Please write a report ________ the above subjects are to be covered. A. which B. in which C. that D. in that

Please write a report ________ the above subjects are to be covered. A. which B. in which C. that D. in that


148 Which of the following is not part of the acquisition process: A. source selection B. invitation to bid C. contract award D. notice to proceed E. All of the above are parts of the acquisition process. D149 An individual who is working on the satisfaction of physiological needs has essentially satisfied which needs?A. SafetyB. Empowerment/authorityC. EsteemD. Self-actualizationE. None of the above

You should ()a report. A. write outB. write withC. look afterD. write in

(ii) From the information provided above, recommend the matters which should be included as ‘findingsfrom the audit’ in your report to those charged with governance, and explain the reason for theirinclusion. (7 marks)

Which of the following is NOT a type of business report?A: Short informal reportB: Short formal reportC: Extended formal reportD: Meeting report

Please find the exact definition for "caravan".A. a public sale in which property or items of merchandise are sold to the highest bidderB. a company of travelers journeying togetherC. a strong wish or needD. part of something you say or write in which you mention a person or thing

Part A51. Directions:You have just received a letter from a company, which replied your application for a job and asked you to go to the interview on August 30. Please write a reply which is about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET II. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. You do not need to write the address. ( 10 points)

To which directory does the Junos OS write traceoptions files?() A. /var/tmp/B. /var/C. /var/log/D. /var/home/username/

—You work for a small chain of clothing stores. The Managing Director has asked you to write a short report on last month's performance.—Look at the charts and table below, on which you have already made some handwritten notes.—Then, using all your handwritten notes, write the report for your Managing Director—Write 120-140 words.

—Which would you like, tea or milk?—_________A. Help yourself. B. What? I don’t like tea at all. C. Milk, please.

The factory _______ we‘ll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which

This is an important problem _______ too few social scientists have researched. A. which B. that C. into that D. into which

That is the house _______ you can enjoy the scenery. A. in that B. that C. which D. from which

An aspiring reporter must learn to ______.A. be sure his facts are accurateB. report the mews correctlyC. write articles clearlyD. all of the above

Which of the following is a communicative activity?A. Listening to the news report and talking about an event.B. Listening to the news report and filling in a form.C. Listening to the news report and writing the main idea.D. Transferring the information from the news report into a chart.

Questions 52—55 refer to the following information,NOTICE TO ALDER PARK RESIDENTS:New City Recycling ProgramOn August 1, a new law will take effect in Alder Park that will require residents to recycle products made of paper, glass, and aluminum. Those recyclables should be placed in green plastic bins provided by the city, which will be delivered during the week of July 15. The city will pick up those recyclables during the first and third weeks of each month on garbage pick-up days.Please follow the guidelines provided above. Garbage pick-up will continue on a weekly basis, according to the regular schedule.If you have any questions, please contact the city refuse program at 555-1067, extension Which bottle can be recycledA. a little dirty B. no damaged C. with labels D. with metal cap

The 1983 report"A Nation At Risk"cited as example of the decline of educational standards()Ahigh rates of adult illiteracyBdeclining SAT scoresClow scores of American students in key subjects as compared with scores of students of other countriesDAll of the above

Feedback refers to any information which provides a report on the result of communication which takes place not only between the listener and the speaker.()

In order to determine how efficiently an application is reading and writing data, which of the following utilities will report read and write sizes on disk I/O requests?()A、 tprofB、 iostatC、 svmonD、 filemon

Which of the following commands will fail?()  A、 report schemaB、 report need backupC、 report need backup days 3D、 report userE、 report obsolete

Which report style would you use to create a report listing each department and including a listing of employees beneath their respective department?()A、Group left. B、Form like. C、Matrix W/group. D、Group above. E、Mailing label. F、Form letter.

单选题Which of the foUowing best represents the order from a harsh command to a very polite request? a. Could you close the door? b. Close the door. c. Please close the door. d. would you please close the door?Ab-c-a-dBc-b-a-dCd-a-c-bDc-b-d-a

单选题Which report style would you use to create a report listing each department and including a listing of employees beneath their respective department?()AGroup left. BForm like. CMatrix W/group. DGroup above. EMailing label. FForm letter.

单选题Tell me(), please.Awhich hatch will be loaded firstBwill which hatch be loaded firstCwill hatch of which be loaded firstDfirst will which hatch be loaded

单选题In order to determine how efficiently an application is reading and writing data, which of the following utilities will report read and write sizes on disk I/O requests?()A tprofB iostatC svmonD filemon

单选题The 1983 report"A Nation At Risk"cited as example of the decline of educational standards()Ahigh rates of adult illiteracyBdeclining SAT scoresClow scores of American students in key subjects as compared with scores of students of other countriesDAll of the above

单选题Which of the following commands will fail?()A report schemaB report need backupC report need backup days 3D report userE report obsolete

问答题Practice 7  ● Your company has planned three training courses:Foreign Language Development, Changes in Technology, Management Skills.  ● You have been asked to write a report, recommending the course you think would be most useful for people who do the same kind of job as you.  ● Write the report, saying which course you have chosen.  ● Explain why you feel it would be the most useful and why the others are not so suitable.  ● Write 200-250 words on your Answer Sheet.