






AN在()情况下会给AT分配UATI。 A.AT第一次开机时B.AT由休眠态转入激活态时C.AT跨PCF切换时D.AT重新协商Session时

Where does this conversation probably take place?A.In a library. B.At a bookstore. C.In an office.

听第16段材料,回答第23至25题。23.Where was Lucy during the war?A.In a zoo. B.In a forest. C.In a back garden.

●Suppose we have the relation schema R(A,B,C,D)with functional dependencies;F{A→B,B→C,C→D,D→A},then R(A,B,C,D.at least is in (73) .(73) A.1NFB.2NFC.3NFD.BCNF

在长途交换设备中,计费记录格式可以分为以下几种()。 A.PSTN长途话单格式B.ISDN/CTX话单格式C.IN话单格式D.计次表

下列语句中不是死循环的是( )。A.int i=10;B.for(int i=1;j 下列语句中不是死循环的是( )。A.int i=10;B.for(int i=1;jC.int i-0;D.int i=1:


JavaScript中,不是循环语句的是?() A.while语句B.for语句C.switch语句D.do~while语句

能够遍历泛型List〈Integer〉al中的所有元素的语句是哪项?() A.for(Integeri:al)B.for(i:al)C.for(al)D.forEach(Integeri:al)

计算结果不是字符串“Student”的语句是( )。A.left(”Student”,7)B.substr(”MyStudent”,3,7)C.right(”MyStudent”,7)D.at(”MyStudent”,3,7)

下列语句中,属于多分支语句的是( )。A.if语句B.for语句C.switch语句D.do while语句

目前流行的PC机中使用的主板是( )。A.PC板B.ATX 板C.NLX板D.AT 板

在下列表达式中,运算结果是逻辑真的是( )。A.EMPTY(.NULL.)B.EMPTY(SPACE(8))C.LIKE("edit","edi?")D.AT("a","ainimal")

下列语句中,可以作为无限循环语句的是( )。A.for(;;){}B.for(inti=O;i<10000;i++){}C.while(false){}D.do{}while(false)


查询以字母N或0或P开头的字符串,正确的是( )。A.[Like”rN—P]*”B.Like[”N*”Or”O*”Or”P*”]C.In[“N*”,”0*”,”P*”]D.Between N*and P*

下列语句中,属于多分支语句的是( )。 A.if语句B.for语句C.switch语句 下列语句中,属于多分支语句的是( )。A.if语句B.for语句C.switch语句D.do while语句

以下for语句中不是死循环的是( )。 A.for(inti=0;i1;++i);B.for(inti=0;;++i);S 以下for语句中不是死循环的是( )。A.for(inti=0;i1;++i);B.for(inti=0;;++i);C.for(inti=1;i0;++i);D.for(;;);

和while(true)等价的for语句是( )。A.for(true)B.for(1)C.for(;;)D.for(,,)

( ), businesses offer services for which they charge a fee that is based on the number of size of transactions they process.A.In the fee-for-transaction revenue model B.In the web catalog revenue model C.In the traditional catalog-based retail revenue model D.In the advertising-supported revenue model

4. Lucy was very sorry __________ being late ,but what the teacher said made her better.A.for ,feelB.to ,to feelC.about ,feeling 'D.at ,felt

______________________-A.in order that B.so that C.in order to D.for

We can read such a passage ______.A.in a newspaper B.in a storybook C.in a picture book D.in a textbook

电源同样也有()结构之分。 A.立式和卧式B.AT和ATXC.微型和中型D.AT和ATX

__________all of us who are here tonight, I would like thank Mr.Brown for his talk.A.On behalf of B.On account of C.In honor of D.In terms of

Not that John doesn′t want to help you,______ it′ s beyond his power.A.but that B.for thatC.and that D.in that

In recent years much more emphasis hasbeen put ______ developing the students′ productive skills.A.onto B.over C.in D.on

We love peace, yet we are not the kindof people to yield ______ any military threat.A.up B.to C.in D.at