


Ordinary people can afford to race their own horses.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Life is like a ling race we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A. why B. whatC. thatD. where

Under stress, people's blood pressure goes up, _________their race or sex.A. whicheverB. no matter howC. whetherD. no matter what

The recent Genome Wars were symbolic of _____.[A] the enthusiasm in scientific research[B] the significance of the space race[C] the public versus private conflict[D] the prospect of the completion of DNA sequence


The sentiment that justifies cruelty to beasts leads to persecution of men of other race, class or religion.()

___ variables are factors like age, gender, ethnic background, race, religion, education and income. A.GeographicB.DemographicC.PsychographicD.Product-use

Life is like a long race_____we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A. why B. what C. that D. where

The following day I ran my first race at high__________.A. latitudeB. altitudeC. longitudeD. attitude

The law does not discriminate( )any race,creed and color.against

The famous athlete expressed his regret at the failure of the running race.A: disapprovalB: sorryC: shameD: disagree

I stroll around the park for an hour after dinner every day.A:run B:rollC:walk D:race


The earliest invasion is that by the ()-haired Mediterranean race called the Iberians.

非小种专化抗病性(race-nonspecific resistance)

小种专化抗病性(race-specific resistance)







单选题At 0630 you increase speed to 12.0 knots. At 0645 Race Rock Light bears 294°pgc. At 0700 Race Rock Light bears 293°pgc. Based on this,you should().Aalter course to portBmaintain course and speedCalter course to starboardDmaintain course and reduce speed

单选题AHabitual criminals.BCrime’s relationship to race.CPrisoners by gender and race.DCrime rates and prisons.

单选题300 Hurdles Now comes the first hurdle. __1__ We all make it over this hurdle with ease. This symbolizes. Those obstacles in life that we struggle to get over, but we always manage to do so. You can look at that hurdle in two ways: "I can’t make it over, I’m too tired" or "I am one more hurdle closer to finishing this race". This is an example of taking a negative situation and seeing something positive in it. The next part of the race is every hurdle between the first and last one. __2__ This happens a lot in life too. There may be a situation that arises where you feel as though you can’t make it and all you can think about is giving up. You may fall over that "hurdle" or struggle getting over it, but somehow you find it in yourself to jump over it and move on with the race. Next is that last 100m of the race. You feel as though you just want to say, "No I can't do this." __3__. Now lastly is the last hurdle. This hurdle is the toughest out of all of them. In life we find ourselves falling and falling, and maybe getting too lost in our problems that we fell like have been though enough and there’s no hope. __4__ It's one step close to the end of the race. Once you finish, you look back on it and you realize that you made it not by leaping, but step by step. "Yard by yard, life is very hard. But inch by inch, life can be a cinch."__5__.__3__内应选()AThis hurdle the easiest to get over because you are not worn out from running.BAgain, you must find it in yourself that you can do it, and you must finish the race stronger than when you had started it.CAll it takes is one step at a time, one hurdle at a time.DThat last hurdle symbolizes these situations.EThese hurdles get tougher and tougher and you may feel as though you can’t go on.FNext is the lining up in our own individual lanes.