Keeping certain cargoes separated because of their inherent characteristics is known as loadingD.cargo typing
Keeping certain cargoes separated because of their inherent characteristics is known as ____.
B.segregation loading
D.cargo typing
Why do many of the boys avoid certain instruments?A.Because they find it not challenging enough to play them.B.Because they consider it important to be different from girls.C.Because they find them too hard to play.D.Because they think it silly to play them.
The term Longitudinally Separated From by a Complete Hold in the preparation of stowage plan for dangerous cargoes means that ________ .A.the cargoes shall be stowed in such positions that their vertical distances be greater than 3 metersB.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartmentsC.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete compartmentD.the cargoes shall be stowed in different holds or compartments between which there is at least a complete hold
Segregation of cargoes refers to ______.A.separating cargoes so that the inherent characteristics of one cannot damage the otherB.separating cargoes by destinationC.classifying cargoes according to their toxicityD.listing the cargoes in order of their flammability
Because of ______,no separation is needed for the cargoes destined for New York.A.Their different packingB.Their same natureC.Their different destinationsD.Their different natures
Certain cargoes must be segregated because of their ______.A.Inherent characteristicsB.WeightC.DestinationD.Danger to humans
Cargoes that might leak from containers are known as ______.A.Dirty cargoesB.Caustic cargoesC.Wet cargoesD.Bulk cargoes
All fumigations required because of cargoes carried or ports visited are to be under _______ account.A.Owners'B.Consigners'C.Consignees'D.Charterers'
In general,______ such as timber,tobacco,cotton,jute and grain may prove problematical under certain conditions as the ventilation demands of these products may sometimes be in conflict with those of the steel.A.hygroscopic cargoesB.general cargoesC.homogeneous cargoD.bulk cargoes
Certain cargoes must be segregated(隔离) because of their______.A.inherent characteristicsB.weightC.destinationD.danger to humans
Cargo that might leak from containers are known as ______.A.dirty cargoesB.caustic cargoesC.wet cargoesD.bulk cargoes
William II was known as William Rufus because of his()AindependenceBefficiencyCfilial pietyDred complexion
Why has Australia always been a continent with few people?()A、Because Australia is too far away from Europe.B、Because Australia is the least mountainous and most level of the world.s continents.C、Because Australia is separated from the rest of the world by seas.D、Because most of the continent is hot and dry.
Which two are characteristics of the IS -IS protocol but not OSPF?()A、forms adjacencies with all neighborsB、supports demand circuit routingC、provides routing support for multiple network layer protocolsD、utilizes SPF algorithmE、provides for network scalability by allowing the network to be separated into areasF、three layers of hierarchical routing
单选题Cargoes that might leak from containers are known as().Adirty cargoesBcaustic cargoesCwet cargoesDbulk cargoes
单选题Many dangerous cargoes are stowed on deck because of the().Adanger to crew and cargoBnecessity of periodic inspectionCpossible need to jettisonDAll of the above
单选题An underwriter is liable for().Aloss arising from the subject itself because of its inherent qualitiesBloss caused by the ordinary evaporation of liquidsCloss caused by heavy weatherDthe natural decay of the vessel due to the passage of time
单选题In exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason why one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is nearly found in all world civilizations.AIn exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason why one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is nearly found in all world civilizations.BIn exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is that this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizationsCWhen you explore the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizations.DWhen one explores the rich variety of African artworks, the reason you will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because this phenomenon of pattern repetition is found in nearly all world civilizationsEIn exploring the rich variety of African artworks, the reason one will note that certain patterns of meaning and usage occur again and again is because found in nearly all world civilizations is this phenomenon of pattern repetition.
单选题Certain words or songs can change a person’s moods mainly because of his ______.AlifestyleBpersonalityCexperiencesDhobbies
单选题Because of(),no separation is needed for the cargoes destined for New York.Atheir different packingBtheir same natureCtheir different destinationsDtheir different natures
单选题The auctioneer may decide to sell the “lots” out of the order because _____.Ahe sometimes wants to confuse the buyersBhe knows from experience that certain people will want to buy certain itemsChe wants to keep certain people waitingDhe wants to reduce the number of buyers
多选题Which two are characteristics of the IS -IS protocol but not OSPF?()Aforms adjacencies with all neighborsBsupports demand circuit routingCprovides routing support for multiple network layer protocolsDutilizes SPF algorithmEprovides for network scalability by allowing the network to be separated into areasFthree layers of hierarchical routing
单选题William II was known as William Rufus because of his()AindependenceBefficiencyCfilial pietyDred complexion
单选题Segregation of cargoes refers to().Aseparating cargoes so that the inherent characteristics of one cannot damage the otherBseparating cargoes by destinationCclassifying cargoes according to their toxicityDlisting the cargoes in order of their flammability
单选题Keeping certain crgoes separated because of the their inherent characteristics is known a().AoverstowageBsegregationCspot loadingDcargo typing
单选题We are pleased to inform you that all the general cargoes()are stowed and separated by mats.AdischargeBdischargingCbe dischargedDto be discharged
单选题Certain cargoes must be segregated because of their().Ainherent characteristicsBweightCdestinationDdanger to humans