Whichtwoqueuingmethodswillallowapercentageoftheavailablebandwidthtobeallocatedtoeachqueue?() A.first-in,first-outqueuing(FIFO)B.priorityqueuing(PQ)C.customqueuing(CQ)D.weightedfairqueuing(WFQ)E.class-basedWFQ(CBWFQ)F.lowlatencyqueuing(LLQ)
你是企业的网络管理员,你想在你的企业里实现QOS以确保VOIP的数据流保证带宽为256K,低延时,你用下面哪种队列实现?() A.WeightedFairQueuing(WFQ)B.PriorityQueuing(PQ)C.Class-basedWFQ(CBWFQ)D.LowLatencyQueuing(LLQ)
Tohavethebestpossiblevoicequalityandtoutilizeeffectivelytheavailablebandwidth,whichqueuingandcompressionmechanismsneedtobeused?() A.class-basedweightedfairqueuing(CBWFQ)B.lowlatencyqueuing(LLQ)C.priorityqueuing(PQ)orcustomqueuing(CQ)D.Real-TimeTransportProtocol(RTP)headercompressionE.TCPheadercompressionF.UDPheadercompression
队列的特点是先进先出,若用循环单链表表示队列,则( )。A.入队列和出队列操作都不需要遍历链表B.入队列和出队列操作都需要遍历链表C.入队列操作需要遍历链表而出队列操作不需要D.入队列操作不需要遍历链表而出队列操作需要
What are the differences between LLQ and CBWFQ?()A、LLQ supports the addition of strict priority queuingB、With LLQ, bandwidth allocations for the priority queue and all the CBWFQ queues areconfigured using the priority commandC、LLQ is configured using MQC and CBWFQ is configured using the fair-queue commandD、LLQ priority queue bandwidth is policed with a congestion aware policerE、LLQ does not support WFQ on the default traffic class (class-default)
What are two ways to minimize the delay of VoIP packets that are traversing a network? ()A、 Use WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ to prioritize delay-sensitive packets.B、 Use WFQ, CBWFQ, and LLQ to compress the payload.C、 Give TCP packets priority over UDP packets.D、 Use control plane policing for cRTP queuing.E、 Use stacker and predictor to compress the payload.
你是企业的网络管理员,你想在你的企业里实现QOS以确保HTTP的应用数据流保证最小带宽为1M,你用下面哪种队列实现?()A、 Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)B、 Priority Queuing (PQ)C、 Class-based WFQ (CBWFQ)D、 Low Latency Queuing (LLQ)
多选题What are the differences between LLQ and CBWFQ?()ALLQ supports the addition of strict priority queuingBWith LLQ, bandwidth allocations for the priority queue and all the CBWFQ queues areconfigured using the priority commandCLLQ is configured using MQC and CBWFQ is configured using the fair-queue commandDLLQ priority queue bandwidth is policed with a congestion aware policerELLQ does not support WFQ on the default traffic class (class-default)
单选题你是企业的网络管理员,你想在你的企业里实现QOS以确保HTTP的应用数据流保证最小带宽为1M,你用下面哪种队列实现?()A Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)B Priority Queuing (PQ)C Class-based WFQ (CBWFQ)D Low Latency Queuing (LLQ)