Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity A.Describing people and events.B.Role-plays.C.Exchanging information.D.Reporting results.

Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity

A.Describing people and events.
C.Exchanging information.
D.Reporting results.





Which of the following impacts the critical path?A.Changing the task duration.B.Reduce the free float of an activity.C.Executing a backward passD.A or BE.None of the above.

● Sources for data on activity durations and resource requirements can be gathered from which of the following:A Past project records (historical data)B Commercial techniques (standard practices, rules of thumb)C Past project team members knowledge (experience, oldtimers)D All of the aboveE A and C only

● Which of the following impacts the critical path?A Changing the task duration.B Reduce the free float of an activity.C Executing a backward passD A or BE None of the above.

(b) Discuss ways in which the traditional budgeting process may be seen as a barrier to the achievement of theaims of EACH of the following models for the implementation of strategic change:(i) benchmarking;(ii) balanced scorecard; and(iii) activity-based models. (12 marks)

among the following activities, which belongs to the listening activity? () A. Skimming for the main ideaB. Describing and arrangingC. BrainstormingD. Picture dictation

which of the following was not an activity in shakespeare’s time?A. Having a drink at the pub.B. Attending the Grand National.C. Working the land.D. Playing football.

A user reports it takes a long time to load all applications and the hard drive LED is showing constant activity. Which of the following is MOST likely the issue?() A. The processor is faulty.B. The file system is fragmented.C. The modem drivers are corrupt.D. The power supply is faulty.

Which of the following tools can be used to schedule a backup operation that is to be run every Sunday evening?() A.JournalB.Task CenterC.Activity MonitorD.Command Line Processor

Which of the following is not an interactive activity?A.Looking at the picture below and discussing the questions with your partner.B.Listening to the tape again and retelling the story with the filled chart.C.Discussing the following questions in group.D.Asking another group to give you some advice on improving your work.

Which of the following can be adopted as a post-reading activity?A.Guessing word meaning from context.B.Concluding the main idea.C.Clearing up linguistic and cultural barriers.D.Rehearse the reading material.

Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity?A.Describing people and events.B.Role-plays.C.Exchanging information.D.Reporting results.

Which of the following bottlenecks would MOST likely cause excessive hard drive activity?()A、Inadequate RAMB、Slow processorC、PCI busD、Excessive network traffic

Which of the following should be documented when transferring ownership of a PC suspected ofprohibited activity?()A、List of prohibited contentB、DateC、AgeD、Prohibited activityE、Name of receiving party

A user reports it takes a long time to load all applications and the hard drive LED is showing constant activity. Which of the following is MOST likely the issue?()A、The processor is faulty.B、The file system is fragmented.C、The modem drivers are corrupt.D、The power supply is faulty.

A newly installed floppy drive activity light stays on. Which of the following is the MOST likely problem?()A、The computer does not support this type of drive.B、Connector is plugged in backwards.C、Power is plugged in backwards.D、All floppies are corrupt.

Users are complaining of slow performance. The iostat command indicates hdiskxxx is extremely busy. There is no activity on any other hdisks in the same volume group. Which of the following is the best action to take?()A、Change intra policy to outerB、Change intra policy to centerC、Change inter policy to maximumD、Increase the physical partition size

单选题Which of the following is not a while-speaking activity?ADescribing people and events.BRole-plays.CExchanging information.DReporting results.

单选题A newly installed floppy drive activity light stays on. Which of the following is the MOST likely problem?()AThe computer does not support this type of drive.BConnector is plugged in backwards.CPower is plugged in backwards.DAll floppies are corrupt.

单选题Which of the following can be adopted at the pre-reading activity? _____ARearranging the materialsBBrainstorming the topicCWriting a similar textDGiving summary and comment

单选题Which of the following about land diving is true?AIt is not dangerous at all.BIt was first called “bungee jumping”.CIt is a traditional activity in Vanuatu.DIt came to Vanuatu from another country.

单选题Which of the following is not an interactive activity?ALooking at the picture below and discussing the questions with your partner.BListening to the tape again and retelling the story with the filled chart.CDiscussing the following questions in group.DAsking another group to give you some advice on improving your work.

单选题Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-task activity?AIntroducing the topic.BDividing students into several groups and assigning task to them.CWorking in groups to recite the text.DOffering important words and phrases related to the topic.

单选题Which of the following is NOT a suitable pre-reading activity?APredicting the content.BDiscussing a relevant picture.CAssociating vocabulary with the topic.DSelecting titles for the reading material.