







AN在()情况下会给AT分配UATI。 A.AT第一次开机时B.AT由休眠态转入激活态时C.AT跨PCF切换时D.AT重新协商Session时

A sensor network is ( ) of a large number of sensor nodes that are densely deployed ( ) inside the phenomenon or very close to it.A.part B.consist C.consisted D.composed A.either B.from C.at D.of

在下面的Visual FoxPro表达式中,运算结果为逻辑真的是______。A.EMPTY(.NULL.)B.LIKE('xy?','xyz')C.AT('xy','abcxyz')D.ISNULL(SPACE(0))


在下列函数中,函数返回值为数值的是 ______.A.BOF()B.CTOD('01/01/96')C.AT('人民中华人民共和国')D.SUBSTRDTOC(DATE0)

As with all ITU standards,reduce energy consumption is a key factor taken into account at development stage.Indeed NGNs are believed to offer significant saving()traditional networks.A.of B.over C.at D.in


在下面的Visual FoxPr0表达式中,运算结果不为逻辑真的是( )。A.EMPTY(SPACE(0))B.LIKE(xy*,xyz)C.AT(xy,abcxyz)D.ISNULL(.NULL.)

常见的机箱从结构上可以分为(). A.立式结构和卧式结构B.AT结构和ATX结构C.AT、ATX、NLXD.ATX和卧式

按照鼠标的接口来分,可分为三种() A.AT接口和PS/2接口和USB口B.串口、PS/2口以及USB口C.AT接口和PS/2接口和串口D.串口、AT接口以及USB口

在下列函数中,函数返回值为数值的是( )。A.STR(200)B.SPACE(5)C.AT(’人民’,’中华人民共和国’)D.SUBSTR(’中华人民共和国’,7)

下列各字符函数中,函数返回值不是数值型的是A.LEN("2003/04/15")B.OCCURS("电脑","计算机俗称电脑")C.AT("Fox","Visual FoxPro")D.LIKE("a *”,"abcd")

肝病并发DIC时,下列哪一组试验最有诊断价值( )A.因子Ⅷ:C降低,VwF:Ag增高及VWF:Ag/Ⅷ:C比值增高B.APTT,PT,IT均延长C.ATⅢ,PC,纤溶酶原减低D.血小板β-TG、PF4和血清FDP均增高E.纤维蛋白肽A(FPA)和B(FPB)升高

查询以字母N或0或P开头的字符串,正确的是( )。A.[Like”rN—P]*”B.Like[”N*”Or”O*”Or”P*”]C.In[“N*”,”0*”,”P*”]D.Between N*and P*


以下关于主板分类的说法,错误的是( )。A.可以按生产厂家分类B.可以按CPU芯片分类C.AT主板、Baby-AT主板、ATX主板是按主板的规格分类的D.TX主板、LX主板、BX主板是按扩展槽分类的

以下关于统一过程UP的叙述中,不正确的是( )。A.UP是以用例和风险为驱动,以架构为中心,迭代并且增量的开发过程 B.UP定义了四个阶段,即起始、精化、构建和确认阶段 C.每次迭代都包含计划、分析、设计、构造、集成、测试以及内部和外部发布 D.每个迭代有五个核心工作流

以下哪个品牌包含了用于国际漫游的双模手机服务() A.世界风B.Up新势力C.如意通D.新时空

_____  A.on  B.in  C.at  D.with

The CEO of the company has been consistent ________ his policy associated with foreign investments over the last few years.A.of B.with C.at D.for

In recent decades, there is a phenomenon which makes us give some attention, the so-called Southeast Asian "Tigers" have rivaled the western"lions" for stock cliches that make economic headlines. The myth of American economic hegemony over Asia in the imposing and patriarchal figure of Uncle Sam has provided frequent political grist( 有利 ) for Southeast Asian political leaders,particularlyMalaysia'sPrimeMinisterMahathir.Hehasattemptedtoforgean international reputation as a snarling tiger, but lately sounds more like a barnyard dog groaning at shadows. Without demeaning in any way the remarkable achievements of the newly developing economics of Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, these nations at times appear to be their own worst enemies. This is often exemplified by Dr. Mahathir, who rails at Western evil whenever an international or domestic crisis provides an opportunity. To be more specific, the recent devaluation of the Philippine and Thai currencies, and the subsequent pressure on the Malaysian currency has inspired Dr. Mahathir to launch an all-out attack on the West as the source of the problem. He even alleges that the United States has deliberately destabilized Southeast Asian economics in revenge for these nations, supporting the brutal military rule in Mahathir, an action which the United States seems to want inspected rather than rewarded. But by resorting to such scapegoat(替罪羊), instead of accepting even a bit responsibility, the Prime Minister may undermine the future success of the region and Malaysia in particular. Upon further questioning, Dr. Mahathir narrowed his attack to one wealthy individual, the well-known philanthropist (慈善家), Mr. George Soros, whose opposition to Myanmar's admission to ASEAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Mahathir found particularity, irritating. The logical mistakes that underlie such conspiracy theories do not help Malaysia address the serious issues of economic overheating that experts have been warning about for all these difficult periods,which include large deficits and low savings to debt ratios. In fact, the recent dramatic drop in Malaysia's stock market and currency has led Dr. Mahathir to reverse his initial approach to the crisis. He even announces measures that at least imply he is quite aware of excesses in his own administration's spending policies that have contributed to this crisis of confidence. In the end, this kind of reaction undermines the esteem that Dr. Mahathir's enlightened leadership has justly earned.Tickets to special exhibits at the botanical gardens may be reserved __________ advance.A.of B.in C.at D.for



共用题干第一篇Plant GasScientists have been studying natural sources of methane(甲烷,沼气)for decades but hadn't regarded plants as a producer, notes Frank Keppler, a geochemist(地球化学家)at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heldelberg,Germany. Now Keppler and his colleagues find that plants,from grasses to trees,may also be sources of the greenhouse gas.This is really surprising, because most scientists assumed that methane production requires an oxygen-free environment.Previously,researchers had thought that it was impossible for plants to make significant amounts of the gas. They had assumed that microbes(微生物)need to be in environments without oxygen to produce methane.Methane is a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide.Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming.In its experiments, Keppler's team used sealed chambers(室,房间;腔)that contained the same concentration of oxygen that Earth's atmosphere has.They measured the amounts of methane that were released by both living plants and dried plant material,such as fallen leaves.With the dried plants,the researchers took measurement at temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees C.At 30 degrees C.,they found,a gram of dried plant material released up to 3 nanograms(微克)of methane per hour(One nanogram is a millionth of a gram). With every 10-degree rise in temperature,the amount of methane released each hour roughly doubled.Living plants growing at their normal temperatures released as much as 370 nanograms of methane per gram of plant tissue per hour. Methane emissions tripled when living and dead plant was exposed to sunlight.Because there was plenty of oxygen available,it's unlikely that the types of bacteria(bacterium的复数,细菌)that normally make methane were involved. Experiments on plants that were grown in water rather than soil also resulted in methane emissions.That's another strong sign that the gas came from the plants and not soil microbes.The new finding is an"interesting observation,"says Jennifer Y. King,a biogeochemist(生物地球化学家)at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Because some types of soil microbes consume methane,they may prevent plant-produced methane from reaching the atmosphere.Field tests will be needed to assess the plant's influence,she notes.What is the beneficial point of some microbes consuming plant-produced methane?A:Methane becomes less poisonous.B:Methane is turned into a fertilizer.C:Less methane reaches the atmosphere.D:Air becomes cleaner.

共用题干第一篇Plant GasScientists have been studying natural sources of methane(甲烷,沼气)for decades but hadn't regarded plants as a producer, notes Frank Keppler, a geochemist(地球化学家)at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heldelberg,Germany. Now Keppler and his colleagues find that plants,from grasses to trees,may also be sources of the greenhouse gas.This is really surprising, because most scientists assumed that methane production requires an oxygen-free environment.Previously,researchers had thought that it was impossible for plants to make significant amounts of the gas. They had assumed that microbes(微生物)need to be in environments without oxygen to produce methane.Methane is a greenhouse gas, like carbon dioxide.Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide trap heat in Earth's atmosphere and contribute to global warming.In its experiments, Keppler's team used sealed chambers(室,房间;腔)that contained the same concentration of oxygen that Earth's atmosphere has.They measured the amounts of methane that were released by both living plants and dried plant material,such as fallen leaves.With the dried plants,the researchers took measurement at temperatures ranging from 30 degrees Celsius to 70 degrees C.At 30 degrees C.,they found,a gram of dried plant material released up to 3 nanograms(微克)of methane per hour(One nanogram is a millionth of a gram). With every 10-degree rise in temperature,the amount of methane released each hour roughly doubled.Living plants growing at their normal temperatures released as much as 370 nanograms of methane per gram of plant tissue per hour. Methane emissions tripled when living and dead plant was exposed to sunlight.Because there was plenty of oxygen available,it's unlikely that the types of bacteria(bacterium的复数,细菌)that normally make methane were involved. Experiments on plants that were grown in water rather than soil also resulted in methane emissions.That's another strong sign that the gas came from the plants and not soil microbes.The new finding is an"interesting observation,"says Jennifer Y. King,a biogeochemist(生物地球化学家)at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Because some types of soil microbes consume methane,they may prevent plant-produced methane from reaching the atmosphere.Field tests will be needed to assess the plant's influence,she notes.To test whether plants are a source of methane,the scientists created_______.A:an oxygen-free environmentB:an environment with the same concentration of oxygen as the Earth hasC:a carbon dioxide-free environmentD:an environment filled with the greenhouse gas

If we are to use the technique of IC analysis to analyze the sentence“She broke the window with a ( ) stone yesterday”,where is the first cut? A.Between stone and yesterday B.Between she and broke C.Between broke and the window D.Between window and with