Young hoatzins are different from their parents in that .A.they look like young cuckoosB.they have claws on the wingsC.they eat a lot like a cowD.they live on river banks

Young hoatzins are different from their parents in that .

A.they look like young cuckoos

B.they have claws on the wings

C.they eat a lot like a cow

D.they live on river banks


Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap?A. Young people like to choose their own lifestyles.B. American society is changing very fast.C. Parents place high hopes on their children.D. Modem education makes them think differently.

In American society,young people often______.A. rely on their parents to make a lifeB. stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher educationC. seek the best advice from their parentsD. have very little in common with their parents

Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.①The long summer holidays are finally over and some parents are pleased. “We worry more about their safety in the holidays,” explains one mother from North London. If teenagers are not wandering around on public transport in a big and potentially dangerous city, they are chatting to strangers in an internet chat room! Well, that’s an extreme picture of the UK today, but many parents are worried about how much freedom they can give their children during the holidays and at weekends.②Weekends are not the only time to worry! Newspaper are full of stories about too many school kids going to school by car because their parents do not want them to travel alone on a bus or train. This summer there were more frightening stories of teenagers disappearing with questionable friends that they met on the net. All the Media stories help increase parents fears, but is the UK really so dangerous?③Many young people feel that life for their parents was easier. In the 1960s young people played in the streets more and traveled around town without their parents. “At least our parents can keep tabs on us(keep a tab/tabs on sth/sbkeep account of , keep under observation),” says 16-year-old Julia. “So many people have mobile phones now and their parents ring to find out where they are. I use my mobile to get Dad to come to the station when I arrive late.” Mobiles are not just expensive toys; they help keep young people safe. Most significantly, they make parents feel better. Only one problem is, though, that some young people have been attacked by thieves who want to steal their mobile phones.④Young people like going out with friends, but they now need to learn how to get home safely. Five million young people in the UK between the ages of 9 to 16 use chat rooms to make friends, but they, too, need to be careful and never give their personal details to a stranger. Young people today have more opportunities to meet new people and go out at night more than their parents ever did. Now school, television programs and newspapers must help teenagers to enjoy their freedom and to be responsible for their own safety.31. Some parents are upset about the summer holidays mainly because their children ______.A. wander around on bus in the cityB. chat to strangers in Internet chat roomsC. make questionable friends on the netD. are taken little care of by teachers

More and more teachers and parents have noticed kind of pollution, which came from the printed papers sold on streets.These printed things look like newspaper but have hardly anything to do with them.You can only find reading materials badly(1) there----some are too strange for anyone to believe, (2)are frightening stories of something even worse, lowever.many of the young students are getting absorbed in such poisonous reading, which costs them what they should pay for their breakfast and bring them nightmares, and immoral ideas in return.Homework is left undone, daily game lost.These sellers shout on streets selling their papers well.The writers, publishers and printers,(3) they are, we never know, are making their silent money.The sheep sk nd wolf's stories seem to have been forgotten once againWhy not forbid this kind of things at school? Yes, both teachers and parents have ask each other for more strict control of the young readers.Yet unfortunately,(4)you want to forbid it, the money they want to have a look at it.Sometimes you may even find several children share one patched paper, which has travel led from one hand to another driven by the curious nature.It really does harm to our society.It has already formed a sort of moral pollution.The (5)teachers and parents need more powerful support.Meanwhile, the young readers need interesting books to help them get rid of these ugly papers.(完型填空)A.OthersB.Made upC.WorriedD.WhoeverE.The more

These young trees require ()carefully. A looking afterBto look afterClook afterDlooking for

We can infer from the passage that in England ( )A. many plays are not for young peopleB. many young people don’t like theatreC. people know little about the planD. children used to receive good arts education

CAlong the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly, flies like a fat chicken, eats green leaves, has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young. They build their homes about 4.6m above the river, an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young. It is called the hoatzin. In appearance, the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on the underside. The head is small, with a large set of feathers on the top, bright red eyes, and blue skin. Its nearest relatives are the common birds, cuckoos. Its most striking feature, though, is only found in the young. Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip. Using these four claws, together with the beak (喙), they can climb about in the bushes, looking very much like primitive birds must have done. When the young hoatzins have learned to fly, they lose their claws. During the drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20 to 30 birds, but in April, when the rainy season begins, they collect together in smaller living units of two to seven birds for producing purposes.63.What is the text mainly about?A.Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.B.The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.C.Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.D.The appearance and living habits of hoatzins.

What can we infer about primitive birds from the text?A.They had claws to help them climb.B.They could fly long distances.C.They had four wings like hoatzins.D.They had a head with long feathers on the top.

Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes?A.To find more food.B.To protect themselves better.C.To keep themselves warm.D.To produce their young.

共用题干Generation Gap A few years ago,it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders.Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually,the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society. One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life styles.In more traditional societies,when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education,most out of the family home at an early age,marry or live or choose occupations different from those of their parents. In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did:to find better jobs,to make more money,and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often,however,the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they dis-cover that they have very little in common with each other. Finally,the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of thie gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,elderly people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities, No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.The word"around"in Paragraph 1 means______.A:on all sides B:in every directionC:near D:in existence

共用题干Operation MigrationIf you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter.They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents.They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes,and they are following an airplane!The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds al-most disappeared in the 1800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s, people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States indentified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.Some researchers tried to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful.There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older,the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:These young birds did not know how to migrate.They needed human help.In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration.This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.Today,planes still lead birds across approximately 1,200 miles(1,931 kilometers), from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at differ-ent sites.If a trip is successful,the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whooping crane population.Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they assist hundreds of cranes each year.However,some experts predict that soon,this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won't need human help any more.The distance covered by the young whooping cranes on their trip south is______.A:120 milesB:1,931 milesC:1,200 milesD:2,000 miles

共用题干第三篇Operation MigrationIf you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter. They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents. They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes and they are following an airplane!The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds almost disappeared in the 1 800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s,people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States identified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.Some researchers tired to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful,There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older, the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:these young birds did not know how to migrate,They needed human help.In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration. This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.Today,planes still lead birds across approxlmately 1,200 mniles(1,931 kilometers),from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at different sites.If a trip is successful, the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whloopingcrane population.Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they as- sist hundreds of cranes each year. However,some experts predict that soon this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won'tneed human help any more.Whooping cranes migrate in winter to___________.A:raise baby whooping cranesB:get human helpC:find warmth and foodD:lay eggs

共用题干第三篇Generation GapA few years ago,it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders.Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually,the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life styles.In more traditional societies,when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and approve of,and often to continue the family occupation. In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education,most out of the family home at an early age,marry or live or choose occupations different from those of their parents.In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs,to make more money,and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often,however,the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they dis-cover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally,the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,elderly people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.In American society,young people often________.A:rely on their parents to make a livingB:stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher educationC:seek the best advice fromn their parentsD:have very little in common with their parents

共用题干Generation Gap A few years ago,it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders.Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually,the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society. One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life styles.In more traditional societies,when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education,most out of the family home at an early age,marry or live or choose occupations different from those of their parents. In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did:to find better jobs,to make more money,and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often,however,the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they dis-cover that they have very little in common with each other. Finally,the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of thie gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,elderly people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities, No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap?A:Young people like to choose their own life styles.B:American society is changing very fast.C:Parents place high hopes on their children.D:Modern education makes them think differently.

共用题干第三篇Operation MigrationIf you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter. They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents. They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes and they are following an airplane!The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds almost disappeared in the 1 800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s,people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States identified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.Some researchers tired to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful,There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older, the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:these young birds did not know how to migrate,They needed human help.In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration. This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.Today,planes still lead birds across approxlmately 1,200 mniles(1,931 kilometers),from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at different sites.If a trip is successful, the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whloopingcrane population.Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they as- sist hundreds of cranes each year. However,some experts predict that soon this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won'tneed human help any more.The distance covered by the young whooping cranes on their trip south is_____________.A:1,200 milesB:120 milesC:1,931 milesD:2,000 miles

共用题干Operation MigrationIf you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter.They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents.They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes,and they are following an airplane!The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds al-most disappeared in the 1800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s, people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States indentified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.Some researchers tried to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful.There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older,the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:These young birds did not know how to migrate.They needed human help.In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration.This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.Today,planes still lead birds across approximately 1,200 miles(1,931 kilometers), from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at differ-ent sites.If a trip is successful,the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whooping crane population.Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they assist hundreds of cranes each year.However,some experts predict that soon,this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won't need human help any more.Whooping cranes migrate in winter to______.A:find warmth and foodB:raise baby whooping cranesC:get human helpD:lay eggs

共用题干Generation Gap A few years ago,it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders.Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually,the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society. One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life styles.In more traditional societies,when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education,most out of the family home at an early age,marry or live or choose occupations different from those of their parents. In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did:to find better jobs,to make more money,and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often,however,the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they dis-cover that they have very little in common with each other. Finally,the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of thie gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,elderly people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities, No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A:Parents should be more tolerable towards their children.B:The young generation should value the older generation for their wisdom.C:The generation gap is partly created by the older generation.D:The generation gap should be avoidable in American society.

共用题干Generation Gap A few years ago,it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders.Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually,the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society. One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life styles.In more traditional societies,when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation.In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education,most out of the family home at an early age,marry or live or choose occupations different from those of their parents. In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did:to find better jobs,to make more money,and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often,however,the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they dis-cover that they have very little in common with each other. Finally,the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of thie gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,elderly people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight. The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities, No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.In American society,young people often______.A:rely on their parents to make a livingB:stay with their parents in order to get an opportunity for higher educationC:seek the best advice from their parentsD:have very little in common with their parents

共用题干第三篇Generation GapA few years ago,it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap,a division between young people and their elders.Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience,while children complained that their parents did not understand them at all.What had gone wrong?Why had the generation gap suddenly appeared?Actually,the generation gap has been around for a long time.Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life styles.In more traditional societies,when children grow up,they are expected to live in the same area as their parents,to marry people that their parents know and approve of,and often to continue the family occupation. In our society,young people often travel great distances for their education,most out of the family home at an early age,marry or live or choose occupations different from those of their parents.In our upwardly mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs,to make more money,and to do all the things that they were unable to do.Often,however,the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them.Often they dis-cover that they have very little in common with each other.Finally,the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations.In a traditional culture,elderly people are valued for their wisdom,but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds,separated by different skills and abilities. No doubt,the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come.Its causes are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society,and in the rapid pace at which society changes.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A:Parents should he more tolerable towards their children.B:The young generation should value the older generation for their wisdom.C:The generation gap is partly created by the older generation.D:The generation gap should he avoidable in American society.

When young people file their income tax form, they will often follow in their parents' footsteps.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

共用题干The Sandwich GenerationToday people often look forward to their middle age as a time when they will be able to take things easier. After their children are grown,they expect to enjoy the life they have worked hard to create .However,the reality is often very different. In middle age,many people discover that they have two ongoing responsibilities:one is to look after their aging parents,and the other is to help their young adult children deal with the pressures of life.Around the world,there are mil-lions of people who are“sandwiched”in between the older and the younger generations.Some-times there may be two or three generations living in the same household-a situation that is corn-mon in many Asian countries and in some parts of Europe .In other cases,a couple may be taking care of parents and children,but they do not live with them.There are two important reasons for the rise of the sandwich generation.First,people are liv-ing longer than they used to.In the early nineteenth century,the average life expectancy for adults in the United States,for example,was about 40,whereas today people live to an average age of 75 .Therefore,children are taking care of their parents over a longer period of time.The see-ond reason is that these days,young adults often live with their parents for a longer time than they did in the past. This is often for financial reasons.It's also more common for today's young adults to return home during or after college if they need financial or emotional support.Young adults feel sandwiched between their financial responsibilities and their desire to enjoy life .They may have to cover expenses that their parents cannot.They may have to manage their parents' financial and legal affairs.They may have to prepare for their parents' future needs,such as special medical care or a move to a nursing home. This can be a traumatic(长期困扰的)ex-perience for everyone.Caring for adult children presents challenges as well,and caregivers have to resolve important questions:How can financial responsibilities be shared among members of the household?How can household chores be shared?What is the best way to ensure everyone's privacy?Successfully cop-ing with these issues can avoid a lot of stress for the whole family.The financial and emotional pressures on the sandwich generation can be overwhelming. However,this time in life also has its rewards.It can be a time to rediscover the special qualities of one's parents or children.It can also provide a valuable opportunity to spend more time with them. However,in order to survive this difficult period in their lives,the members of the sand-wich generation must remember that they also need to pay attention to their own needs and look af-ter the quality of their own lives.They can't be totally selfless. Why do some young adults choose to live with their parents these days?A:.They need support from their parents to deal with their financial problems.B:.They want to help their parents to take care of their aging grandparents.C: They are too young to be independent from their parents.D: They are more emotional than the young adults in the past.

The paragraph 8 suggests that young Japanese may support( ) A.higher tax rates B.higher health-care budget C.receiving more money from their parents D.higher salaries

They are young()parents and need support.AinexperiencedBunexperiencedCimexperiencedDdisexperienced

单选题They are young()parents and need support.AinexperiencedBunexperiencedCimexperiencedDdisexperienced

单选题Which of the following is true?ABoth parents and students think school holidays are perfect.BParents can take care of their young children during all the holidays.CStudents enjoy taking part in different kinds of activities during the holidays.DStudents don’t like to have school trips to foreign countries during the holidays.

单选题What can be inferred from the passage?ALacking love can lead young people to grow up more quickly.BThe older a woman is, the less likely she seems to lose herself in romance.CEarly love makes young people keep close to their friends and parents.DParents should help their children to be aware of the signs of depression.

问答题James, like many parents, believes that if a child can read at a very young age, they will grow to have exceptional                                     A      B         Cliterary talent. No error    D      E