______________________________________________________________________Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example, there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions, such as the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.A. Varieties of college dictionariesB. Accessing dictionaries electronicallyC. Elements under a word itemD. Complete editions of dictionariesE. Using dictionaries for particular fieldsF. Features of college dictionaries
Specialized dictionaries provide in-depth information about a certain field. For example, there are dictionaries for the specialized vocabularies of law, computer technology, and medicine. In addition, there are dictionaries of synonyms, clichés, slang, and even regional expressions, such as the Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE). There are also dictionaries of foreign languages, famous people’s names, literary characters’ names and place names.
A. Varieties of college dictionaries
B. Accessing dictionaries electronically
C. Elements under a word item
D. Complete editions of dictionaries
E. Using dictionaries for particular fields
F. Features of college dictionaries