






在网管主界面菜单中,选择[拓扑→自动发现管理]在[基本→发现时间间隔]最小设置为()。 A.30分钟B.60分钟C.90分钟D.120分钟

以太网标准802.3由哪个标准化组织提出?()。 A.ANSIB.ISOC.ITU-UD.IEEE


当听到泵内有“噼噼、啪啪”的爆炸声,同时机组振动,说明离心泵() A、刚发生汽蚀B、汽蚀严重C、产生汽化现象D、泵轴弯曲

关于WindowsXP是一个怎样的操作系统,正确的说法应该是() A.单用户单任务B.单用户多任务C.多用户多任务D.多用户单任务

The EMP table has some discrepancy in data entry with a particular employee ID. You execute the query as shown in the Exhibit to retrieve all versions of the row that exist between two SCNs.View the Exhibit.Which two statements about the results of the query shown in the Exhibit are correct?()A. The LAST_SCN value in the first row is NULL, which means that the versions of the row still exist at SCN 6636300. LAST_SCNB. The LAST_SCN value in the second row in NULL, which means that the version of the row still exists at SCN 6636300.C. The LAST_SCN value in the third row is 6636280, which means that the version of row exists above SCN 6636280.D. The LAST_SCN value in the second row is NULL, which means that the version of the row no longer exists because it was deleted. LAST_SCN

下列作家属于明代重要散曲作家的有() A.王磐B.钟惺C.夏完淳D.陈铎

根据《重庆市城市园林绿化条例》规定,关于城市园林树木修剪的说法错误的是()。 A、按照技术标准修剪B、影响市政道路及时修剪C、按照当地规定习惯进行修剪D、定期定时修剪

Suspendinganapplicationmonitorwiththeclusterrunningwillhavewhateffectontheapplication?() A.AB.BC.CD.D

光通信系统如果按照复用的方式来进行分类,可以分为()。 A.频分复用B.时分复用C.波分复用D.空分复用

全球通GPS服务可向客户提供哪些功能?() A.定位功能B.监控功能C.遥控功能D.数据传送功能