In some cases,different approaches( )conflicting theories.the same scientific problem lead toto

In some cases,different approaches( )conflicting theories.the same scientific problem lead to


解析:the approach to…为固定搭配,意为“……方法(途径)”。句意:在有些况下对同一科学问题不同研究方式会得出完全相悖的结论。


Some rules are almost the same _______in the world, but rules of etiquette can be different from place to place.A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。The altitude is so _______ that there is no atmosphere which protects the life on the earth. At the same time, the astronauts usually meet with some problems, such as ________ problem, radiation problem, breathing problem, heat problem and so on.

Body language can sometimes lead to () since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have different interpretations of the same signal.A、effectivenessB、misunderstandingC、agreementD、communication

AThis is the twins' bedroom. It is a nice room. The two beds look the same.This bed is Lily's and that one is Lucy's. The-twins have two chairs and one desk. Their clock, books and pencil cases are on the desk. Their backpacks are behind the chairs Some nice flowers(花) are on the desk. Some pictures are on the wall. Is there a base-ball? Yes, it,s under Lily's bed. The bedroom is very nice.( )21. The twins are ________ .A. at homeB. have a nice roomC. in different roomD. in the same room

()is a category assigned to products or services having the same functional use but different technical characteristics.It is not same as quality.()A.Problem B.Grade C.Risk D.Defect

Body language can sometimes lead to_since people of different cultures oftenhave different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have differentinterpretations of the same signalA. misunderstandingB. communicationC. agreementD. effectiveness

In extreme cases, insufficient liquidity can lead to the ______ of a bank.A.inefficiencyB.inabilityC.solvencyD.insolvency

Body language can sometimes lead to _______ since people of different cultures often have different forms of behavior. for sending the same message or have differentinterpretations of the same signal.A.misunderstandingB.effectivenessC.agreementD.communication

In some cases, when a predator approaches, fishes escape on hearing ______.A. the sounds of other speciesB. the sounds of their preyC. the sounds of the approaching enemyD. the sounds of their fellows

共用题干Approaches to Understanding IntelligencesIt pays to be smart,but we are not all smart in the same way.You may be a talented musician,but youmight not be a good reader.Each of us is different.Psychologists disagree about what is intelligence and what are talents or personal abilities.Psychologistshave two different views on intelligence.Some believe there is one general intelligence.Others believe there are many different intelligences.Some psychologists say there is one type of intelligence that can be measured with IQ tests.Thesepsychologists support their view with research that concludes that people who do well on one kind of test for mental ability do well on other tests.They do well on tests using words,numbers,or pictures.They do well on individual or group tests,and written or oral tests.Those who do poorly on one test,do the same on alltests.Studies of the brain show that there is a biological basis for general intelligence.The brains of intelli-gent people use less energy during problem solving.The brain waves of people with higher intelligence show a quicker reaction.Some researchers conclude that differences in intelligence result from differences in the speed and effectiveness of information processing by the brain.Howard Gardner,a psychologist at the Harvard School of Education,has four children.He believes that all children are different and shouldn't be tested by one intelligence test.Although Gardner believes general intelligence exists,he doesn't think it tells much about the talents of a person outside of formal schooling.He thinks that the human mind has different intelligences.These intelligences allow us to solve the kinds of problems we are presented with in life.Each of us has different abilities within these intelligences.Gardner believes that the purpose of school should be to encourage development of all of our intelligences.Gardner says that his theory is based on biology.For example,when one part of the brain is injured,other parts of the brain still work.People who cannot talk because of brain damage can still sing.So,there is not just one intelligence to lose.Gardner has identified 8 different kinds of intelligence:linguistic,mathematical,spatial, musical , interpersonal , intrapersonal , body-kinesthetic(身体动觉的), and naturalistic.Gardner be1ieves that______.A:all children are alikeB:children should take one intelligence testC:there is no general intelligenceD:children have different intelligences

In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with__1__declarative requirements it's hard to describe steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requirements,it's often__2__to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capturing these kind of requirements.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that__3__requirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the__4__of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be__5__.The result is something that is as bad,if not worse,than the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.4、_____A.staticsB.natureC.dynamicsD.originals

In a world where it seems we already have too much to do,and too many things to think about,it seems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases do solve a problem with requirements:with( )declarative equirements it's hard to describle steps and sequences of events.Use cases,stated simply,allow description of sequences of events that,taken together,lead to a system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requiements,it's often( )to make sense of what the authors of the requirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example,use cases reduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and under what conditions certain behavior occurs;as such,the sequence of the behaviors can be regarded as a requirement.Use cases are particularly well suited to capture approaches.Although this may sound simple,the fact is that( )equirement capture approaches,with their emphasis on declarative requirements and"shall"statements,completely fail to capture the( )of the system's behavior.Use cases are a simple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that all stakeholders can easily understand.But,like anything,use cases come with their own problems,and as useful as they are,they can be(请作答此空).the result is something that is as bad,if not worse,that the original problem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively without creating a greater problem than the one you started with.A.misappliedB.appliedC.usedD.powerful

In a world whereit seems we already have too much to do, and too many things to think about, itseems the last thing we need is something new that we have to learn.But use cases dosolve a problem with requirements:with (71) declarative requirements it's hard to describe steps and sequences ofevents.Use cases, statedsimply, allow description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead toa system doing something useful.As simple as this sounds,this is important.When confronted only with a pile of requiements, it's often(72)to make sense of what the authors of therequirements really wanted the system to do.In the preceding example, use casesreduce the ambiguity of the requirements by specifying exactly when and underwhat conditions certain behavior occurs;as such, the sequence of the behaviors canbe regarded as a requirement. Use cases are particularly well suited to captureapproaches. Although this may sound simple, the fact is that (73) requirement capture approaches, with theiremphasis on declarative requirements and "shall"statements,completely fail to capture fail to capture the (74) of the system's behavior. Use cases are asimple yet powerful way to express the behavior of the system in way that allstakeholders can easily understand.But,likeanything, use cases come with their own problems, and as useful as theyare,they can be (75). The result is something that is as bad, if not worse, that the originalproblem.Therein it's important to utilize use cases effectively withoutcreating a greater problem than the one you started with.A.misappliedB.appliedC.usedD.powerful

共用题干第二篇Solving a problem can be broken down into several steps.First,the problem must be identified correctly.Psychologists refer to this step as problem representation.For many problems,a figuring out which information is relevant and which is irrelevant can be difficult and can interfere with arriving at a good solution.Clearly,a problem can be solved,it must be obvious what the problem is; however,this is not as easy as it might seem.One obstacle to efficient problem representation is functional fixedness,that is,allowing preconceived notions and even prejudices to color the facts. Most people tend to see objects and events in certain fixed ways,and by being inflexible in viewing the problem,they may be unable to notice the tools for the solution.Once the problem is identified accurately,however,the second step consists of considering the alternatives for a solution.A common way to evaluate alternatives is to write them down and then make a list of advantages and disadvantages for each solution. Here again,people may be limited by prior experiences.Often people adopt mental sets that lead them to the same problem-solving strategies that were successful for problems in the past. Although that can be helpful most of the time, sometimes a new situation requires a different strategy. In that case,the mental set must be abandoned,and new alternatives must be explored.This can be a difficult adjustment for some people.After the alternatives have been compared,a strategy must be selected from among them.One way to avoid becoming stuck in the options is to try the best option with a view to abandoning it for another if the results are unfavorable.This attitude allows many people to move on expeditiously to the next step—action.The strategy selected must be implemented and tested.If it solves the problem,no further action is necessary,but if not,then an unsuccessful solution may actually lead to a more successful option.If the solution is still not apparent,then the cycle begins again,starting with problem identification.By continuing to review the problem and repeat the problem-solving steps,the solution can be improved upon and refined.One way to avoid being stuck in the different options to solve the problem is to________.A:stick to the best optionB:compare the advantages and disadvantages of different optionsC:ask other people for adviceD:try the best option but be ready to abandon it once it turns out to be not good

共用题干第二篇Solving a problem can be broken down into several steps.First,the problem must be identified correctly.Psychologists refer to this step as problem representation.For many problems,a figuring out which information is relevant and which is irrelevant can be difficult and can interfere with arriving at a good solution.Clearly,a problem can be solved,it must be obvious what the problem is; however,this is not as easy as it might seem.One obstacle to efficient problem representation is functional fixedness,that is,allowing preconceived notions and even prejudices to color the facts. Most people tend to see objects and events in certain fixed ways,and by being inflexible in viewing the problem,they may be unable to notice the tools for the solution.Once the problem is identified accurately,however,the second step consists of considering the alternatives for a solution.A common way to evaluate alternatives is to write them down and then make a list of advantages and disadvantages for each solution. Here again,people may be limited by prior experiences.Often people adopt mental sets that lead them to the same problem-solving strategies that were successful for problems in the past. Although that can be helpful most of the time, sometimes a new situation requires a different strategy. In that case,the mental set must be abandoned,and new alternatives must be explored.This can be a difficult adjustment for some people.After the alternatives have been compared,a strategy must be selected from among them.One way to avoid becoming stuck in the options is to try the best option with a view to abandoning it for another if the results are unfavorable.This attitude allows many people to move on expeditiously to the next step—action.The strategy selected must be implemented and tested.If it solves the problem,no further action is necessary,but if not,then an unsuccessful solution may actually lead to a more successful option.If the solution is still not apparent,then the cycle begins again,starting with problem identification.By continuing to review the problem and repeat the problem-solving steps,the solution can be improved upon and refined.If we want to solve a problem,the first step is to________.A:know what the problem is B:compare the alternativesC:use prior experiences D:select a strategy

共用题干第二篇Solving a problem can be broken down into several steps.First,the problem must be identified correctly.Psychologists refer to this step as problem representation.For many problems,a figuring out which information is relevant and which is irrelevant can be difficult and can interfere with arriving at a good solution.Clearly,a problem can be solved,it must be obvious what the problem is; however,this is not as easy as it might seem.One obstacle to efficient problem representation is functional fixedness,that is,allowing preconceived notions and even prejudices to color the facts. Most people tend to see objects and events in certain fixed ways,and by being inflexible in viewing the problem,they may be unable to notice the tools for the solution.Once the problem is identified accurately,however,the second step consists of considering the alternatives for a solution.A common way to evaluate alternatives is to write them down and then make a list of advantages and disadvantages for each solution. Here again,people may be limited by prior experiences.Often people adopt mental sets that lead them to the same problem-solving strategies that were successful for problems in the past. Although that can be helpful most of the time, sometimes a new situation requires a different strategy. In that case,the mental set must be abandoned,and new alternatives must be explored.This can be a difficult adjustment for some people.After the alternatives have been compared,a strategy must be selected from among them.One way to avoid becoming stuck in the options is to try the best option with a view to abandoning it for another if the results are unfavorable.This attitude allows many people to move on expeditiously to the next step—action.The strategy selected must be implemented and tested.If it solves the problem,no further action is necessary,but if not,then an unsuccessful solution may actually lead to a more successful option.If the solution is still not apparent,then the cycle begins again,starting with problem identification.By continuing to review the problem and repeat the problem-solving steps,the solution can be improved upon and refined.Which of the following has the same meaning as "interfere with" in Para. 1 Line 3?A:help with B:disruptC:interact with D:interrupt

Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in different situations while linguistic forms with the same reference always have the same sense.A对B错

We have different approaches()gathering information.AforBbyCthroughDto

We have different approaches()gathering information.A、forB、byC、throughD、to

What is the same meaning of location value? ()A、Different valueB、Different value of same goods at the different placeC、Different goodsD、Different value of different goods at the same place

When arriving at the customers location, two different users describe the problem, and from their description it seems to be two separate problems. Which of the following is an appropriate step to take?()A、Ignore both of them and decide what the real problem is.B、Set up a separate call for each problem.C、Have them duplicate the problem at the device.D、Ask a third person and see if the problem is the same thing.

单选题You deploy two different applications to the WebLogic container. One application use Xerces parser version A and the other application uses Xerces parser version B. Both these versions are different from the parser version that the WebLogic server uses internally. You want to use the Filtering Classloader feature to solve this problem. What action would you take to generate proper filtering Classloader entries?()AModify the applications to use the same version that WebLogic uses internally.BBased on available examples of Filtering Classloader entries, try to modify get the proper  entries.CDeploy and use the Classloader Analyzing Tool to resolve all conflicts with conflicting libraries.  This tool will generate all proper entries.DSplit the application into separate WebLogic containers and use different WLS versions of  Xerces but identical that applications require.ELook for a WebLogic release that uses the same version of Xerces that the applications use.

单选题It can be concluded from the passage that NIF, Hiper, Iter ______.Ause three different approaches to achieve the same goalBare at the same progressChave proved to the public their achievementDaim at the same goal

多选题Which two statements are true about the WebLogic Cluster ?()AClustered Servers capacity can be increased by adding new server instance to the cluster on an existing machineBClustered Servers can be on a same or different machine with same operating system onlyCClustered Servers can only be on a same machine or different operating systemDClustered Servers can be on a same or different machine with same or different operating system

单选题As indicated in the passage, the water problem _____.Ahas been exaggerated by some experts in the fieldBis underestimated by government organizations at different levelsCposes a challenge to the technology of building reservoirsDis already serious in certain parts of the world

单选题We have different approaches()gathering information.AforBbyCthroughDto

单选题What is the same meaning of location value? ()ADifferent valueBDifferent value of same goods at the different placeCDifferent goodsDDifferent value of different goods at the same place