it is suggested that teachers should not interrupt students for error correction when theactivity aims at__________.A.accuracyB.fluencyC.complexityD.cohesion

it is suggested that teachers should not interrupt students for error correction when theactivity aims at__________.








Parents and teachers should work together to ()students'lives. A、effectB、makeC、influenceD、shape

The 4th paragraph suggests thatA questions are often put to the more intelligent students.B alphabetically disadvantaged students often escape form. class.C teachers should pay attention to all of their students.D students should be seated according to their eyesight.

a language lesson plan usually has the following components: background information, teaching aims, language contents and skills, stages and procedures, teaching aids, assignments and _________.:A. teachers’ after-lesson reflectionB. students’ after-lesson reflectionC. teachers’ after-lesson feedbackD. students’ after-lesson feedback

Spontaneous communication and free interaction are possible in any language only when teachers and their students have built up a warm, uninhibited, confident sympathetic relationship and when such a relationship also exists among the students themselves. In the first lessons no such state of affairs exists as yet. The teacher's efforts from the beginning should be devoted to building up such relationships through enjoyable, successful experiences in using interesting and amusing segments of language in a multiplicity of ways.

What does ECC stand for?() A. Error-Checking CodeB. Extended-Checking CodeC. Error-Correction CodeD. Enhanced-Correction Code

In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to__________.A.providing independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsB.correcting students' mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyC.encouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishD.cultivating students' interest

To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?A.After class.B.The moment error occurs.C.At the summary stage of the activity.D.During the course of the communication.

What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?T: Does any of you have a pet at home?S: 1 have dog at home.T: Oh, I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?A.Helping students do self-correction.B.Indirect correction.C.Tolerating correction.D.Encouraging students to do peer correction.

How should the teacher deal with students' writing errors?A.Teachers should limit students to take risks to use new vocabulary and structures.B.Teachers should often show negative attitude towards students' writing errors.C.Teachers should make corrections for all the writing errors of students.D.Teachers should underline the errors and leave them for students to correct themselves.

Which of the following statements about teachers' instructions is NOT true?A.Instructions should be simple and clear.B.Instructions can be long and complicated for students to follow.C.Teachers can use body language to assist students to understand.D.Instructions should be kept to a minimum during activities.

共用题干第二篇Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.What is one of the most influential steps schools can take against bullying?A:To keep the bullied students at home.B:To teach students the types of bullying.C:To research and understand types of bullying students face.D:To work with parents in order to better protect students.

共用题干第二篇Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.Why is the disciplinary plan important when bullying arises?A:Because students will face consequences if they bully others.B:Because school rules aren't complete without it.C:Because school bullying can hardly be prevented.D:Because students will follow the plan.

共用题干第二篇Bullying at school can have serious and harmful negative effects.Because it causes such a problem for many schools,it is important that schools take the appropriate action to minimize its harmful effects.One of the most influential steps that a school can take against bullying is to research and develop a firm understanding of the specific types of bullying the students at the school are facing. Administrators should conduct monthly surveys that ask students about their experiences with bullying, such as whether they were bullied in the past month,whether they witnessed bullying and issues that they think the school administrators should have known about. Administrators should also survey the school's teachers to find out what they know about bullying.Another step that a school administration can take to prevent bullying is to train its teachers, administrators and students' parents about bullying. Hold seminars in your school district to teach parents about ways to communicate with their children if they are bullied at school.Conduct workshops with professional speakers or psychology experts about recognizing the signs of bullying in the classroom for teachers and administrators in your school district.Create newsletters for parents about detail strategies your school is taking to combat bullying or discuss new research on bullying in schools.Last but not least school administrators,teachers and school board members should work together to create a disciplinary plan to use when situations of bullying arise.Make teachers work together in groups to discuss the strategies that they use for dealing with bullying in their individual classrooms.Developing a plan when bullying arises is important in helping students realize that they will face consequences if they choose to bully their peers.Having a disciplinary system in place can help prevent bullying before it even begins.In order to research bullying,what should administrators ask students about?A:Whether they were been bullied.B:Whether they witnessed bullying.C:Whether they have issues administrators should know about.D:All of the above.

What does ECC stand for?()A、Error-Checking CodeB、Extended-Checking CodeC、Error-Correction CodeD、Enhanced-Correction Code

单选题When the teacher asks questions, he should do as the following EXCEPT_____AQuestions that require students to compare, evaluate, or infer should be encouraged.BQuestions should be balanced among different types.CQuestions should be focused on those who can answer them.DQuestions should be closely related to the suggested class lesson plan.

单选题When a teacher helps students deal with the information gap of real discourse, he/she probably aims at developing students' ____.AImguistic competenceBstrategic competenceCdiscourse competenceDfluency

单选题In English teaching, teachers should NOT pay attention to ________.Aproviding independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsBcorrecting students' mistakes and erors in the process of learning immediatelyCencouraging students to discuss, cooperate, experience, practice, and explore the way to master EnglishDcultivating students' interest

单选题When changing from a compass course to a true course you should apply().AvariationBdeviationCvariation and deviationDa correction for the direction of current set

单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error corection?T: Does any of you have a pet at home?S:I have dog at home.T: Oh,I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?AHelping students do self-correction.BIndirect correction.CTolerating correction.DEncouraging students to do peer correction.

单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Does any of you have a pet at home? S: / have dog at home. T: Oh, / see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?AHelping students do self-correction.BIndirect correction.CTolerating correction.

单选题When the teacher asks questions, which should be excepted?AQuestions that require students to compare, evaluate, or infer should be encouraged.BQuestions should be balanced among different types.CQuestions should be focused on those who can answer them.DQuestions should be closely related to the suggested class lesson plan.

单选题In English teaching,teachers should NOT pay attention to_______.Aproviding independent learning and communicating opportunities for studentsBcorrecting students'mistakes and errors in the process of learning immediatelyCencouraging students to discuss,cooperate,experience,practice,and explore the way to master EnglishDcultivating students'interest

单选题Teachers should set a good example ______ their students, because what they do and say has a great effect ______ them.Afor; toBto; onCfor; inDto; to

单选题To achieve fluency, when should correction be conducted?AAfter class.BThe moment error occurs.CAt the summary stage of the activity.DDuring the course of the communication.

单选题The beginning sentence “Good teachers matter.” can mainly be explained as which of the following?AGood teachers help students establish confidence.BGood teachers determine the personality of students.CGood teachers promote student achievement.DGood teachers treat students as their own children.

单选题it is suggested that teachers should not interrupt students for error correction when the activity aims at__________.AaccuracyBfluencyCcomplexityDcohesion

单选题Which of the following statements about teachers' instructions is NOT true?AInstructions should be simple and clear.BInstructions can be long and complicated for students to follow.CTeachers can use body language to assist students to understand.DInstructions should be kept to a minimum during activities.