根据下面资料,回答Long ago men learned that the world of nature is built with mathematical exactness according to refined and powerful laws; every bee stokes its wings exactly 440 times a second to propel itself forty miles an hour; the eye of every fly has exactly 7,000 lenses; every spider′ s thread is composed of 300 single threads. The progress of civilization itself can be measured by its range of mathematics. The early Egyptians know enough of geometry to build the pyramids and the Greeks used trigonometry to measure the circumference of the earth two thousand years before Columbus sailed. European civilization combined geometry and trigonometry with the decimal system of the Arabs to produce the maps with which the European explored the world. In a later century, mathematicians studied the pendulum ( 钟摆 ) of the newly invented clock and created the language of calculus to measure motion. The yardstick of measurement today must cover everything from units tinier than atoms to distance of millions of light years. Speed and accuracy are vital. Man can never send a racket to Mars unless he knows the exact distance to the planet. Since the slightest error could mean missing it by 30,000 miles. In navigating amid the planets and stars, man must have the help of some kind of machine calculators for fast and absolutely accurate information. The author shows how the exactness of nature′s laws is reflected in___________.A.the language of calculusB.the measurement of motionC.the creatures of natureD.the progress of civilization

Long ago men learned that the world of nature is built with mathematical exactness according to refined and powerful laws; every bee stokes its wings exactly 440 times a second to propel itself forty miles an hour; the eye of every fly has exactly 7,000 lenses; every spider′ s thread is composed of 300 single threads.
The progress of civilization itself can be measured by its range of mathematics. The early Egyptians know enough of geometry to build the pyramids and the Greeks used trigonometry to measure the circumference of the earth two thousand years before Columbus sailed. European civilization combined geometry and trigonometry with the decimal system of the Arabs to produce the maps with which the European explored the world. In a later century, mathematicians studied the pendulum ( 钟摆 ) of the newly invented clock and created the language of calculus to measure motion.
The yardstick of measurement today must cover everything from units tinier than atoms to distance of millions of light years. Speed and accuracy are vital. Man can never send a racket to Mars unless he knows the exact distance to the planet. Since the slightest error could mean missing it by 30,000 miles. In navigating amid the planets and stars, man must have the help of some kind of machine calculators for fast and absolutely accurate information.
The author shows how the exactness of nature′s laws is reflected in___________.

A.the language of calculus
B.the measurement of motion
C.the creatures of nature
D.the progress of civilization


解析:推断题。根据第一段内容“Long ago men learned that the world of nature is built with mathematical exactness according to refined and powerful laws…”以及后面所列举的大自然中生物的例子“every bee stokes its wings exactly 440 times a second to proper itself forty miles an hour;the eye of every fly has exactly 7,000 lenses;every spider’s thread is composed of 300 single threads”可知.自然法则的准确性是通过自然界中的生物来体现的。故选C。


下面是中央银行的资产负债简表:请根据以上资料回答下列问题:从上表可知,影响基础货币供应的因素有( )。A.信贷收支B.外汇收支C.财政收支D.国际收支

根据下面资料,回答题:在药物结构中含有羧基,具有解热、镇痛和抗炎作用,还有抑制血小板凝聚作用。根据结构特征和作用,该药是 查看材料A.布洛芬B.阿司匹林C.美洛昔康D.塞来昔布E.奥扎格雷



根据下面的文字资料回答 2~3 题在双绞线布线后要进行测试,一般情况,下面( 1 )不是测试的项目。光纤测试的内容不包括( 2 )项目。第2题:文中( 1 )处正确的答案是( )。A.近端串扰B.拓扑结构C.开路或短路D.错对



根据以下资料回答 96~98 题第 96 题 皮内注射的疫苗是( )。

根据下面的图片,回答 139~140 题:第 139 题 首先考虑的疾病是( )

根据以下资料回答 81~85 题第 81 题

根据以下资料回答 111~115 题第 111 题 根据上述业务(1),计算A材料的实际采购成本为( )。

根据下面资料,回答第 78~81 题。已知某企业甲、乙两种产品产量及产值资料,如表6—2所示。第 78 题 甲、乙产量个体指数分别为( )。

根据下面资料,回答第 82~86 题。已知某商店三种商品销售量及价格资料,如表6—3所示。第 82 题 宜采用的指数体系为( )。

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 某商店三种商品的销售量和价格资料如下表:根据资料请回答下列问题: (1)三种商品的销售量指数为( )。A.118.56%B.103.33%C.125.00%D.112.50%

根据资料,回答 144~150 题:第 144 题 尿糖试验的灵敏度为 ( )

根据以下内容,回答下列各题。 某商场三种商品的销售资料如下:请根据上述资料回答下列问题: (1)根据所给资料可计算得到( )。A.数量指标综合指数B.个体指数C.质量指标综合指数D.总指数

(二)根据下面表格所提供的信息回答问题:根据表中调查资料,J省城镇居民家庭就业人口比例随时间推移: A.不断下降B.不断上升C.无明显变化趋势D保持不变



根据下面资料,回答94-96题 下面是某求助者的MMPl的测验结果: 轻躁狂量表的K校正分应当是(  )。 A.19B.28C.34D.38

根据下面资料,回答82-84题 某日银行外汇牌价如下:(人民币/100单位外币) 据此回答以下三题。82当天,客户到该银行以人民币兑换6000港币现钞,需要付出(  )元人民币。A.5877.60B.5896.80C.5830.80D.5899.80

根据下面资料,回答98-100题 根据阿尔法策略示意图,回答以下三题。98运用阿尔法策略时,往往考虑的因素是(  )。A.系统性风险B.运用股指期货等金融衍生工具的卖空和杠杆特征C.非系统性风险D.预期股票组合能跑赢大盘

根据下面资料,回答82-84题 某日银行外汇牌价如下:(人民币/100单位外币) {图}据此回答以下三题。84当天,一家出口企业到该银行以10000美元即期结汇,可兑换(  )元等值的人民币。A.76616.00B.76857.00C.76002.00D.76024.00

根据下面资料,回答98-100题 根据阿尔法策略示意图,回答以下三题。100在构建股票组合的同时,通过(  )相应的股指期货,可将投资组合中的市场收益和超额收益分离出来。A.买入B.卖出C.先买后卖D.买期保值

根据下面资料,回答73-75题 根据下列国内生产总值表(单位:亿元)回答以下三题。73生产总值Y的金额为(  )亿元。A.25.2B.24.8C.33.0D.19.2

根据下面资料,回答73-75题 根据下列国内生产总值表(单位:亿元)回答以下三题。75社会总投资,的金额为(  )亿元。A.26B.34C.12D.14

