If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises 1.7 feet, the righting arm (GZ) for the various angles of inclination will ______.A.decreaseB.increaseC.remain unchangedD.be changed by the amount of GG’ x cosine of the angle

If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises 1.7 feet, the righting arm (GZ) for the various angles of inclination will ______.



C.remain unchanged

D.be changed by the amount of GG’ x cosine of the angle


On a vessel, multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity above the baseline results in a(n) ______.A.transverse momentB.vertical momentC.righting momentD.inclining moment

When the________is large, the ship is stiff;and when it is small,she is tender.A.GMB.Free surfaceC.Longitudinal center of gravityD.transverse center of gravity

A vessel is inclined at an angle of loll. In the absence of external forces,the righting arm (GZ) is ______.A.positiveB.negativeC.zeroD.vertical

The righting moment can be determined by multiplying the displacement by the ______.A.vertical center of gravity(KG)B.longitudinal center of gravity(LCG)C.righting arm(GZ)D.center of gravity(CG)

When a wind force causes a floating ship to heel to a static angle,the ______.A.Centers of buoyancy and gravity are in the same vertical lineB.Righting moment equals the wind-heeling momentC.Downflooding point is below waterD.Deck-edge immersion occurs

With no environmental forces acting on the vessel,the center of gravity of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the ______.A.longitudinal centerlineB.center of flotationC.original vertical centerlineD.metacenter

A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel’s stability by ______.A.increasing the righting momentB.decreasing the vessel’s displacementC.increasing the reserve buoyancyD.shifting the CG (center of gravity) off center

A vertical shift of weight to a position above the vessel’s center of gravity will ______.A.increase reserve buoyancyB.decrease the righting momentsC.decrease KGD.increase KM

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the longitudinal moments by total weight yields the vessel’s ______.A.inclining momentsB.righting momentsC.vertical momentsD.longitudinal position of the center of gravity

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the transverse moments by total weight yields the vessel’sA.vertical momentsB.transverse position of the center of gravityC.inclining momentsD.righting moments

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the vertical moments by total weight yields the vessel’s_____.A.height of the center of gravityB.vertical momentsC.righting momentsD.inclining moments

Aboard a vessel, multiplying a load’s weight by the distance of the load’s center of gravity from the mid-ship section results in the load’s ______.A.LCGB.longitudinal momentC.righting momentD.inclining moment

Addition of weight above the center of gravity of a vessel will ALWAYS ______.A.reduce initial stabilityB.increase righting momentsC.increase GMD.cannot be determined

For a vessel inclined by the wind, multiplying the buoyant force by the horizontal distance between the lines of action of the buoyant and gravity forces gives the ______.A.righting momentB.longitudinal momentC.transverse momentD.vertical moment

If the result of loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center of gravity, there will always be an increase in the ______.A.metacentric heightB.righting armC.righting momentD.vertical moments

单选题The difference between the height of the metacenter and the height of the center of gravity is known as the().Ametacentric heightBheight of the righting armCfore and aft perpendicularDheight of the center of buoyancy

单选题A ship is inclined at an angle of loll. In the absence of external forces,the righting arm (GZ) is().ApositiveBnegativeCzeroDvertical

单选题At an angle of loll,the righting arm (GZ) is().AmaximumBnegativeCpositive,but reflexiveDzero

单选题The center of flotation of a vessel is().Athe center of volume of the immersed portion of the vesselBthe center of gravity of the water planeCthat point at which all the vertical downward forces of weight are considered to be concentratedDthat point at which all the vertical upward forces of buoyancy are considered to be concentrated

单选题A flooded lifeboat on board a vessel would adversely affect the vessel’s stabbility by().Aincreasing the righting momentBdecreasing the vessel's displacementCincreasing the reserve buoyancyDshifting the CG(center of gravity) off center

单选题The center of buoyancy is located at the().Ageometric center of the waterplane areaBintersection of the vertical centerline and line of action of the buoyant forceCcenter of gravity of the vessel corrected for free surface effectsDgeometric center of the displaced volume

单选题A vessel is inclined at an angle of loll. In the absence of external forces,the righting arm (GZ) is().ApositiveBnegativeCzeroDvertical

单选题If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises 1.7 feet,the righting arm (GZ) for the various angles of inclination will().AdecreaseBincreaseCremain unchangedDbe changed by the amount of GG' x cosine of the angle

单选题When the()is large, the ship is stiff; and when it is small, she is tender.AGMBfree surfaceClongitudinal center of gravityDtransverse center of gravity

单选题A vertical shift of weight to a position above the vessel’s center of gravity will().Aincrease reserve buoyancyBdecrease the righting momentsCdecrease KGDincrease KM

单选题Addition of weight above the center of gravity of a vessel will ALWAYS().Areduce initial stabilityBincrease righting momentsCincrease GMDAll of the above

单选题A flooded leg on a lift boat would adversely affect the vessel’s stability underway by().Aincreasing the righting momentBdecreasing the vessel's displacementCincreasing the reserve buoyancyDshifting the CG (center of gravity) off center