Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away ______.A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief

Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away ______.

A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief


Please don't wake a sleeping dog.不要无事生非。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

A truck () Wendy's dog and sped away. A、ran overB、ran intoC、ran throughD、ran down

She didn’t like her picture book _______ , so she threw it away. A. not moreB. no longerC. any longerD. no more

30. It-s clear that________.A. Shadow will not be easy to get mB. the Browns were not satisfied with ShadowC. Mr Snow didn-t check Shadow at allD. Shadow likes barking a lot

28. "He told his wife about it. "Here“i t”refers to_________ .A. the policeman caught a thiefB. he found money in his gardenC. the coins of a shopD. the hole in his trousers

The old lady _________ on hearing her son’s death.A、broke inB、broke downC、broke outD、broke away

"i don't have money to fight him. these people are all the time in court, anyway." philip says. "but _______ and i have lots of patience," A、every cat is luckyB、every dog has its dayC、every cat has its dayD、every dog is fortunate

请教:2001年6月成人英语三级(A)真题第2大题第3小题如何解答?【题目描述】第23题:The old lady ________ on hearing his sons death. A. broke in B. broke down C. broke out D. broke away

When the pig asked a dog, the dog ________ .A. said nothing B. said the pig was the most importantC. said the pig was as important as the horse

There was so much noise that the speaker couldn‘t make himself ________. A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear

50.—could you take care of our dog while we are away?—__________A. With pleasureB. It's my pleasureC. Never mindD. That's all right

What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?T: Does any of you have a pet at home?S: 1 have dog at home.T: Oh, I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?A.Helping students do self-correction.B.Indirect correction.C.Tolerating correction.D.Encouraging students to do peer correction.

What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?T: Does any of you have a pet at home?S: I have dog at home.T: Oh, I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?A.Helping self-correction.B.Issuing indirect correction.C.Tolerating correction.D.Peer correction.

When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists here and now. It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone. This indicates the design feature of __________.?A.cultural transmissionB.productivityC.displacementD.duality

What is the teacher doing in terms of error correctionT: Does any of you have a pet at homeS: I have dog at home.T: Oh, I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or smallA.Helping students do self-correction.B.Indirect correction.C.Tolerating correction.D.Encouraging students to do peer correction.

共用题干Every Dog Has His SayKimiko Fukuda always wondered what her dog was trying to say.Whenever she put on makeup,it would pull at her sleeve._____(1)When the dog barks,she glancesat a small electronic gadget(装置).The following "human" translation appears on its screen:"Please take me with you.""I realized that's how he was feeling,"says Fukuda.The gadget is called Bowlingual,and it translates dog barks into feelings.People laughed when the Japanese toymaker Takara Company made the world's first dog-human translation machine in 2002.But 300, 000 Japanese dog owners bought it._____(2)"Nobody else had thought about it,"said Masahiko Kajita,who works for Takara."We spend so much time training dogs to understand our orders;what would it be like if we could understand dogs?"Bowlingual has two parts._____(3)The translation is done in the gadget using a database containing every kind of bark.Based on animal behaviour research,these noises are divided into six categories: happiness,sadness,frustration,anger,declaration and desire._____(4)In this way,the database scientifically matches a bark to an emotion,which is then translated into one of 200 phrases.When a visitor went to Fukuda's house recently,the dog barked a loud"bow wow". _____(5)It was followed by"I'm stronger than you"as the dog growled and sniffed(嗅)at the visitor.The product will be available in U.S. pet stores this summer for about U.S.$120.It can store up to 1 00 barks,even recording the dog's emotions when the owner is away._________(4)A:.A wireless microphone is attached to the dog's collar,which sends information to the gadget held by the owner.B:.Nobody really knows how a dog feels.C:.This translated as"Don't come this way".D:.More customers are expected when the English version is launched this summer.E:.Now,the Japanese girl thinks she knows.F:Each one of these emotions is then linked to a phrase like"Let's play","Look at me", or"Spend more time with me".

Upon hearing the news that her husband got killed in the mine accident,the young wife became unconscious right away.A:fainted B:painted C:tainted D:sainted

共用题干Can Loud Music Cause Hearing Impairment(损伤)?Have you ever gone to a concert and realized that your seats were right next to thebooming speakers?Are you guilty_________(1)turning up the volume on your portablecassette or CD player to drown out the whining(哭哭啼啼)of your little brother? Sometimes it's difficult to avoid loud music or noises,but they can be bad news because loud noises can_________(2)temporary or permanent hearing loss.Extremely loud music and noises that go on for long periods of_______(3)are common causes of deafness.If a noise is so loud that you have to shout to make yourself_______(4),there is a______(5)that the mechanism inside your ear can beinjured.Temporary hearing loss can happen after you've been_______(6)to loud noise for only 15 minutes.If you have temporary hearing loss,you won't be able to hear as________ (7) as you normally can, and you may have tinnitus(耳鸣),which is afancy word for ringing in the ears. Your ears can feel"full",too._________(8),these things usually go away and your hearing soon returns to normal.Permanent hearing loss can happen when someone is exposed to loud noise ________(9)and over. Construction workers and people who work in factories must ________(10)ear protectors because the equipment they use can be extremely loud. But even some lawn mowers(割草机)and power tools can permanently__________ (11)a person's ability to hear high-pitched noises and can also give him permanent tinnitus. Listening to extremely loud music over and over can also have the same effect on a person's ______(12).And using headphones on a portable cassette or CD player can be dangerous________(13)if the volume is too high and the headphones are used a lot, the noise can damage the ears.The best way to avoid hearing loss is to wear ear protectors when working with machinery and earplugs when going to a_________(14).Headphones are OK to wear when you're listening to music;just be sure the volume isn't too high,and give them a rest________(15)once in a while._________(9)A: over B: once C:again D:away

The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall,()?Acan't itBisn't itChasn't itDdoesn't it

单选题()I tell you yesterday not to touch that dog!AHaven’tBHasn’tCDidn’tDAren’t

单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error corection?T: Does any of you have a pet at home?S:I have dog at home.T: Oh,I see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?AHelping students do self-correction.BIndirect correction.CTolerating correction.DEncouraging students to do peer correction.

单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Does any of you have a pet at home? S: / have dog at home. T: Oh, / see you have a dog at home. Is your dog big or small?AHelping students do self-correction.BIndirect correction.CTolerating correction.

单选题Which of the following is the correct order?a. Andi found a dying dog on the topb. Andi climbed up the steep slopec. The Davises brought the dog homed. Andi had much trouble carrying the dog downe. The Davises drove the bull dog to the hospitalAbadceBbadecCabdceDadbec

单选题The electric fan has blown away the terrible smell in the hall,()?Acan't itBisn't itChasn't itDdoesn't it

单选题Which of the following prepositional phrases is an adverbial of comparison?AAs soon as Marie opened the door, the dog ran in.BAs long as you can keep away from them, you’re safe.CAs far as grammar is concerned, I have grasped it.DShe cooks as well as her mother does.

单选题Which Man class properly represents the relationship "Man has a best friend who is a Dog"?()Aclass Man extends Dog{}Bclass Man implements Dog{}Cclass Man{private BestFriend dog;}Dclass Man{private Dog bestFriend;}Eclass Man{private Dog;}Fclass Man{private BestFriend;}

单选题The best title for this piece might be _____.AHuman-dog InteractionBHuman-dog FriendshipCHuman-dog AntagonismDHuman-dog Relations