She found()on the beach.A、the alivefishB、an alivefishC、a fishaliveD、alive fishes

She found()on the beach.

  • A、the alivefish
  • B、an alivefish
  • C、a fishalive
  • D、alive fishes


The teacher found Tom( )when she went into the classroom. A. sleepingB. sleepC. to sleepD. sleeps

She was supposed _____ in hospital , but people found her in the office .A. to lieB. lyingC. lieD. lies

听力原文:M: Have you found a roommate to share your apartment? Your place is so big that it's suitable to look for some one to share the rent bill.W: I'm still looking for someone who fits the bill, but you know it's so difficult.Q: What does the woman mean?(15)A.She met someone who could pay the bill.B.She billed her new roommate for the suit.C.She hasn't found a suitable roommate yet.D.She's looking for someone who can lend her money.

She’ll never forget her stay there ________ she found her son who had gone missing two years before.A. that B. whichC. where D. when

What does the author mainly want to express by telling her story?A. She valued human feelings more than before.B. She realized she almost didn’t need possessions.C. She found Christmas gifts no longer badly needed.D. She thought her own home was the most important.

Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she ________ .A. saw her puppiesB. heard familiar barkingsC. wanted to leave the authorD. found her way to her old home

Having entered the hall, she found a chair in one corner and _______herself silently.A. sittingB. satC. seatingD. seated

She was thinking over the problem again on her way home, when she found herself _______ in front of his company. A. standing B. stand C. stood D. to stand

When Eric _____that she had a lot of talent, he gave her a new violin.A. put upB. looked atC. found out

Which of the sentences below apply the rhetorical device of rhetorical question?A、Was that wise?B、What would they say of her in the Stores when they found out that she had run away with a fellow?C、Why should she be unhappy?D、He took her to see TheB、ohemian Girl and she felt elated as she sat in an unaccustomed part of the theatre with him.

When she found the steak was overcooked, she ( ) to the waiter.A、motionedB、mentionedC、movedD、memorized

The next morning she found the man lying in bed, dead.()

Text 3When the first white men arrived in Samoa, they found blind men, who could see well enough to describe things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France, Jules Roman tested hundreds of blind people and found a few who could tell the difference between light and dark. He narrowed their photosensitivity(感光灵敏度) down to areas on the nose or in the finger tips. In 1960 a medical board examined a girl in Virginia and found that, even with thick bandages over her eyes, she was able to distinguish different colours and read short sections of large print.Rosa Kuleshova, a young woman in the Urals, can see with her fingers. She is not blind, but because she grew up in a family of blind people, she learned to read Braille to help them and then went on to teach herself to do other things with her hands. She was examined by the Soviet Academy of Science, and proved to be genuine, Shaefer made an intensive study with her and found that, securely blindfolded with only her arms stuck through a screen, she could tell the difference between three primary colours. To test the possibility that the cards reflected heat differently, he heated some and cooled others without affecting her response to them. He also found that she could read newsprint under glass, so texture was giving her no clues. She was able to identify the colour and shape of patches of light projected on to her palm or on to a screen. In rigidly controlled tests, with a blindfold and a screen and a piece of card around her neck so wide that she could not see round it, Rosa read the small print in a newspaper with her elbow. And, in the most convincing demonstration of all, she repeated these things with someone standing behind her pressing hard on her eyeballs. Nobody can cheat under this pressure.31. The first white men to visit Samoa found people who ______.A) were not entirely blindB) described things by touching themC) could see with their handsD) could see when they hold out their hands

The last paragraph probably indicates that the woman______.A.was outraged at the truthB.was used to being cheatedC.found the truth at the beginningD.came to know she was cheated

Mrs King has worked in our school for twenty years. She teaches history here. She often reads(11) when she is free. So she knows much. She has been (12) in China since she left university. Last summer she(13) her two weeks holiday there.She thinks it was one of her(14) holidays and she'll remember it for ever.In a shop next to the museum,Mrs King found an ancient teapot. She liked it very much and bought it. She took good care of it all the time. She often appreciated(欣赏) it at home and wouldn't (15) it to others.One day,Ann,Mrs King's daughter,brought the teapot out when she was looking for an expensive watch. Bad luck! She dropped it to the floor and of course,it was broken. She under-stood what it would (16). She looked at it for a long time. She was very (17) to tell her mother about it. She thought and thought and at last she found (18) .This afternoon,as soon as Mrs King came back from .(19) ,Ann asked,"Do you know what present I:m going to give for your birthday,Mum?""No,dear,"answered the woman,"what is it?" ."A nice teapot. "" (20) I've got a ruce one,you know." ."No,you haven't,l dropped it yesterday. "( )11.A.lettersB. novelsC. picture-booksD. newspapers

She came across three children sleeping under a bridge.A: found by chance B: passed byC: took a notice of D: woke up

共用题干第三篇Karen Rusa was a 30-year-old woman and the mother of four children. For the past several months Karen had been experiencing repetitive thoughts that centered around her children's safety. She frequently found herself imagining that a serious accident had occurred;she was unable to put these thoughts out of her mind.On one such occasion she imagined that her son,Alan,had broken his leg playing football at school. There was no reason to believe that an accident had occurred,but she kept thinking about the possibility until she finally called the school to see if Alan was all right. Even after receiving their assurance that he had not been hurt,she described herself as being somewhat surprised when he later arrived home unharmed.Karen also noted that her daily routine was seriously hampered by an extensive series of counting work that she performed throughout each day.Specific numbers come to have a special meaning to her;she found that her preoccupation with these numbers was interfering with her ability to perform everyday activities.One example was grocery shopping. Karen believed that if she selected the first item,some dreadful thing would happen to her first child, if she selected the second item,some unknown disaster wonld fall on her second child, and so on for the four children.Karen's preoccupation with numbers extended to other activities, most notable the pattern in which she smoked cigarettes and drank coffee.If she had one cigarette, she believed that she had to smoke at least four in a row or one of her children would be harmed in some way. If she drank one cup of coffee,she felt compelled to drink four. Karen acknowledged the unreasonableness of these rules,but,nevertheless,maintained that she felt more comfortable,when she observed them earnestly.When she was occasionally in too great a hurry to observe these rules, she experienced considerable anxiety in the form of a subjective feeling of dread and fear. She described herself as tense,uneasy and unable to relax during these periods.What does the word"preoccupation"mean?A:Love. B:Hobby.C:Hate. D:Obsession.

共用题干第三篇Karen Rusa was a 30-year-old woman and the mother of four children. For the past several months Karen had been experiencing repetitive thoughts that centered around her children's safety. She frequently found herself imagining that a serious accident had occurred;she was unable to put these thoughts out of her mind.On one such occasion she imagined that her son,Alan,had broken his leg playing football at school. There was no reason to believe that an accident had occurred,but she kept thinking about the possibility until she finally called the school to see if Alan was all right. Even after receiving their assurance that he had not been hurt,she described herself as being somewhat surprised when he later arrived home unharmed.Karen also noted that her daily routine was seriously hampered by an extensive series of counting work that she performed throughout each day.Specific numbers come to have a special meaning to her;she found that her preoccupation with these numbers was interfering with her ability to perform everyday activities.One example was grocery shopping. Karen believed that if she selected the first item,some dreadful thing would happen to her first child, if she selected the second item,some unknown disaster wonld fall on her second child, and so on for the four children.Karen's preoccupation with numbers extended to other activities, most notable the pattern in which she smoked cigarettes and drank coffee.If she had one cigarette, she believed that she had to smoke at least four in a row or one of her children would be harmed in some way. If she drank one cup of coffee,she felt compelled to drink four. Karen acknowledged the unreasonableness of these rules,but,nevertheless,maintained that she felt more comfortable,when she observed them earnestly.When she was occasionally in too great a hurry to observe these rules, she experienced considerable anxiety in the form of a subjective feeling of dread and fear. She described herself as tense,uneasy and unable to relax during these periods.The author used the example of the grocery shopping to______.A:demonstrates her children's safety was closely related to the item she selected in the storeB:account for Karen's inability to perform everyday activitiesC:show how specific numbers were related to the safety of her childrenD:further explains that Karen was suffering from a psychological illness

共用题干第三篇Karen Rusa was a 30-year-old woman and the mother of four children. For the past several months Karen had been experiencing repetitive thoughts that centered around her children's safety. She frequently found herself imagining that a serious accident had occurred;she was unable to put these thoughts out of her mind.On one such occasion she imagined that her son,Alan,had broken his leg playing football at school. There was no reason to believe that an accident had occurred,but she kept thinking about the possibility until she finally called the school to see if Alan was all right. Even after receiving their assurance that he had not been hurt,she described herself as being somewhat surprised when he later arrived home unharmed.Karen also noted that her daily routine was seriously hampered by an extensive series of counting work that she performed throughout each day.Specific numbers come to have a special meaning to her;she found that her preoccupation with these numbers was interfering with her ability to perform everyday activities.One example was grocery shopping. Karen believed that if she selected the first item,some dreadful thing would happen to her first child, if she selected the second item,some unknown disaster wonld fall on her second child, and so on for the four children.Karen's preoccupation with numbers extended to other activities, most notable the pattern in which she smoked cigarettes and drank coffee.If she had one cigarette, she believed that she had to smoke at least four in a row or one of her children would be harmed in some way. If she drank one cup of coffee,she felt compelled to drink four. Karen acknowledged the unreasonableness of these rules,but,nevertheless,maintained that she felt more comfortable,when she observed them earnestly.When she was occasionally in too great a hurry to observe these rules, she experienced considerable anxiety in the form of a subjective feeling of dread and fear. She described herself as tense,uneasy and unable to relax during these periods.Which of the following solutions could most probably cure Karen of the illness?A:Her children were all right. B:She stopped counting numbers.C:She consulted a psychoanalyst. D:She quit smoking.

She'll never forget her stay there __________she found her son who had gone missing two years before.A.thatB.whichC.whereD.when

After ten years of being a housewife and a mother,Carol could not stand it any longer.Then,one?morning,just after her two daughters had gone to school,she saw an advertisement(广告)in the pa-per.She phoned,and was asked to come to an interview(面谈)that very afternoon.Mr.Hollins,who interviewed her,was a young man about 24 in a blue suit.There was a hard?look in his eye and he talked very fast.He told her she would be required to stop men between the?ages of 21 and 50 and ask them several questions designed to determine what men think of deodor-ants(除臭剂).The information was to be recorded and she would be paid according to the number?of complete interviews she had.When Carol asked which factory the research was for,she was told that was not important.Last?of all,before she began she would have to attend a one-day training.Carol accepted.After the train-ing,which was only about how to write down the answers correctly in a form and how to put the ques-tions,Carol found herself in the center of town at 9:30 in the morning.She soon found out that get-ting the information was really not all that easy.First,she stopped a man who refused to answer any questions because he had no time.Next,a?man told her it was none of her business whether he used deodorants or not.Then she interviewed a?man who was hard of hearing and,instead of answering her questions,began asking her all sorts of?his own.Finally,Carol found a young man with a pleasant smile on his face.He was coming towards?her slowly and seemed ready to talk.He looked surprised when she put her first question."I′m doing?a research,too.It′s about soap powders,"he said.What can we know about the third man Carol stopped in the town center?A.He was impatient to listen to Carol.B.He was ready to answer Carol's questions.C.He found it hard to believe what Carol said.D.He had trouble getting what Carol was saying.

After ten years of being a housewife and a mother,Carol could not stand it any longer.Then,one?morning,just after her two daughters had gone to school,she saw an advertisement(广告)in the pa-per.She phoned,and was asked to come to an interview(面谈)that very afternoon.Mr.Hollins,who interviewed her,was a young man about 24 in a blue suit.There was a hard?look in his eye and he talked very fast.He told her she would be required to stop men between the?ages of 21 and 50 and ask them several questions designed to determine what men think of deodor-ants(除臭剂).The information was to be recorded and she would be paid according to the number?of complete interviews she had.When Carol asked which factory the research was for,she was told that was not important.Last?of all,before she began she would have to attend a one-day training.Carol accepted.After the train-ing,which was only about how to write down the answers correctly in a form and how to put the ques-tions,Carol found herself in the center of town at 9:30 in the morning.She soon found out that get-ting the information was really not all that easy.First,she stopped a man who refused to answer any questions because he had no time.Next,a?man told her it was none of her business whether he used deodorants or not.Then she interviewed a?man who was hard of hearing and,instead of answering her questions,began asking her all sorts of?his own.Finally,Carol found a young man with a pleasant smile on his face.He was coming towards?her slowly and seemed ready to talk.He looked surprised when she put her first question."I′m doing?a research,too.It′s about soap powders,"he said.Mr.Hollins told Carol that she was record what she heard in the collect men's opinions on a pay visits to men aged 21 through stop people who were using the product

单选题She found herself _____ forward more eagerly to the holiday at home.AlookingBbringingCdesiringDexpecting

单选题She breathed a sigh of _____ when she found out she had passed the exams.AreliefBbeliefCdelightDrelaxation

单选题User1 reports she lost her mobile device.She successfully remotely wiped the information from the device.Afterwards she reports she found the device, but she cannot access her mailbox or other content.What should you do?()AInstruct the user to perform a hardware reset of the device.BYou should perform a Set-ActiveSyncDeviceAccessRuleCInstruct the user to change her passwordDMake the shell command Clear-ActiveSyncDevice -Identity User1

单选题She found herself _____ forward more and more eagerly to the holiday at home.AlookingBbringingCdesiringDexpecting

单选题_____, a friend of Mrs. Black found the watch she had lost two days before.AEspeciallyBUsuallyCGenerallyDFortunately

单选题She found()on the beach.Athe alivefishBan alivefishCa fishaliveDalive fishes