He is neither __________European, nor __________ American. He is from__________Australia.A.a; a; /B.a; an; theC.a; an; /D.an; an; /

He is neither __________European, nor __________ American. He is from__________Australia.

A.a; a; /
B.a; an; the
C.a; an; /
D.an; an; /




He can’t speak French, _______can I. (A) so(B) and(C) but(D) neither

He did not fear new ideas,_________ fear the future. A. nor he didB. or did heC. nor he couldD. nor did he

__________. does he know what has happened . neither do i. A. A bitB.NoneC. LittleD. Much

"he never went there again, nor __________ to apologize." A. he writesB.he wroteC. did he writeD. does he write

His grandfather is very healthy.He_____ drinks _____mokes.A.both,andB.neither,norC.neither,or

Stacie neither ( ) for the past three days. A、eats nor drankB、eating nor drinkingC、ate nor drinkingD、ate nor drank

He rarely goes to the cinema, _____. A: so does sheB: she doesn't as wellC: nor does sheD: either does she

They could hardly believe what he said, _________. A、so could IB、neither could IC、neither couldn't ID、neither I could

Neither he nor I__from Japan, that is, neither of us_Japanese.A、is; areB、am; are am; isA、are; is

He wouldn't answer the questions of the reporters, _______ pose for a photograph.A. nor he wouldB. so would heC. nor would heD. nor he would

A: ( )is David from? B:I think he's an American. But I'm not sure.A. WhereB. WhatC. How

-- _______ is David from?-- I think he’s an American. But I’m not sure. A.WhatB.WhereC.How

We cannot communicate with the French guests because ______we ______ he speaks French.A、neither orB、either norC、neither norD、either or

He can’t explain all this.() A.Neither can IB.So can IC.Neither I canD.So I can’t

Neither he nor I ___ for the plan.A、wereB、isC、areD、am

Prof. Ward hardly ever went to the theater.[A] neither the cinema nor[B] neither the cinema or[C] either the cinema or[D] either the cinema nor

--Will John come to the party--No, he won′t come and__________.A.Antony neither won' tB.won' t Antony neitherC.either will AntonyD.neither will Antony

It is futile to discuss the matter further, because__________going to agree upon anything today.A.neither you nor I areB.neither you nor me isC.neither you nor I amD.neither me nor you are

She never forgave him for ( ) he did her neither could he rid himself of the feeling of guilt for baning treated her that way.A. wrongingB. a wrongC. wrongD. the wrong

He is neither__________ European,nor American. He is from Australia.A.a; a;!B.a; an; theC.a; an; !D.an; an; !

I didn't know the answer,__.A.neither he didB.neither did heC.neither he knewD.he didn't neither

Neither you nor he__right.A.areB.wouldC.amD.is

She never forgave him for ___ he did her. Neither could he rid himself of the feeling of guilt for having treated her that way.A.wrongingB.a wrongC.wrongD.the wrong

Mr. John was busy,()he could not come.A、butB、thereforeC、andD、nor

单选题The Shipowner cannot rely on the excepted perils if he has not()due diligence to make the ship seaworthy and its nonfulfilment causes the damage,nor can he do so if the vessel makes an unreasonable deviation.ArealizedBpracticedCmaintainedDexercised

单选题Neither he nor I am a musician, _____?Aam IBis heCare weDdo we

单选题He speaks ______ English ______ French. Instead, he speaks German.Aeither; orBnot only; but alsoCboth; andDneither; nor