Large quantities of uncovered big iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks because ______.A.this does not eliminate the risk of cargo shiftingB.this will increase the metacentric height of the shipC.this will decrease the gravity height of the shipD.this will reduce the rolling period of the ship

Large quantities of uncovered big iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks because ______.

A.this does not eliminate the risk of cargo shifting

B.this will increase the metacentric height of the ship

C.this will decrease the gravity height of the ship

D.this will reduce the rolling period of the ship


—Why does the stream smell terrible? —Because large quantities of water_____. A、have pollutedB、is being pollutedC、has been pollutedD、have been polluted

对话理解听力原文:M: The paper money required little effort to carry. If you need large amount of money, you can use a check or credit card to make the payment.W: This nature of money is called portability and it provides convenience in settling transactions.Q: What does the word portability mean?(11)A.It means being convenient to be carried.B.It means being readily to be divided.C.It means being easily identified.D.It means being carried in a big basket.

________ usually sell cheap things in large quantities, or offer only a very limited range of goods. A、Chain storesB、DiscountersC、Corner shopsD、Groceries

Brenda carried a big shopping bag that was () with food for the weekend. A、staffedB、stuffingC、stuffedD、staffing

--Why does the Lake smell terrible?--Because large quantities of water .A. have polluted B. is being polluted C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

Preventive maintenance______.A.should not be carried out during the watchesB.can only be carried out in a kind of maintenances carried out prior to the a kind of maintenances carried out after the occurrence

According to Plumptre, the region over which a dung-pile census is carried out should beA small enough.B well protected.C carefully monitored.D large enough.

I remember lots of things.A:much B:large C:big D:many

These radio and TV networks have()in the UKA、large watchersB、large viewersC、big listenersD、huge audiences

Crude oil carriers often use ()A、Big shipsB、Huge shipsC、Large container shipsD、Supertankers

Many types of general cargo are now carried in ().A、large bagsB、big drumsC、containersD、large cases

Many types of general cargo are carried in().A、large bagsB、big drumsC、containersD、tanks

Many businesses ship their products by rail if they are shipping long distance because it can be()to ship in large quantities by rail than by truck.A、more expensiveB、cheaperC、fasterD、safer

单选题()is any cargoes that are transported in a loose form without any packaging in large quantities.AGeneral cargoBBulk cargoCContainerDAwkward cargo

单选题() are more suitable for large quantities at low pressure.AReciprocating pumpsBRotary pumpsCCentrifugal pumpsDGear pumps

填空题Large quantities of water (need) ____ for cooling purposes.

单选题In regard to the production of goods in greater quantities, the author states that______.Athe price of the goods should dropBthe quality of the goods should improveCthe price and the quality should both riseDthe quality and the price should both drop

单选题Large quantities of uncovered pig iron or billets should not be carried in the upper-tween decks because().Athis does not eliminate the risk of cargo shiftingBthis will increase the metacentric height of the shipCthis will decrease the gravity height of the shipDthis will reduce the rolling period of the ship

单选题Which of the following procedures should be carried out when a large, low-speed, diesel engine is operated with one cylinder secured?()ALubrication to the defective cylinder should be increasedBCooling water temperature to the engine should be increasedCOnly the turbocharger speed should be reducedDEngine speed should be reduced

单选题Wrought iron has an inherent resistance to corrosion but is not to be had freely , its place has been taken by the cuprous alloysAccording to the above sentence , which of the following statements is true?()AWrought iron can resist liquids flowBIt is difficult to attain the wrought ironCWrought iron should be combined with cuprous alloysDThe cuprous alloys have mere disadvantages than wrought iron

单选题Every year, we export sunflower seeds ____ large quantities _____ the far EastAin, toBto, inCin, inDto, to

单选题Dangerous goods required to be “carried on deck only” should not be carried on closed vehicle decks,but may be carried on open vehicle deck when authorized by the competent authority concerned. ()Aunder deckBon deckCondeck onlyDunder deck only

单选题Large quantities of water _____ for irrigation.Ais neededBhas neededCare neededDneed

单选题()(散货)ships carry large quantities of cargo.ABulk cargoBOilCGasDGeneral cargo

单选题Cast iron and gunmetal fittings are used freely in small sizes at moderate pressure; large fittings, those for high pressure and temperature are cast or mild steelIn the above sentence, the word “those” means ().Aeast iron firingsBmild steel fittingsCsmall fittingsDlarge fittings

单选题As wholesalers(批发商) we are ____ to handle large quantities.Aof a positionBin the positionCat a positionDin a position

单选题Cold clearances between the skirt of an aluminum piston and the cylinder liner is about ()Atwice as large as with a cast iron pistonBthe same size as with a cast iron pistonChalf as large as with a cast iron pistonDthe same size as the crown of an aluminum piston