Teachers could encourage students to use__________ to gather and organize their ideas forwriting.A.elicitingB.mind mappingC.explainingD.brainstorming

Teachers could encourage students to use__________ to gather and organize their ideas forwriting.


B.mind mapping






Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?Teachers and students got friendlier so that the students became more active in learning and scored higher in tests.

Parents and teachers should work together to ()students'lives. A、effectB、makeC、influenceD、shape

Firstly, we should read the topic c and organize our ideas. 77.

The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only____, but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energyB. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was savedD. was saved teachers’ energy

The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _________, but students became more interested in the lessons.A.saved was teachers' energyB.was teachers' energy savedC.teachers' energy was savedD.was saved teachers' energy

The author thinks that with full government fundingA. teachers are less satisfiedB. students are more demandingC. students will become more competentD. teachers will spend less time on teaching

Teachers generally like the students who achieve high scores in tests.

Teachers warn students that () to computer games is dangerous.A、likingB、addictionC、preferenceD、playing

which expression is wrong about learning students' names? () A. It shows students that the teacher is interested in them.B. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with demonstrations.C. The teacher could ask individual students to assist with equipment in the class.D. It shows the teacher is responsible.

The whole passage is about students' ideas and opinions about theirs school, teachers or class activities.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

New technology was used in teaching. As a result, not only _____ , but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy savedC. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy

In the editing stage of a writing lesson,_______.A.students mainly check their ideas and logical developmentB.there are three forms:teacher editing,peer editing and self-editingC.students can negotiate meaning and improve writingD.teachers shouldn’t give any guidance

Teachers could encourage students to use __________ to gather and organize their ideas forwriting.A.elicitingB.mind mappingC.explainingD.brainstorming

How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?A.Teachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.B.Teachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.C.Teachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.D.Teachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.

Which of the following statements about teachers' instructions is NOT true?A.Instructions should be simple and clear.B.Instructions can be long and complicated for students to follow.C.Teachers can use body language to assist students to understand.D.Instructions should be kept to a minimum during activities.

Teachers in a/an _______ classroom are encouraged to show approval for each and every correct performance by their students, and the drills are designed to produce success for the students.A.Grammar-TranslationB.SituationalC.Audio-lingualD.Communicative

共用题干Spelling and WritingThere is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling.No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill.There are , however , vastly different ideas about how to teach it , or how much priority(优先)it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is,how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling?If spelling becomes the only focal point of his teacher's interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to"play safe".He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid adventurous language .That's why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal ex- perience:"This work is terrible!There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible(难以辨认的)."It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupil's technical abilities in writing,but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay,which contamned some beautiful expressions of the child's deep feelings.The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his priorities had centered on the child's ideas,an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement. Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that______.A: students will be able to express their ideas more freelyB: teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakesC: students will have more confidence in writingD: students will learn to be independent of teachers

Nowadays, peopletend to break the traditional absolute authority of teachers and grant studentsmore freedom, which makes the classroom more liberal and democratic. In somepilot programmes , teachers′ salaries are linked with students′ evaluation. Ifa teacher fails in the students′ evaluation, his or her salary will be hurt.Some people applaud this new practice, thinking that it would improve theteaching quality. Others, however, disagree with it, because it may misleadteachers to please their students. What is your opinion?Write a compositionof about 200 words on the following topic:Teachers′ Salaries Linked With Students′Evaluation

Student participation(参与)in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the student in many courses.Some professors base part of the final grade on the student′s oral participation.Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role(i.e.,listening and taking notes),many courses are organized around classroom discussions,student questions,and informal lectures.In graduate discussions the professor has a"manager"role and the students make presentations and lead discussions.,The students do the actual teaching in these discussions.A professor′s teaching method is another factor(因素)that determines the degree and type of student participation.Some professors prefer to control discussion while others prefer to guide the class without controlling it.Many professors encourage students to question their ideas.Students who object to the professor′s point of view should be prepared to prove their positions.In the teaching of science and mathematics,the controlling mode of instruction is generally traditional,with teachers presenting formal lectures and student staking notes.However,new educational trends have turned up in the humanities and social sciences in the past twenty years.Students in education,society,and history classes,for example,are often required to solve problems in groups,design projects,make presentations,and examine case studies.Since some college or university courses are"practical"rather than theoretical,they pay more attention to"doing"for themselves.From the passage we know that education in the humanities and societyA.has not changed much__________B.pay attention to students'studying instead of teachers'teachingC.is much more important than that of science and mathematicsD.has become more practical than theoretical

While disassembling a laptop the FIRST thing that should be done is:()A、organize parts.B、refer to manufacturer documentation.C、document and label cable and screw locations.D、gather appropriate tools.

单选题The core concept of the New Curriculum is _____.Apromoting the professional teachers’ developmentBletting the students choose the course independentlyCadvocating the constructivist learningDfor every students’ development

单选题Steven Muller believes that higher education fails to ______.Ainform the students of what is right or wrong.Btell the students which scientific method is valuable.Cpresent valuable religious ideas to students.Dfamiliarize students with means of inquiry.

单选题Which is the most advantageous relationship mode between teachers and students for the development of students?Amanagerial modeBpermissive modeCarbitrary modeDdemocratic mode

单选题Teachers could encourage students to use __________ to gather and organize their ideas for writing.AelicitingBmind mappingCexplainingDbrainstorming

单选题In order to make students gain high marks in the coming examination, teachers have to ______.Adevelop their students’ abilitiesBfill their students’ heads with much informationCteach freelyDteach their students how to study

单选题The beginning sentence “Good teachers matter.” can mainly be explained as which of the following?AGood teachers help students establish confidence.BGood teachers determine the personality of students.CGood teachers promote student achievement.DGood teachers treat students as their own children.

单选题The “teacher-free exam” means that students take their exams ______ teachers. Students must be more honest.AwithoutBagainstCthroughDby