






设变量x和y均已正确定义并赋值,以下if语句中,在编译时将产生错误信息的是( )。A)if(x++);B.if(xyy!=0);C.if(xy) x- -D.if(y0) {;}else y++; else x++;

下列关于条件语句的描述中,错误的是()。A.if语句中最多只能有一个else子句B.if语句的if体内可以出现开关语句C.if语句中else if子句和else子句的顺序是没有限制的D.if语句中else子句是与它最近的if子句配对的

下列语句中正确的是A.If A≠B Then Print "A不等于B"B.If A<>B Then Printf "A不等于B"C.If A<>B Then Print "A不等于B"D.If A≠B Print "A不等于B"


下列条件语句中,功能与其他语句不同的是A.if(A) printf("%d\n",x); else printf("%d\n",y);B.if(a==0) printf("%d\n",y); else printf("%d\n",x);C.if(a!=0) printf("%d\n",x); else printf("%d\n",y);D.if(a==0) printf("%d\n",x); else printf("%d\n",y);

设变量x和y均已正确定义并赋值。以下if语句中,在编译时将产生错误信息的是A.if(x++);B.if(x>yy!=0);C.if(x>0)x- else y++;D.if(y<0){;} else x++;

下列语句正确的是( )。A.If A≠B Then Print"A不等于B"B.If A<>B Then Printf"A不等于B"C.If A<>B Then Print"A不等于B"D.If A<>B Print"A不等于B"




American people divide their days into several blocks of time, and plan different activities (41) () different times. American time is “on the dot”(准确地)). If something is supposed to happen at Eight o’clock, it will begin at eight. Americans value promptness(准时)and may become angry if a person is more than 15 minutes late (42) () a good reason. If you know you are going to be late, call in advance and let someone know. (43) () you arrive late, you should apologize and explain why. Americans arrive (44) () time for doctors’ appointments. The doctor may keep you (45) (), but if you keep the doctor waiting, you may get a bill with the doctor’s time!(1). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(2). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(3). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(4). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without(5). A.for B.waiting C.on D.if E.without

excel2010中,if函数的正确表达式为( )。 A.IF(a,b;a1b1)B.IF(a1,a2,BC.IF(a,a1,a2)D.IF(a>b,a1,b1)

Givenamethodthatmustensurethatitsparameterisnotnull:What,insertedatline12,istheappropriatewaytohandleanullvalue?() A.assertvalue==null;B.assertvalue!=null:valueisnull;C.if(value==null){thrownewAssertionException(valueisnull);}D.if(value==null){thrownewIllegalArgumentException(valueisnull);}


publicvoidsomeMethod(Objectvalue){12.//checkfornullvalue....20.System.out.println(value.getClass());21.}What,insertedatline12,istheappropriatewaytohandleanullvalue?() A.assertvalue==null;B.assertvalue!null,“valueisnull”;C.if(value==null){thrownewAssertionException(”valueisnull”);D.if(value==null){thrownewIllegalArgumentException(”valueisnull”);


假设a是int类型的变量,并初始化为1,则下列各项中属于合法条件语句的是( )。A.if(A) {}B.if(a<<=3){}C.if(a=2){}D.if(true){}

下列if语句非法的是( )A.if(a=B) x=1;B.if(!3.9)C.if('a'x==y) y++;D.if(x>y) scanf("%f",y) else scanf("%f",x);

假设a是int类型的变量,并初始化为1,则下列选项中合法的条件语句是( )。A.if(A){}B.if(a<<=3) {}C.if(a=2) {}D.if(true) {}

以下程序段中与语句k=ab?(bc?1:0):0;功能等价的是( )A.if((ab)(bc)) k=1; else k=0;B.if((ab)||(bc)) k=1 else k=0;C.if(a=b) k=0; else if(b=c) k=1;D.if(ab) k=1; else if(bc) k=1; else k=0;

下列语句正确的是A.If x≠y Then Print "x不等于y"B.If x<>y Then Print "x不等于y"C.If x><y Then Print "x不等于y"D.If x<>y Print "x不等于y"


38 A. when B.before C.unless D.until

Atfirsthehatedthenewjobbutdecidedtogivehimselfafewmonthstosee___itgotanybetter.A.when B.how C.why D.if

The sensing line for the low pressure cutout switch to a refrigeration system is located ______.A.in the chill box(冰箱)B.before the receiverC.on the suction side of the compressorD.on the discharge side of the compressor

I find it astonishing ______ she shouldbe so rude to you.A.which B.whatC.that D.if

The population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986,( )today it is barely growing. A.whereas B.even if C.after D.now that
