Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies. Not all of these 51are the friendly, people-loving charac-ters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are52and cause much human suf-fering. This is true in the tales about the Changeling. These tell the story of a mother whose ba-by grows 53and pale and has changed so much that it is almost54to the parents. It wasthen55that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and56the human baby with afairy Changeling. There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over thebaby's head while he slept or covering him with some of his father's clothes were just two of therecommended57. However, hope was not lost even if the baby had been58. In those casesthere was often a way to get the 59baby back. You could60the Changeling on the fire--then it would rise up the chimney, and you would hear the sound of fairies' laughter and soon af-ter you would find your own child safe and sound nearby.阅读以上短文,回答171-180题。第51题答案是__________A.babiesB.fairiesC.believersD.supermen

Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies. Not all of these 51are the friendly, people-loving charac-ters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are52and cause much human suf-fering. This is true in the tales about the Changeling. These tell the story of a mother whose ba-by grows 53and pale and has changed so much that it is almost54to the parents. It wasthen55that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and56the human baby with afairy Changeling. There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over thebaby's head while he slept or covering him with some of his father's clothes were just two of therecommended57. However, hope was not lost even if the baby had been58. In those casesthere was often a way to get the 59baby back. You could60the Changeling on the fire--then it would rise up the chimney, and you would hear the sound of fairies' laughter and soon af-ter you would find your own child safe and sound nearby.





A common way by which executives provide the project manager with written authority is through:A . A common job description for all project managersB . An appointment letterC . A project charterD . All of the aboveE . B and C only

118 A common way by which executives provide the project manager with written authority is through:A. A common job description for all project managersB. An appointment letterC. A project charterD. All of the aboveE. B and C only

() has a ticket punched “belief”. A、Billy##the girlB、the hero boyC、know-it-all boy

These are common materials ( ) which we are all familiar. A、withB、toC、ofD、about

He's still as () as ever in spite of all his disappointments. A、quietB、calmC、cheerfulD、painful

We all know that the plan is divided into three parts. (翻译)

According to Kennedy, the belief still at issue around the globe is the belief that all man are created equal and God has given them certain inalienable rights which no state or ruler can take away from them.()此题为判断题(对,错)。

What is the IPv6 address FF02::2 used for?() A. all routers in a local segmentB. all routers in an autonomous systemC. all hosts in a local segmentD. all hosts in a particular multicast group

The writer thinks Miss Jackson is______.A. poor but braveB. friendly and talkativeC. a teacher liked by all her pupilsD. an example her children should follow

Particular average is ______.A.the average distance steamed per day over the duration of the voyageB.charges against all parties in a marine venture to pay for damagesC.loss sustained by only one partyD.claimed after all liens against the vessel are settled

The greatest strain,when lifting a load with the jumbo purchase,is on ______.A.all of the parts,dividing the load equallyB.the hauling part because it must absorb the frictional losses of all the sheavesC.the parts in the movable blockD.the standing part because it is directly connected to the weight

Hurricane warnings are issued ______ when winds of force 12 or above are expected.A.in all parts of the worldB.in some parts of the worldC.from all corners of the worldD.from every corner of the world

The criteria to determine a word's category include all the following EXCEPT__________ .A.meaningB.inflectionC.distributionD.parts of speech

All houses within 100 metres of these as at risk of flooding.A. in dangerB. out of controlC.between equalsD. in particular

Although legal,official discrimination has been abolished()Adiscrimination in employment still existsBdiscrimination in university admission still existsCpoverty rate of the blacks is the highest among all racial and ethnic groupsDinequality and subtle discrimination still exist

While you are turning the windlass over slowly , ()all the moving parts.A、oilB、greaseC、oiledD、greased

What is the IPv6 address FF02::2 used for?()A、all routers in a local segmentB、all routers in an autonomous systemC、all hosts in a local segmentD、all hosts in a particular multicast group

Which of the following server roles provides a common time to all computers?()A、NTPB、SNMPC、SMTPD、RAS

单选题Before opening and closing the hatches, the spaces around the covers, all the parts and the gears should be ().AclearedBcheckedCremovedDrepaired

单选题_____ all the inventions have in common is _____ they have succeeded.AThat; whatBWhat; thatCThat; thatDWhat; what

单选题Safety is dependent on orderliness and cleanlinessOrder may be maintained by ()Astoring all items in an assigned placeBstoring all items in a common storage container except those ready-for-seaCtagging all items according to their age and then storing them togetherDdisposing of worn-out items

单选题Hurricane warnings are issued()when winds of force 12 or above are expected.Ain all parts of the worldBin some parts of the worldCfrom all corners of the worldDfrom every corner of the world

单选题()(不定期船)run in all parts of the world.ABargesBTrampsCFerriesDLiners

单选题Particular average is().Athe average distance steamed per day over the duration of the voyageBcharges against all parties in a marine venture to pay for damagesCloss sustained by only one partyDclaimed after all liens against the vessel are settled

问答题Practice 1  Modern intolerance, like ancient Gaul, is divided into three parts; the intolerance of laziness,  the intolerance of ignorance and the intolerance of self-interest.  The first of these is perhaps the most general. It is to be met with in every country and among all classes of society. It is most common is small villages and old-established towns, and it is not restricted to human beings. It is this particular variety of intolerance which makes parents shake their heads over the foolish behavior of their children, which has caused the absurd myth of “the good old days”; which makes savages and civilized creatures wear uncomfortable clothes; which fills the world with a great deal of superfluous nonsense and generally turns all people with a new idea into the supposed enemies of mankind.  The second variety is much more, serious. An ignorant man is, by the very fact of his ignorance, a very dangerous person. But when he tries to invent an accuse for his own lack of mental faculties, he becomes a holy terror. For then he erects within his soul a granite bulwark of self-righteousness and from the high pinnacle of this formidable fortress, he defies all his enemies to show cause why they should be allowed to live.  There remains as a third category the intolerance caused by self-interest. (Hendrik Willem Van Loon: Tolerance)

单选题When revising the fairy tales, Wilhelm did all of the following EXCEPT ______.Aadding character judgmentsBmaking the tales much longerCdeleting the violent scenesDpolishing up the language

单选题Before reassembling any machinery, you should ().Areplace all bearings regardless of length of serviceBapply a heavy coat of oil to all mating surfacesCclean any corroded surfaces and file all burrs smoothDcoat all parts with alemite grease