GGSN的端口检查命令是show ip interface brief。() A.错误B.正确
GGSN的端口检查命令是show ip interface brief。()
输入哪条命令可以看到以下信息()。 ip ip ospf ip ospf ip ospf interface
下列哪些命令可以用来查看DDR端口(在端口 S1 上配置)信息?( ) A、 show interface B、 show running-conting C、 show interface s1 D、 show diater interface s1
Which command is used to display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on a router?() A. show access-listB. show ip routeC. show ip interfaceD. show interfaceE. show interface listF. show ip interface brief
A network administrator needs to verify that switch interface 0/5 has been assigned to the Sales VLA.N. Which command will accomplish this task?() A. Show vlanB. Show mac-address-tableC. Show vtp statusD. show spanning-tree rootE. show ip interface brief
Which command shows if an access list is assigned to an interface?() A. show ip interface [interface] access-listsB. show ip access-lists interface [interface]C. show ip interface [interface]D. show ip access-lists [interface]
Whichcommandshowsif an accesslistisassignedtoaninterface?() ip interface [interface] ip access-lists interface [interface] ip interface [interface] ip access-lists [interface]
A network administrator needs to verify that switch interface 0/5 has been assigned to the Sales VLA.N. Which command will accomplish this task?()A、Show vlanB、Show mac-address-tableC、Show vtp statusD、show spanning-tree rootE、show ip interface brief
要确定区域内放置的接口是否正确,应使用下列哪一个命令?()A、show ip ospfB、show ospf interfaceC、show ip interfaceD、show ip ospf interfaceE、show interface
下面哪一条命令显示所有接口状态的汇总信息()A、show ip routeB、show interfacesC、show ip interface briefD、show running-config
中兴PTN设备使用下面哪个命令,可以查看所有设备配置的所有ip地址?()A、show ip configB、show ip interfacebriefC、show interface ip briefD、show ip config all
()命令被用来验证中继链路的配置状态。A、show interfaces vlanB、show interfaces trunkC、show interfaces switchportD、show ip interface brief
以下哪些命令被用来验证中继链路配置状态()A、show interfaces interfaceB、show interface trunkC、show interfaces switchportD、show ip interface briefE、show interfaces vlan
Which command shows if an access list is assigned to an interface?()A、show ip interface [interface] access-listsB、show ip access-lists interface [interface]C、show ip interface [interface]D、show ip access-lists [interface]
Which command is used to display the placement and direction of an IP access control list on a router?()A、show access-listB、show ip routeC、show ip interfaceD、show interfaceE、show interface listF、show ip interface brief
单选题show ip interface brief命令的作用是()。A显示ip接口的名称和编号B显示ip接口信息如ip地址C显示路由表D显示ip接口状态