The number of the medical identity theft cases is______.A.increasingB.decreasingC.countableD.changeable

The number of the medical identity theft cases is______.






They have discovered a new medical herb, which they have ________ a large number of patients and found to have great healing power. A. operatedB. tried onC. took onD. tried with

When times are hard, incidents of __________ usually go up. A. thief and cheatB. thievies and cheatsC. theft and cheatD. theft and cheating

The man was put ___________ for theft.A、in the prisonB、at the prisonC、 in prisonD、 into prison

● Spyware and other forms of malware are the biggest online threat to your computer's (71) nowadays. These malicious (72)which get to your PC through freeware, shareware, commercial sites, deceptive pop-ups or in any other way, can record your surfing habits and sites you visit, share your personal information with their partners. Any personal (73), when inwrong hands, can leave you a victim of an "identity theft" by steeling your credit (74)details,birth records and other (75) information.

USIM卡的USIM是什么的缩写? A.User Services Identity ModuleB.Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleC.Universiti Sains Islam MalaysiaD.UMTS service identity module

In March 2004,Joe Ryan got a notice from a billing agency for a hospital near Denver,Colorado. The hospital wanted payment for surgery totaling $41,188. Ryan had never set foot in that hospital. Obviously there was some mistake. “I thought it was a joke,”says Ryan.But when he called the billing agency,nobody laughed. Someone,who's also named Joe Ryan,using Ryan's Social Security number,had indeed been admitted for surgery. He figured clearing this up would take a just few phone calls.Two years later,Ryan continues to suffer from the damage to his credit rating and still doesn't know if his medical record has been cleared of wrong information.Joe Ryan was the victim of a little-known but frightening type of consumer cheating that is on the rise:medical identity theft,which involves using your name to get drugs,expensive medical treatment and even cheating insurance payments.As Ryan discovered,money isn't the half of it. When someone steals your name to receive health care,his medical history becomes part of your record-and setting the record straight can be extremely difficult. That's because,in part,the information is handed out among dozens of caregivers,from doctors to medicine stores to insurance companies and labs.“I wanted to help straighten this out,”says Ryan,“so I went to the hospital,and they had a three-inch-thick record for me,but they wouldn't let me see it. I showed them my ID,and they said that's not Joe Ryan's signature. Well,of course not!They had this other guy's signature. ”Ryan had fallen into a victim's Catch-22:If your record doesn't appear to be yours,you may not have the right to read it,much less change it.Ryan's next step was a visit to the police department. But the police said that there was not much they could do,that the local law enforcement has little experience with medical ID theft,and cases like this can end up being considered a civil matter.The billing agency sent Joe Ryan a notice a joke on him for medical treatmentB.inform. him of the payment for his surgeryC.clear up the wrong information in his medical recordD.correct the mistakes about payment for his surgery

An even worse consequence of medical ID theft is______.A.some trouble in obtaining insurance paymentsB.a big loss of money and damage to credit ratingC.the widely spread medical information of the victimD.the difficulty in changing the wrong medical history

It can be known that the medical ID theft is______.A.a civil matterB.a medical caseC.a political issueD.a domestic event

The actual number of the victim in this case of information theft may be just 1,600 or less.

Few cases of identity theft are prosecuted because the hackers work in foreign countries.

CIC全称为() A.Channel Identity CodeB.Circuit Identity CodeC.Cell Identity CodeD.Clothes In Closet

No civilized country should deem theft lawful.A:legal B:irresistibleC:enjoyable D:profitable

USIM卡的USIM是什么的缩写?A、User Services Identity ModuleB、Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleC、Universiti Sains Islam MalaysiaD、UMTS service identity module

CIC全称为()A、Channel Identity CodeB、Circuit Identity CodeC、Cell Identity CodeD、Clothes In Closet

A user attempts to login to a bookmarked site but is prompted for their social security number,mother’s maiden name and date of birth. Which of the following has MOST likely happened?()A、The website has updated the security policies.B、The user’s identity has been stolen.C、The browser has been hijacked.D、The user typed the website address incorrectly.

A technician works in a datacenter that is shared by multiple companies. The technician isconcerned with preventing the theft of proprietary information by other technicians with access to the datacenter. Which of the following is the BEST way to prevent data theft in this scenario?()A、MantrapsB、Two-factor authenticationC、Security personnelD、Locked rack doors

单选题A user attempts to login to a bookmarked site but is prompted for their social security number,mother’s maiden name and date of birth. Which of the following has MOST likely happened?()AThe website has updated the security policies.BThe user’s identity has been stolen.CThe browser has been hijacked.DThe user typed the website address incorrectly.

问答题◆Topic 11:On Bicycle Theft  Questions for reference:  1) Is bicycle theft commonly seen on campus?  2) What are the causes for the theft?  3) What can universities you to stop such phenomenon?


单选题Internet()theft is a growing—and very costly—problem.AidentifyBidentityCidenticalDidentification

单选题I would never have ______ Jim of committing the theft.AchargedBconvictedCsuspectedDreminded

单选题The text indicates that the Canadian airport officials seem to have ______.Ataken effective measures to solve the car-theft problemBoverestimated the seriousness of the car-theft problemCfailed to give proper attention to the car-theft problemDrealized the seriousness of the car-theft problem

填空题If you bring a credit card, make sure you take down the service number of the card company in case of loss or theft.____

单选题In the International Code of signals,a group of three letters indicates().Aurgency or an emergencyBthe vessel's national identity signalCa group from the general signal codeDa group from the medical signal code

单选题The harmful effects of excessive alcohol intake on the hepatic system is extensively documented by medical studies.Ais extensively documented by medical studiesBis documented more extensively by medical studiesCare extensively documented by medical studiesDmedical studies are extensively documentingEhas documented extensively by medical studies

单选题Why does Seattle have a better survival rate of cardiac arrest than other cities?APeople in Seattle are probably better off than people in many other states.BSeattle participates in a government-funded medical research network.CAll medical centers in Seattle are the most high-powered.DSeattle tracks outcomes of cardiac-arrest cases to judge their performance.

单选题The study of law, with its great number of cases, statutes, and contracts, can be a tedious process.Acurious Btiresome Cchallenging Doverwhelming