根据以下内容,回答222-223题。Telephone Billing Statement -- City Phone CellularCity Phone CellularDepartment of Billing Services51 Dublin St., Suite 301Springfield, WIInvoice Date: 08-15-2006Payment Due Date: 09-14-2006Customer InformationName: Desire EberhardtAccount Number: 10003483-FFTAccount InformationCurrent Charges: $61.59Outstanding Balance: $35.08Total Amount Owed: $96.67Pay your bill online at www.cpcellular.com and receive a discount of 3% before taxes are added. If you have questions about this or other City Phone Cellular policies, please contact our customer service department at 1-888-349-5959.Billing SummaryAmount OwedCurrent Charges:City Phone Premium Cellular Package$49.95State Taxes$5.65Service Fee $5.99Total Current Charges $61.59Previous Charges:Balance as of Last Month $55.08Payment Received Last Month $20.00Outstanding Balance $35.08Total Amount Owed $96.67How can City Phone Cellular customers receive a discount?A.By applying for an account onlineB.By paying their balance earlyC.By calling the customer service departmentD.By paying over the Interact

Telephone Billing Statement -- City Phone Cellular
City Phone Cellular
Department of Billing Services
51 Dublin St., Suite 301
Springfield, WI
Invoice Date: 08-15-2006
Payment Due Date: 09-14-2006
Customer Information
Name: Desire Eberhardt
Account Number: 10003483-FFT
Account Information
Current Charges: $61.59
Outstanding Balance: $35.08
Total Amount Owed: $96.67
Pay your bill online at www.cpcellular.com and receive a discount of 3% before taxes are added. If you have questions about this or other City Phone Cellular policies, please contact our customer service department at 1-888-349-5959.
Billing SummaryAmount Owed
Current Charges:
City Phone Premium Cellular Package$49.95
State Taxes$5.65
Service Fee $5.99
Total Current Charges $61.59
Previous Charges:
Balance as of Last Month $55.08
Payment Received Last Month $20.00
Outstanding Balance $35.08
Total Amount Owed $96.67

How can City Phone Cellular customers receive a discount?

A.By applying for an account online
B.By paying their balance early
C.By calling the customer service department
D.By paying over the Interact




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