The helm command SHIFT YOUR RUDDER means ______.A.Check the swing of the vesselB.Double your rudder angle or go to full rudderC.Bring your rudder amidshipsD.Change from right rudder to left rudder,or vice versa,an equal number of degrees

The helm command SHIFT YOUR RUDDER means ______.

A.Check the swing of the vessel

B.Double your rudder angle or go to full rudder

C.Bring your rudder amidships

D.Change from right rudder to left rudder,or vice versa,an equal number of degrees


“Port a bit sluggish” means that ________A.port rudder answers very wellB.port rudder answers slowC.port ruder answers all rightD.port rudder answers back

The command MEET HER means the helmsman should ______.A.decrease the rudder angleB.steer more carefullyC.use rudder to slow the vessel’s swingD.note the course and steady on that heading

“Port a little sluggish” means________A.that the port rudder answers very well.B.that the port rudder answers slow.C.that the port rudder answers quickly.D.that the port rudder is broken.

Watch your ____ !A.wheelB.steeringC.helmD.rudder

EASE THE RUDDER means to ______.A.Decrease the rudder angleB.Move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandC.Bring the rudder amidshipsD.Steer the course which is your present heading

The helm command CHECK HER means ______.A.test the steering the compass headingC.stop the swing using hard over rudderD.slow the swing using moderate rudder

The ______ is used when a ship is moving forward at very slow speed due to minimal water flow over the rudder and the ship is not responding to helm.A.approach speedB.bow thrustC.transverse thrustD.kick ahead

You are doing a Williamson turn.Your vessel has swung about 60° from the original course heading.You should ______.A.Put the rudder amidships and check the swingB.Stop the engines and prepare to maneuver to pick up the man in the waterC.Shift your rudderD.Increase to maximum speed

When relieving the helm,the new helmsman should know the ______.A.Course per magnetic steering compassB.Gyro errorC.VariationD.Maximum rudder angle previously used

E “ Ease the rudder ” means to ______.A.decrease the rudder angleB.move the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandC.bring the rudder amidshipsD.steer the course which is your present heading

HARD RIGHT RUDDER means ______.A.put the rudder over to the right all the wayB.jam the rudder against the a swing to the right, then return to amidshipsD.put the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder

Hard right rudder means______.A.jam the rudder against the a swing to the right,then return to amidshipsC.put the rudder over to the right all the wayD.put the rudder over quickly to 15 degrees right rudder

In order to reduce your wake in a narrow channel you should ______.A.apply enough rudder to counter the effect of the currentB.change your course to a zigzag courseC.reduce your speedD.shift the weight to the stern

Watch your ()!A、wheelB、steeringC、helmD、rudder

“Port a little sluggish” means()A、that the port rudder answers very well.B、that the port rudder answers slow.C、that the port rudder answers quickly.D、that the port rudder is broken.

单选题When the helm demands a 20°right rudder movement from an electro-hydraulic steering gear, which of the listed actions will be the FIRST action to happen when this rudder position is attained?()AThe six-way valve opensBThe steering service pump motor is stoppedCThe follow-up gear takes the pump off strokeDThe cylinder relief valves bypass oil to the suction side the pump

单选题The transmission system is the means ()the movement of the rudder is accomplished.Aby whichBto whichCin whichDat which

单选题()means rudder to be held in the force and aft angles.ASteadyBMeet herCMidshipsDStop engines

单选题You are standing the wheelwatch on entering port and the Master gives you a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot.What should you do().Aobey the MasterBobey the PilotCbring the rudder to a position midway between the two conflicting ordersDask the Pilot if he relinquishes control

单选题The helm command PORT TWENTY means().Achange course twenty degrees to the leftBput the rudder left twenty degreesCput the rudder hard left for the first twenty degrees of swingDput the rudder left twenty degrees and then ease back as the vessel starts swinging

单选题HARD RIGHT RUDDER means().Aput the rudder over to the right all the wayBjam the rudder against the stopsCmeet a swing to the right,then return to amidshipsDput the rudder over quickly to 15°right rudder

单选题While you are on watch entering port,the Master gives the helmsman a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the Pilot.You should make sure the helmsman().AObeys the PilotBObeys the MasterCAsks you for instructionsDBrings the rudder to a point midway between the two conflicting positions

单选题Ease the rudder means to().Adecrease the rudder angleBmove the rudder slowly in the direction of the most recent rudder commandCbring the rudder amidshipsDsteer the course which is your present heading

单选题You are standing the wheelwatch on entering port and the master gives you a rudder command which conflicts with a rudder command from the pilot.What should you do?()Aobey the master‟sBobey the pilot‟sCbring the rudder to a position midway between the two conflicting ordersDask the pilot if he relinquishes control

单选题“Port a little sluggish” means()Athat the port rudder answers very well.Bthat the port rudder answers slow.Cthat the port rudder answers quickly.Dthat the port rudder is broken.

单选题If the steersman of your lifeboat gives the command Way enough,you should().Acomplete the stroke,hold your oar out from the boat and level with the waterBdip the blade of your oar into the water and leave it thereClift your oar to a vertical positionDcomplete the stroke,raise your oar slightly,swing it forward,and place it in the boat

单选题When relieving the helm,the new helmsman should know the().ACourse per magnetic steering compassBGyro errorCVariationDMaximum rudder angle previously used