10. Heroes,________ Lei Feng,Liu Hulan and Huang Jiguang are good examples for usto learn fromA.likeB.asC.such asD.for example

10. Heroes,________ Lei Feng,Liu Hulan and Huang Jiguang are good examples for us

to learn from



C.such as

D.for example


BTS3900基站的第2条传输中断,在GTMU面板的指示灯现象() A.LIU1指示灯亮B.LIU1指示灯灭C.LIU0指示灯灭D.LIU0指示灯亮

Student: Good morning, Professor Liu. ______I'm late.Professor: You are late every morning. You were late Tuesday, yesterday...Don't you have a watch?

Liu Xiang is a running s________.

In a new school, Liu Hui wonders how to build a good relationship with his new classmates and is asking for Li Hua's advice._LI HUA:Hi, Liu Hui. Have you got something on your __1___LIU HUI:Hmmm, I'm ... a little ... upset.LI HUA:Anything wrong It's only the___2__ of the first semester . How are you getting on with your school lifeLIU HUI:My classmates are from different places, with all those different backgrounds . I'm not___3__ how to get along with them.LI HUA:That's not difficult. Try your___4__ to find common topics to talk with them about.LIU HUI:What kind of common topicsLI HUA:Hobbies, games, hometown, family and so on.LIU HUI:Well. I see. Breaking the ice is a good way to make ___5__. Thank you very much.LI HUA:My pleasure.

–– Clerk: Good morning. Can I help you?–– Mr. Liu: Yes, I'd like a one-way ticket to Manchester 8: 15 tomorrow evening.–– Clerk: Fifteen pounds, please.–– Mr. Liu:____.A: Here it isB: There is the paymentC: Here you areD: Take the payment, please

要在SCI中查找重庆大学刘庆教授的文献,请问以下检索式正确的是() A、AD=Chongqing Univ* and AU=liu qingB、AD=Chongqing Univ* and AU=liu qC、AD=Chongqing Univ* and AU=liu qD、AD=Chongqing Univ and AU=liu q

Either of the examples _____ good enough.A、isB、areC、wereD、be

Jim and Li Lei __________ the football match this evening.A、will be going to watchB、will going to watchC、are going to watchD、will go to be


将表Emp的empname属性列的修改权限授予用户LIU,并允许LIU再将此权限转授其他人,实现的SQL语句是(48)。A.GRANT update on Emp TO LIU WITH CHECK OPTIONB.GRANT update(empname)on Emp TO LIU WITH CHECK OPTIONC.GRANT update on Emp TO LIU WITH GRANT OPTIOND.GRANT update(empname)on Emp TO LIU WITH GRANT OPTION

This is a girl. She’s (11) English girl. Her name's Becky.She's twelve. She’s in (12) 0f No.l Middle School in Beijing. She studies(学习) (13) in it. Mr Liu is .her Chinese teacher.(14 ) name is Liu Yong. He-s a good teacher.He reaches(教)her Chinese very well. Her home .(15) number is(010)65268559. He loves his students very much.Becky's father and mother (16) teachers. Her father is (17) Green.(18) works(l作) in Beijing now. He teaches us English. He (19) to work(20) his bike. He's our good English teacher and good friend.( )11.A.aB.anC.theD./

Yao Ming is from Shanghai. Liu Xiang is from Shanghai, too.(合并为一句)Yao Ming_____ Liu Xiang_______ from Shanghai.

Liu Tao: Who is your e-friend Wang Bing: He′ s Peter. He lives in the UK. Liu Tao: How old is he Wang Bing: He is 11 years old. Liu Tao: Can he speak Chinese Wang Bing: Yes, he can. Liu Tao: Does he have Chinese lessons at school Wang Bing: No, he doesn′t. He studies Chinese after school. Liu Tao: What subjects does he like Wang Bing: He likes maths and PE. Liu Tao: Does he like playing football Wang Bing: Yes, he does. He likes swimming too. 根据以上素材,设计板书。

The manager said nothing to the ( ), in addition to asking usto do more word every day。A. elementB. spotC. senseD. Point

Writing about the following topic.It is a Chinese virtue that we are ready to help other. What is your opinion about it Please write a composition with the title of “Highlight the Spirit of Lei Feng”.You are required to write at least 150 words.

下列音节只有()组韵腹相同。Aque  jue  leiBqiu  zhui  xiuCgui  lei  tunDni  chi  ri

Hello, may I speak to Liu Mei?()A、I'm Liu MeiB、Liu Mei is meC、My name is Liu MeiD、This is Liu Mei speaking

LEA有效地址送寄存器指令格式为:LEA REG,SRC。


下列四条指令中,()是错误的。A、LEA AX,[2728H]B、LEA CX,6093HC、LEA SP,[0482H]D、LEA BX,[BP+SI]



单选题Gandhi and Martin Luther, King are typical examples of outstanding leaders who _____.Aare good at demonstrating their charming charactersBcan move the masses with their forceful speechesCare capable of meeting all challenges and hardshipsDcan provide an answer to the problems of their people

单选题According to the passage, heroes are compared to high-voltage transformers in that _____.Athey have a vision from the mountaintopBthey have warm feelings and emotionsCthey can serve as concrete examples of noble principlesDthey can make people feel stronger and more confident

单选题What does the author think of the new lie-detection machines?AThey are perfect examples of scientific breakthroughs.BThey are not good enough to replace the old machines.CThey have the potential to change the way the court works.DThey need further improvement so as to be more reliable.

单选题Hello, may I speak to Liu Mei?()AI'm Liu MeiBLiu Mei is meCMy name is Liu MeiDThis is Liu Mei speaking

单选题Which of the following examples serves the same rhetorical purpose as that served by the pack of gum in line 87?Athe apple in line 104Bthe groundwater in line 93Cthe climate stability in line 95Dthe good feeling in line 114Ethe beautiful sunset in lines 112