The Top Five longest-running outdoor theatrical productionsProduction Name Opening Date Location1. Abigail 1928 Landsdale, CA2. The New Dream 1934 Los Angeles, CA3. Born to Shine 1947 Saratoga, NY4. Now until Forever 1951 Peterson, KY 5. Vern in the Hills 1956 Bradley, MO”Vern in the Hills” 50th Anniversary Celebration, Bradley, MO”Vern in the Hills” is celebrating its 50th year in production. A light-hearted production staged by the City Theater in Bradley, MO, ”Vern in the Hills” has been performed at the Thompson Outdoor Theater eachsummer since it first opened on May 28, 1956. Few theaters in such small cities are able to sustain aproduction over a course of so many years.”Somehow we've become a classic, and part of the fabric of the community,” says artistic director DavidFrey, ”Going to ”Vern in the Hills” on a summer evening is just part of life here.” Mr. Frey is only the third director the production has seen in its fifty-year history. A fact that, Mr. Frey says contributes to the play's success.”Vern in the Hills” does seem to be part of the fabric of the community. We loved the production. We observed several families with three generations having picnics and watching the play. It was clear that most people had seen it before. If you ever have the chance to see ”Vern in the Hills,” you will quickly understand how it became a classic.Where is “The New Dream” playing?A. Peterson, KYB. Saratoga, NYC. Landsdale, CAD. LosAngeles, CA

The Top Five longest-running outdoor theatrical productions
Production Name Opening Date Location
1. Abigail 1928 Landsdale, CA
2. The New Dream 1934 Los Angeles, CA
3. Born to Shine 1947 Saratoga, NY
4. Now until Forever 1951 Peterson, KY 5. Vern in the Hills 1956 Bradley, MO
”Vern in the Hills” 50th Anniversary Celebration, Bradley, MO
”Vern in the Hills” is celebrating its 50th year in production. A light-hearted production staged by the City Theater in Bradley, MO, ”Vern in the Hills” has been performed at the Thompson Outdoor Theater each
summer since it first opened on May 28, 1956. Few theaters in such small cities are able to sustain a
production over a course of so many years.
”Somehow we've become a classic, and part of the fabric of the community,” says artistic director David
Frey, ”Going to ”Vern in the Hills” on a summer evening is just part of life here.” Mr. Frey is only the third director the production has seen in its fifty-year history. A fact that, Mr. Frey says contributes to the play's success.
”Vern in the Hills” does seem to be part of the fabric of the community. We loved the production. We observed several families with three generations having picnics and watching the play. It was clear that most people had seen it before. If you ever have the chance to see ”Vern in the Hills,” you will quickly understand how it became a classic.
Where is “The New Dream” playing?

A. Peterson, KY

B. Saratoga, NY

C. Landsdale, CA

D. LosAngeles, CA




New Zealand is one of the top five dairy exporters in the world.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Paragraph 2 is written to_________A. introduce the nature's change of the outdoor travel todayB. criticize the outdoor campers for their waste of moneyC. describe the difference of outdoor camping today and what it was beforeD. imply the strong influence of the consuming society on the outdoor travel

What can ordinary city dwellers do if the current outdoor travel trend continues?A. They can do nothing but give up their outdoor travel.B. They would feel angry and protest against the ill-trend.C. The government and the industry may change their attitude.D. Fewer and fewer urban people will make their seasonal outdoor travel.


● 若一个栈以向量V[1..n]存储,初始使栈指针top为n,则下面x入栈的正确操作是()。设top指针指向栈顶元素。() A. top=top+1;V[top]=x B. V[top]=x;top=top+1C. top=top-1;V[top]=x D. V[top]=x ;top=top-1

从一个栈顶指针为top的链栈中删除一个结点时,用变量x保存被删结点的值,则执行()。 A. x=top-top=top->next;B. x=top->data;C. top=top->next;x=top->data;D. top= top->next;x=data;

链式栈结点为:(data,link),top指向栈顶.若想摘除栈顶结点,并将删除结点的值保存到x中,则应执行操作()。 A.x=top->data;top=top->link;>link;x=top->link;C.x=top;top=top->link;D、x=top->link;


Can you list ( ) usages of ( ) A、the five/ the articleB、the five/ an articleC、five/ articleD、five/ an article

The _______ techniques are used in some of Eugene O’Neil’s plays to highlight the theatrical effect of the rupture between the two sides of an individual human being, the private and the public.A、naturalisticB、expressionisticC、stream-of-consciousnessD、metaphysical


In their productions,choreographers of modern dance have introduced humor,protested social injustice, and probed psychological problems.A:solvedB:exploredC:involvedD:disputed

The second paragraph deals mostly with the________.A.differences between indoor and outdoor photographyB.problems of outdoor food photographyC.ways of keeping food fresh outdoorsD.combinations of colors outdoors

What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about theatrical dance in the late nineteenth century?( ) A.It influenced many artists outside of the field of dance. B.It was very similar to theatrical dance of the early nineteenth century. C.It was more a form of entertainment than a form of serious art. D.It was a relatively new art form in the United States.


若一个栈以向量V[1..n]存储,初始栈顶指针top设为n+1,则元素x进栈的正确操作是()。A、top++; V[top]=x;B、V[top]=x; top++;C、top--; V[top]=x;D、V[top]=x; top--;





OUTDOOR正常普通测试时需要选择VQ deviceport

我们能够在室内安装Outdoor BTS。

单选题What kind of position is the company advertising?AThe lead role for an upcoming productionBTemporary employment in stage designCA specialist to make theater costumesDA professor to teach theatrical history

单选题链式栈结点为:(data,link),top指向栈顶.若想摘除栈顶结点,并将删除结点的值保存到x中,则应执行操作()。Ax=top-data;top=top-link;      Btop=top-link;x=top-link;     Cx=top;top=top-link;        Dx=top-link;



单选题The pie chart below shows the percent sales of the top five selling fruits in a supermarket. The total sales for one day was 1,000 pounds of these fruits. What is the difference between Peach sales and Plum sales?A50 poundsB100 poundsC150 poundsD200 poundsE250 pounds