- A、λmax=1/2λmin
- B、λmin=2/3λmax
- C、λmin=3/4λmax
- D、λmin=3/5λmax
- E、λmin=4/5λmax
x线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的 关系是A.λmean =3λminB.λmean =2.5λmin x线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的 关系是A.λmean =3λminB.λmean =2.5λminC.λmean =2λminD.λmean =l.5λminE.λmean=λmin
x线最强波长(λmax)与最短波长(λmin)的关系是A.λmax =0.5λminB.λmax =λminC.λmax =1.5λminD.λmax =2λminE.λmax =2.5λmin
Asystemadministratorisimplementinganew2-way&ensp Asystemadministratorisimplementinganew2-wayPOWER5serverwithAPVthatistobedividedintothreepartitions.TheapplicationgroupshaverequestedthefollowingCPUentitlementsforthepartitions:Partition1:min=1.0,max=2.0,desired=1.5Partition2:min=1.0,max=2.0,desired=1.0Partition3:min=0.1,max=1.0,desired=0.8Theadministratorimmediatelyfindsthatthethreepartitionscannotbestartedinordertorunconcurrently.Whatchangescanbemadetoentitlementconfigurationtoallowallthreepartitionstobestartedinorder?()
Companycom has the following: 8 x 1.65GHz CPUs 16GB Memory 4 LPARs LPAR 1: Test/Dev 1 CPU, 2GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 2: QA 1 CPU, 2GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 3: Prod 3 CPUs, 6GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, AIX 5.3 LPAR 4: Web App 3 CPUs, 6GB Memory, 1 Fibre Channel HBA, SUSE Linux Utilization over a 30 day period LPAR 1: Average utilization was 15%, Peak utilization was 100% LPAR 2: Average utilization was 25%, Peak utilization was 100% LPAR 3: Average utilization was 50%, Peak utilization was 90% LPAR 4: Average utilization was 35%, Peak utilization was 100% If the customer has a requirement for all four LPARs moved to a p5 590 and to have dedicated CPU resources. Which of the following would best describe the profile requirements?()A、LPARs 1 and 2, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 1.0, desired CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 2.0 B、LPARs 1 and 2, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 1.0, desired CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT on, min CPU 2.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 3.0 C、LPARs 1 and 2, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 3.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT on, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 2.0 D、LPARs 1 and 2, SMT off, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 1.0, desired CPU 1.0 LPARs 3 and 4, SMT off, min CPU 1.0, max CPU 3.0, desired CPU 3.0
单选题X线平均波长(λmean)与最短波长(λmin)的关系是( )。Aλmean=3λminBλmean=2.5λminCλmean=2λminDλmean=1.5λminEλmean=λmin
单选题X线摄影线量最强波长的计算公式为( )。Aλmin=1.24kVp(nm)Bλmax=1.5λmin(nm)Cλmax=2.5λmin(nm)Dλmax=2λmin(nm)Eλmin=12.4/kVp(nm)
单选题X线摄影用最短波长的计算公式为( )。Aλmin=1.24/kV(nm)Bλmax=1.2~1.5λmin(nm)Cλmean=2.5λmin(nm)Dλmax=2λmin(nm)Eλmin=12.4/kVp(nm)
单选题X线摄影用线量最强波长的计算公式为( )。Aλmin=1.24/kVp(nm)Bλmax=1.5λmin(nm)Cλmean=2.5λmin(nm)Dλmax=2λmin(nm)Eλmin=12.4/kVp(nm)
单选题有如下程序:#include struct pair{ int first,second;};struct pair get_min_max(int*array, int len){ int i; struct pair res; res.first=array[0]; res.second=array[0]; for(i=1;ires.second) res.second=array[i]; } return res;}main(){ int array[5]={9,1,3,4}; struct pair min_max = get_min_max(array,5); printf(min=%d,max=%d, min_max.first, min_max.second);}程序运行后的输出结果是( )。Amin=1,max=9Bmin=0,max=9Cmin=1,max=4Dmin=0,max=4