These are ideal rooms.(改为单数句子)This is_______ ideal_______ .
These are ideal rooms.(改为单数句子)
This is_______ ideal_______ .
按要求写句子,你想,四周黑洞洞的,还不容易碰壁吗? (1)你想,四周黑洞洞的,还不容易碰壁吗?改为肯定句:______________改为双重否定句:__________油蛉在这里不停的叫,蟋蟀们也在这里叫。改为拟人句:______________
After the party we all went off to our ________ rooms. A. respectfulB. respectedC. respectingD. respective
7. Hi! This is_______ new teacher.__________ name is Linda.A. your; MyB. his; YourC. your ; HerD. her; His
One of the duties of the person to be appointed is_______ .A.taking eharge of researchB.seeking pen ersh lot the unionC.mannaging a of or four membersD.runing a company
Those are some old family photos on the wall.(变为单数句子)_______is_______ old family photo on the wall.
What do you do on Sunday?()A、I 'm a teacherB、I play footballC、You are a studentD、They clean rooms.
单选题房地产经纪门店的营业目标包括( )。A利润目标、带领客户看房次数、房源委托签约单数、租赁成交签约单数、买卖成交签约单数B利润目标、带领客户看房次数、客源委托签约单数、租赁成交签约单数、买卖成交签约单数C营业收入目标、来电/来访次数、房源/客源委托签约单数、租赁成交签约单数、买卖成交签约单数D营业收入目标、利润目标、房源/客源委托签约单数、租赁/买卖成交签约单数