It was with great joy _______ he knew that his GMAT score was 670, high enough teapply to a top university of business.A.whenB.withC.whatD.that

It was with great joy _______ he knew that his GMAT score was 670, high enough teapply to a top university of business.



解析:考查强凋句。本题是一个强调句型“It was…that…”结构,句意为“他得知他的GAMT分数为670分时非常高兴”,故选D。


It was with great joy ______ he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home. A.soB.asC.thatD.since

Once he was given a chance to improve his position in the firm, he seized it () both hands and is now on his way to the top. A.onB.atC.inD.with

Under his arm ______a great package.A. was he carryingB. he was carryingC. carrying heD. was he carried

Earning enough money to support his family is a high ________.A priorityB superiorityC statusD stature

It was ten years later____ he knew that the boy was his brother.A、whichB、thatC、whatD、when

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。James’s New BicycleJames shook his money box again. Nothing! He carefully __36__ the coins that lay on the bed. $24.52 was all that he had. The bicycle he wanted was at least $90! __37__ on earth was he going to get the __38__ of the money?He knew that his friends all had bicycles. It was __39__ to hang around with people when you were the only one without wheels. He thought about what he could do. There was no __40__ asking his parents, for he knew they had no money to __41__.There was only one way to get money, and that was to __42__ it. He would have to find a job. __43__ who would hire him and what could he do? He decided to ask Mr. Clay for advice, who usually had __44__ on most things.“Well, you can start right here,” said Mr. Clay. “My windows need cleaning and my car needs washing.”That was the __45__ of James’s odd-job(零工) business. For three months he worked every day after finishing his homework. He was amazed by the __46__ of jobs that people found for him to do. He took dogs and babies for walks, cleared out cupboards, and mended books. He lost count of the __47__ of cars he washed and windows he cleaned, but the __48__ increased and he knew that he would soon have __49__ for the bicycle he longed for.The day __50__ came when James counted his money and found $94.32. He __51__ no time and went down to the shop to pick up the bicycle he wanted. He rode __52__ home, looking forward to showing his new bicycle to his friends. It had been hard __53__ for the money, but James knew that he valued his bicycle far more __54__ he had bought it with his own money. He had __55__what he thought was impossible, and that was worth even more than the bicycle.

Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.A.She wanted to join his companyB.She knew he would build a teamC.She knew his plan would succeedD.She wanted to help promote his sales

共用题干第二篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Why do people get disappointed after I gave the description of my great-uncle?A:They didn't believe what I told them about my great-uncle.B:They expected to hear something extraordinary about this great novelist. C:They don't like my great-uncle any more.D:They found they mistook my great-uncle as the famous writer Lawrence Curry.

共用题干第二篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.My great-uncle's anxious look made his lady admirers________.A:look stupidB:want to protect himC:irritate his wifeD:confused about what worried him

共用题干第二篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Lawrence Curry's cousin was much preferred by kids for__________.A:he often brought kids something they liked to eatB:he was an interesting manC:he was a rich businessmanD:he loved kids more than Lawrence did

共用题干第二篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.My great-uncle always had an anxious expression because_________.A:he found the world a confusing placeB:he was always thinking complex thingsC:he didn't have a good eyesightD:he was worried about what was going to happen to him

共用题干第二篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knew him,his hair as quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look about them as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shopping lists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Which statement is NOT true,according to the third and fourth paragraph? A:Lawrence was lazy.B:Lawrence was boring.C:Lawrence tended to read anything he could find.D:Lawrence was a humorous man but seldom showed it in his remark.

Only his relatives knew he had a fatal illness.A:strangeB:deadlyC: seriousD:unknown

It was with great joy __________ Davidreceived the news that his long lost daughter would soon return B.that D.for

共用题干第一篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knewhim,his hair was quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一 inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation of my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shoppinglists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Why do people get disappointed after I gave the description of my great-uncle?A:They didn't believe what I told them about my great-uncle.B:They expected to hear something extraordinary about this great novelist.C:They don't like my great-uncle any more.D:They found they mistook my great-uncle as the famous writer Lawrence Curry.

共用题干第一篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knewhim,his hair was quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一 inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation of my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shoppinglists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Which statement is NOT true,according to the third and fourth paragraph?A:Lawrence was lazy.B:Lawrence was boring.C:Lawrence tended to read anything he could find.D:Lawrence was a humorous man but seldom showed it in his remark.

共用题干第一篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knewhim,his hair was quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一 inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation of my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shoppinglists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.My great-uncle's anxious look made his lady admirers_______.A:look stupidB:want to protect himC:irritate his wifeD:confused about what worried him

共用题干第一篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knewhim,his hair was quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一 inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation of my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shoppinglists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.My great-uncle always had an anxious expression because_______.A:he found the world a confusing placeB:he was always thinking complex thingsC:he didn't have a good eyesightD:he was worried about what was going to happen to him

共用题干第一篇Lawrence CurryWhen I tell people my name,they always ask me if I'm related to Lawrence Curry,the novelist,and when I say,yes,he was my great-uncle,they always want to know what he was like. "We've read all his books,"they say,"but please tell us what he was really like."When I described him,as I knew him,they go disappointed.It seems that they find it difficult to accept such a great figure could have had such an ordinary character.My great-uncle was tall,with a long thin body.When he walked,he moved stiffly,with his arms clamped against his sides,looking like nothing so much as a pair of scissors.When I knewhim,his hair was quite white,though it was supposed to have been yellow when he was young. His eyes were blue and deep set and had an anxious look as if he found the world a puzzling place.This expression of anxiety,which arose from nothing more than short-sight一he refused to wear glasses一 inspire the protective instincts of his lady admirers,much to the irritation of my great-aunt who thought all women were fools,except herself.Great-uncle Curry was naturally lazy. He spent a great deal of his time in the village pub playing darts.He was also a compulsive reader from the local telephone directory to great-aunt's shoppinglists.For a man whose book showed such a deep perception of the complexities of human behavior, his conversation was surprisingly trivial.He delighted in discussing English weather,the price of beer,his grandchildren's most amusing words.He loved gossip,but he was kind.I never heard him make a malicious remark,but the wisdom of his writing never appeared in his conversation.As a child,we much preferred the company of his cousin,Stanly,who was a successful shop-owner who always brought us bags of sugar and broken biscuits.Taking it all in all,I have to admit my famous great-uncle was rather a bore.Lawrence Curry's cousin was much preferred by kids for_______.A:he often brought kids something they liked to eatB:he was an interesting manC:he was a rich businessmanD:he loved kids more than Lawrence did

He talked at the top of his voice,__________he drew nobody′s attention.A.insteadB.soC.yetD.though

He expressed his great()for the girl he loved.ApassionBfeelingCsenseDfeelings

The top of the Great Wall is()for five horses to go side by side.A、wideB、so wideC、wide enoughD、enough wide

单选题Why did the father name his daughter Chaofan?ABecause he knew her great talent.BBecause he wished her a splendid life.CBecause he arranged her bright future.DBecause he understood her disability.

单选题It was with great joy ________David received the news that his long lost daughter would soon return home.AasBthatCsoDfor

单选题"() your meeting is!" he offered them his sincere congratulations.AHow a great successBWhat a great successCHow great successDWhat great success

单选题It was with great joy _____ he received the news that his long lost son would soon return home.AhowBbecauseCasDthat

单选题He expressed his great()for the girl he loved.ApassionBfeelingCsenseDfeelings