which wind direction should you expect?A.South to westB.South to eastC.West to northD.North to east

If your weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure area to be 100 miles due east of your position, what winds can you expect in the Northern Hemisphere?______.A.East to northeastB.East to southeastC.North to northwestD.South to southeast

In the Northern Hemisphere, when the center of a high pressure system is due east of your position, you can expect winds from the ______.A.south to eastB.north to westC.north to eastD.south to west

In the southern hemisphere the wind flow associated with a low pressure system will have which of the following characteristic?________.A.the wind velocity is least near the center of the systemB.th e direction of the flow is counterclockwiseC.both A and BD.neither A nor B

In the Northern Hemisphere, if the center of a high pressure area is due west of you, what wind direction would you expect?______.A.South to westB.South to eastC.North to westD.North to east

单选题Winds expected to()Storm Force 10 in south-east semicircle later up to 300 miles from the center of the tropical cyclone.AgetBachieveCattainDreach

单选题Your facsimile prognostic chart indicates that you will cross the cold front of a low pressure system in about 24 hours.You should().AExpect to see cirrus clouds followed by altostratus and nimbostratus cloudsBAlter course to remain in the navigable semicircleCPrepare for gusty winds,thunderstorms,and a sudden wind shiftDExpect clear weather,with steady winds and pressure,until the front passes

单选题A decrease in barometric pressure is associated with all of the following except().Arising warm airBproximity to a low pressure areaCinward spiraling circulationDclear dry weather

单选题A single barometric pressure reading of 28.60 indicates().Arapidly improving weatherBdeteriorating weatherCa severe low pressure systemDfair weather and calm

单选题Which general weather conditions should you expect to find in a low pressure system().AFair weatherBPrecipitation and cloudinessCScattered clouds at high elevationsDGradual clearing and cooler temperatures

单选题Which instrument is used to predict the approach of a low pressure system().AAnemometerBFathometerCBarometerDThermometer

单选题How can you estimate the position of a tropical storm’s center?()AWith a radio weather bulletin or weather faxBusing shipboard radarCobserve the wind direction and apply Buys Ballot's lawDAll of the above

单选题Cold weather starting of a diesel engine is more difficult than warm weather starting due to()Ause of low viscosity oil in cold weatherBincreased moisture content of inlet air in cold weatherCincreased drag of pistons and bearings due to increased oil viscosityDhigher compression pressures reached due to smaller clearances existing in the engine during cold weather

单选题If your weather bulletin shows the center of a low pressure area to be 100 miles due east of your position,what winds can you expect in the Northern Hemisphere?().AEast to northeastBEast to southeastCNorth to northwestDSouth to southeast

单选题What will a veering wind do().AChange direction in a clockwise manner in the Northern HemisphereBCirculate about a low pressure center in a counterclockwise manner in the Northern HemisphereCVary in strength constantly and unpredictablyDCirculate about a high pressure center in a clockwise manner in the Southern Hemisphere

单选题The greater the pressure difference between a high and a low pressure center,the().Adryer the air mass will beBcooler the temperature will beCgreater the force of the wind will beDwarmer the temperature will be

单选题The purpose of the refrigeration system low pressure cutout switch is to ()Aprotect the compressor from liquid flood backBprotect the compressor from low discharge pressureCstart and stop the compressor upon system demandDstart the compressor after a drop in the evaporator pressure

单选题A katabatic wind blows().Aup an incline due to surface heatingBin a circular patternCdown an incline due to cooling of the airDhorizontally between a high and a low pressure area

单选题The circulation around a low pressure center in the Northern Hemisphere is().AcounterclockwiseBvariableCclockwiseDanticyclonic

单选题If the center of low pressure is due west of you in the Northern Hemisphere,which wind direction should you expect().ASouth to westBSouth to eastCWest to northDNorth to east