DMZ,全称为“Demilitarized Zone”,即()的区域。 A.内网和外网均能直接访问B.内网可直接访问,外网不能C.外网可直接访问,内网不能D.内网和外网均不能直接访问
DMZ,全称为“Demilitarized Zone”,即()的区域。
阅读以下说明,回答问题1至问题6,将解答填入对应的解答栏内。[说明]某企业的网络拓扑结构如图4-1所示。防火墙使用安全区域的概念来表示与其相连接的网络。图4-1中inside、outside和dmz区域对应Trust区域、Untmst区域和dmz区域,不同区域代表了不同的可信度,默认的可信度由高到低的顺序为(1)。 (1)备选答案: A.inside、outside、dmzB.inside、dmz、outsideC.outside、dmz、insideD.outside、inside、dmz
防火墙通常分为内网、外网和 DMZ 三个区域,按照受保护程度,从低到高正确的 排列次序为( )。A. 内网、外网和 DMZB. 外网、 DMZ和内网C. DMZ、内网和外网D. 内网、 DMZ和外网
SecPath防火墙上保留四个安全*区域,其安全级别由高到底依次排列为()。A、Trust Local Untrus tDMZB、Trust DMZ Untrust LocalC、Local TrustDMZ UntrustD、Local Trust Untrust DMZ
单选题You have configured a UTM profile called Block-Spam, which has the appropriate antispam configuration to block undesired spam e-mails.Which configuration would protect an SMTP server in the dmz zone from spam originating in the untrust zone?()Aset security policies from-zone dmz to-zone untrust policy anti-spam then permit application- services utm-policy Block-SpamBset security policies from-zone untrust to-zone dmz policy anti-spam then permit application- services utm-policy Block-SpamCset security policies from-zone untrust to-zone dmz policy anti-spam then permit application- services anti-spam-policyDset security policies from-zone untrust to-zone dmz policy anti-spam then permit application- services Block-Spam
单选题In a single-tier environment running WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Professional Edition, traffic has increased significantly over the last month. It has been determined that load has increased throughout the system. Which is the BEST change to provide the largest increase in performance?()AUpgrade to WebSphere Commerce V5.6 Business EditionBCreate a two-tier environment by moving the database server to a new nodeCCreate a demilitarized zone (DMZ) between two firewallsDCompile all the store JPSsEDisable all caching of JSPs
单选题DMZ,全称为“Demilitarized Zone”,即()的区域。A内网和外网均能直接访问B内网可直接访问,外网不能C外网可直接访问,内网不能D内网和外网均不能直接访问