RUP(Rational Unified Process)分为4个阶段,每个阶段结束时都有重要的里程碑,其中生命周期目标是在(11)结束时的里程碑。A.初启阶段B.精化阶段C.构建阶段D.移交阶段
RUP(Rational Unified Process)分为4个阶段,每个阶段结束时都有重要的里程碑,其中生命周期目标是在(11)结束时的里程碑。
● 统一过程(UP)定义了初启阶段、精化阶段、构建阶段、移交阶段和产生阶段,每个阶段以达到某个里程碑时结束,其中 (32) 的里程碑是生命周期架构。(32)A. 初启阶段 B. 精化阶段 C. 构建阶段 D. 移交阶段
UP(Unified Process)每个阶段结束时都会产生一些主要的工作成果。在初启阶段最重要的工作成果是(37)。A.原始的风险评估B.原始的分析模型C.原始的用例模型D.原始的用户手册
The Rational Unified Process(RUP)is a software engineering process, which captures many of best practices in modem software development. The notions of(71)and scenarios have been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described in two dimensions - time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive(72)which is concluded with a well-defined(73)and can be further broken down into(74)- a complete development loop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development, which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structure refers to the disciplines, which group(75)logically by nature.A.artifactsB.use-casesC.actorsD.workers
RUP(Rational Unified Process)分为4个阶段,每个阶段结束时都有重要的里程碑,其中生命周期架构是在(16)结束时的里程碑。A.初启阶段B.精化阶段C.构建阶段D.移交阶段
● The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering process, which captures any of best practices in modern software development. The notions of (71) and scenarios ave been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described two dimensions – time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive (72) which is concluded with awell-defined (73) and can be further broken down into (74) – a complete developmentloop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product underdevelopment, which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structurerefers to the disciplines, which group (75) logically by nature.
软件统一过程(RUP)是迭代模型的一种。以下关于RUP 的叙述中,不正确的是( )A.RUP 生命周期在时间上分为4 个顺序阶段,分别是:初始阶段,细化阶段,构建阶段和交付阶段B.RUP 的每个阶段里面都要执行核心过程工作流的“商业建模”,“需求”,“分析和设计”,“实现”,“测试”,“部署”,每个阶段的内部仅完成一次迭代即可C.软件产品交付给用户使用一段时间后如有新的需求则应该开始另外一个RUP 开发周期D.RUP 可以用于大型复杂软件项目开发
RUP中的软件生命周期在时间上被分解为四个顺序的阶段,分别是:初始阶段(Inception),细化阶段(Elaboration),构造阶段(Construction)和交付阶段(Transition),每个阶段结束于一个主要的里程碑(MajorMilestones).构建阶段结束时是第三个重要的里程碑:初始功能(InitialOperational)里程碑. A.生命周期目标(LifecycleObjective)里程碑B.生命周期结构(LifecycleArchitecture)里程碑C.初始功能(InitialOperational)里程碑D.产品发布(ProductRelease)里程碑
RUP(Rational Unified Process)分为4个阶段,每个阶段结束时都有重要的里程碑,其中生命周期架构是 ( ) 结束时的里程碑。A.初启阶段B.精化阶段C.构建阶段D.移交阶段