Is it possible()A、Itisentirelyourfault.B、totalktotheManager?C、I’mterriblysorry.D、withourcompliments.

Is it possible()

  • A、 It is entirely our fault.
  • B、 to talk to the Manager?
  • C、 I’m terribly sorry.
  • D、 with our compliments.


31. --- Can you come on Monday or Tuesday?---I’m afraid _______ day is possible.A. neitherB. either C. some D. any

I want to learn() about the industry so that I'm better prepared. A、possible ofB、as much as possibleC、as possible muchD、as possible as much

–I hear Sharon is planning to study in Germany next year.–(). A、That’s so exciting!B、I don't know.C、It is possible.D、No, she will not.

I look forward ()receiving your reply as soon as possible. A、onB、toC、ofD、in

(d) (i) Discuss why it may not be possible to provide a high level of assurance over the stated key performanceindicators; and (4 marks)

I would never have believed it was possible if I ______ it with my own eyes.A. didn't seeB. don't seeC. won't seeD. hadn't seen

-Is it possible to find alternative payment terms for this order? -__________________________ A I’m afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit. ;B No, I think the price is reasonable. ;C I can’t be of any help in this respect.

Is it possible for you to expand business there? ()A. I like it.B. I'd love to.C. Yes,I think so.

If possible, I ’d like the()flight for I ’m in a hurry. A、directB、commuteC、transferD、stop

Had it been possible I would have come to see you, but I ____ so busy then. A.had beenB.wereC.wasD.would be

It was imperative that I _____ as close as possible.A:beB:will beC:wasD:am

I would like to know if it is possible to make ________ online. A.shippingB.boughtC.priceD.purchases

听力原文:M: We have agreed on the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment in August???W: I'm afraid not. Mid September, I think.Q: When is the earliest possible time of shipment?(13)A.July.B.August.C.September.D.October.

John: Is it possible for you to work late tonight?Nick: _____________A、I like it.B、I'll do that.C、I'd love to.D、I think so.

I would be much ______ if you could arrange for a radio technician to come on board as soon as possible for its repairs.A.advisedB.advancedC.arrangedD.obliged

If it__________ possible, I would have helped him, but I was too busy.A.isB.wasC.wereD.had been

I don't think __ possible to finish so much work within so short a

I don’t think__________possible to finish SO much work within SO short a

If it __________ possible, I would have helped him, but I was too busy.A.isB.wasC.wereD.had been

I really hope that you will ()your trip to Canada and get back as soon as possible when people have to knowledge of the law.A、preferB、referC、enjoyD、i nfer

Is it possible for you to work late tonight? ()A、I like it.B、I'll do that.C、I'd love to.D、I think so.

Which iostat %iowait minimum threshold indicates a possible I/O bottleneck?()A、20% B、40% C、60% D、80%

单选题I would have come to see you had it been possible, but I _____so busy then.Ahad beenBwereCwasDwould be

单选题I’ll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _____.AwaitBtimeCpatienceDrest

单选题I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I fully ______ occupied the whole of last week.AwereBhad beenChave beenDwas

单选题Which iostat %iowait minimum threshold indicates a possible I/O bottleneck?()A20% B40% C60% D80%

单选题I am looking forward to _____ from you as soon as possible.AhearBbe hearingChearingDhave heard