A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks. In which situation should the cross-connection valve be closed?A.The tanks lie above the waterline and are filledB.The tanks are partially filled with dry cargoC.The tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoD.The tanks are filled and lie below the waterline

A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks. In which situation should the cross-connection valve be closed?

A.The tanks lie above the waterline and are filled

B.The tanks are partially filled with dry cargo

C.The tanks are partially filled with liquid cargo

D.The tanks are filled and lie below the waterline


The safety of the port should ______ in respect of a vessel properly manned and equipped,and navigated and handled without negligence and in accordance with good seamanship.A.be watchedB.be seenC.be viewedD.be inspected

Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation ________.A.Alert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unitB.Program the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situationC.Place the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craftD.No additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly

An ocean tow is sinking in deep water. Attempts to sever the towing hawser are unsuccessful Which action should now be taken?______.A.Abandon the towing vessel.B.Radio for emergency assistance.C.Slip the towline and allow it to run off the drum.D.Secure all watertight openings on the towing vessel.

An overtaking situation at night would be one in which one vessel sees which light(s) of a vessel ahead ?______.A.Masthead lights and sidelightsB.One sidelight, the masthead lights and stern-lightC.Both sidelightsD.Stern-light

单选题On open waters,a vessel fishing is in a crossing situation with a vessel sailing located on the fishing vessel’s starboard side. Which vessel is the stand-on vessel?().AThe fishing vessel because it is to port of the sailing vesselBThe fishing vessel because it is fishingCThe sailing vessel because it is to starboard of the fishing vesselDThe sailing vessel because it is sailing

单选题An ocean tow is sinking in deep water. Attempts to sever the towing hawser are unsuccessful. Which action should now be taken? ()AAbandon the towing vesselBRadio for emergency assistanceCSlip the towline and allow it to run off the drumDSecure all watertight openings on the towing vessel

单选题Which ARPA data should you use in order to determine if a close quarters situation will develop with a target vessel? ()ASet and drift of the currentBRelative track informationCPredicted time of CPADInitial range of acquisition

单选题In a crossing situation,a vessel fishing must keep out of the way of a vessel which is().Aunder sailBtowingCrestricted in her ability to maneuverDengaged in pilotage duty

单选题Which statement is TRUE in an overtaking situation().AOne vessel is approaching another vessel from more than 20° abaft the beamBIt is the duty of the vessel being overtaken to get out of the wayCAny later change of bearing between the two vessels shall not make the overtaking vessel a crossing vesselDAll of the above

单选题Your 15-meter tug is underway and crossing a deep and narrow channel. A large container vessel is off your port bow on a steady bearing. Which statement is TRUE concerning this situation? ().AYou should maintain course and speedBThe container vessel is the stand-on as it is the larger vesselCYou are not to impede the safe passage of the container vessel in the channelDNone of the above

单选题The safety of the port should()in respect of a vessel properly manned and equipped,and navigated and handled without negligence and in accordance with good seamanship.Abe watchedBbe seenCbe viewedDbe inspected

单选题Two vessels are in an overtaking situation.Which of the lights on the overtaken vessel will the overtaking vessel see().ATwo masthead lightsBOne masthead light and a sidelightCBoth sidelightsDStern light only

单选题You are aboard the give-way vessel in a crossing situation.What should you NOT do in obeying the Rules().ACross ahead of the stand-on vesselBMake a large course change to starboardCSlow your vesselDBack your vessel

单选题Two barges are being pushed ahead by a tugboat.Which statement is TRUE concerning lights on the barges().AEach vessel should show sidelightsBEach vessel should show at least one white lightCThe barges should be lighted as separate unitsDThe barges should be lighted as one vessel

单选题A vessel has been equipped with an oil lubricated stern bearing and is undergoing a routine dry-dock.Which of the following inspection should be made when the tail-shaft has been drawn?()AThe overall condition of the bearing surface should be examinedBThe shaft liner should be inspected for cracks and tested to insure a tight fitCThe stern tube should be tested for cracks with dye penetrantDall of above

单选题If the situation arose where it became necessary to tow a disabled vessel,which statement is TRUE concerning the towing line?().AThe towing line between the two vessels should be clear of the waterBThe towing line should be taut at all times between the vesselsCThere should be a catenary so the line dips into the waterDNone of the above

单选题A situation has occurred in which your vessel must be towed. When the towing vessel passes the towing line to you,you should secure the line().Ato the base of the foremastBto the forward-most bittsCto the forward part of the deckhouseDat the stern

单选题A vessel loads edible oil in a deep tank through a manhole at the midlength of the tank. In order to fill the tank to maximum capacity,what trim should the vessel have?()ADown by the bowBDown by the sternCDown by either the bow or sternDIn level trim

单选题An overtaking situation at night would be one in which one vessel sees which light(s) of a vessel ahead?()AMasthead lights and sidelightsBOne sidelight,the masthead lights and stern lightCBoth sidelightsDStern light

单选题In a crossing situation,a stand-on vessel which is forced to take action in order to avoid collision with a vessel on her own port side shall,if possible,avoid().Aturning to portBturning to starboardCdecreasing speedDincreasing speed

单选题A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks. In which situation should the cross-connection valve be closed? ()AThe tanks lie above the waterline and are filledBThe tanks are partially filled with dry cargoCThe tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoDThe tanks are filled and lie below the waterline

单选题To improve your vessel’s stability in a hazardous situation,you should().Aballast deep tanks if they are slackBtransfer ballast athwartshipsCpump out double bottomsDfill double bottoms from deep tanks

单选题In which situation could a vessel most easily capsize?()ARunning into head seasBRunning in the troughCRunning with following seasDAnchored with your bow into the seas

单选题A head-on situation at night is one in which you see().Aone sidelight of a vessel ahead of youBone sidelight and a masthead light of a vessel ahead of youCone sidelight,a masthead light,and a range light of a vessel ahead of youDboth sidelights of a vessel dead ahead of you

单选题Which statement concerning maneuvering in restricted visibility is FALSE?().AA vessel which cannot avoid a close-quarters situation with a vessel forward of her beam shall reduce her speed to bare steeragewayBA vessel which hears a fog signal forward of her beam shall stop her enginesCA vessel which hears a fog signal forward of the beam shall navigate with cautionDIf a vessel determines by radar that a close-quarters situation is developing,she shall take avoiding action in ample time

单选题Which statement correctly applies to a situation where a sailing vessel is overtaking a power-driven vessel().AThe power-driven vessel must keep out of the way of the sailing vesselBA special circumstance situation existsCThe sailing vessel must keep out of the way of the power- driven vesselDThe vessel which has the other vessel to the right must keep out of the way

单选题Which step should be taken,if possible,when the vessel must be abandoned because of a distress situation().AAlert the Coast Guard by using the survival craft's portable INMARSAT unitBProgram the SART and EPIRB to transmit the vessel's location and situationCPlace the SART and EPIRB in the“ON”position and secure them to the survival craftDNo additional steps are needed as the SART and EPIRB will both automatically float free and operate properly

单选题A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks.In which situation should the crossconnection valve be closed?().AThe tank lie above the waterline and are filledBThe tank are partically filled with dry cargoCThe tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoDThe tanks are filled and lie below the waterline