字符串„hel‟lo‟输出结果为()A、’hello’B、’hel lo’C、hel’loD、hel/’lo


  • A、’hello’
  • B、’hel lo’
  • C、hel’lo
  • D、hel/’lo


用命令列出下面的文件列表,请问那一个文件是符号链接文件:() A.-rw-------2hel-susers56Sep0911:05helloB.-rw-------2hel-susers56Sep0911:05goodbeyC.drwx------1helusers1024Sep1008:10zhangD.lrwx------1helusers2024Sep1208:12cheng


基础主梁底部非贯通纵筋过柱节点向跨内的延伸长度为()。 A、Lo/3B、Lo/4C、Lo/3+Hb+取大值D、+Hb+

请阅读下面程序 public class ThreadTest{ public static void main(String args[])throws Ex- ception{ int i=0; Hello t=new Hello; ; while(true){ System.Out.println("Good Morning"+i++): if(i= =2t.isAlive){ System.out.println("Main waiting for Hel- lo!"); join;//等待t运行结束 } if(i= =5)break;} } } class Hello extends Thread{ int l; public void run{ while(true)( System.Out.println("Hell0"+i++); if(i= =5)break;)))A.t.sleepB.t.yieldC.t.interruptD.t.start

用ls–al命令列出下面的文件列表,()文件是符号连接文件。A.-rw-rw-rw- 2 hel-susers 56 Sep0911:05helloB.-rwxrwxrwx 2 hel-susers 56 Sep0911:05goodbeyC.drwxr--r-- 1 helusers 1024 Sep1008:10zhangD.lrwxr--r-- 1 helusers 2024 Sep1208:12cheng


有如下程序void func1(int st[],int i){ printf("%c",st[i]); if(i}void func2(int st[],int i){ printf("%c",st[i]); if(i}main(){ char st[ ]="hello,friend! "; int i=0;func1(st,i); printf("\n");}程序执行后输出的结果是A.hello B.hel C.hlo D.编译出错

Which three route filtering statements are true?() A. After the router ospf 10 and passive - interface s0/0 commands have been issued , the s0/0 interface will not send any OSPF updates, but will receive routing updates on that interfaceB. When you use the passive - interface command with RIPv2, multicasts are sent out the specified interfaceC. After the router rip and passive -interface s0/0 commands have been issued, the s0/0 interface will not send any RIP updates, but will receive routing updates on that interfaceD. When you use the passive - interface command with EIGRP, hel lo messages are not sent out the specified interfaceE. After the router eigrp 10 and passive - interface s0/0 commands have been issued, the s0/0 interface will not send any EIGRP updates, but will receive routing updates on that interfaceF. When you use the passive - interface command with OSPF, hello messages are not sent out the specified interface

● 用Linux ls –al 命令列出下面的文件列表, (33) 是块设备文件。(33)A.drwx----- 1 hel users 1024 Sep 10 08:10 aaaB.-rw------- 2 hel-s users 56 Sep 09 11:05 bbbC.brw------- 2 hel-s users 56 Sep 09 11:05 cccD.lrwx----- 1 hel users 2024 Sep 12 08:12 ddd


HEL Server 5系统启动时默认由以下哪个系统引导程序实施系统加载?()A、GRUBB、LILOC、KDED、GNOME


某简支托梁和其上部的砌体组合承重墙梁用以支承托梁墙体及其上的荷重时,托梁高度hb应满足()A、≥Lo / 8B、≥Lo /10C、≥Lo /12D、≥Lo /15





你是公司网管,域中有Win2k成员服务器Hel,已经为Hel配置了RRAS。用户可以使用拨号连接公司网络。你公司有一个组叫Sales,你希望所有Sales组成员使用智能卡远程登陆验证。为所有sales组成员配置的拨号许可为control access through remote access policy。你创建远程访问策略叫SA,远程访问策略允许Sales组成员所有时间都可以远程访问。你的远程策略在Hel的策略列表中位于首位。Sales组成员可以远程访问,但报告无法使用智能卡,如何()A、在AD中天津Hel进入Pre-windows 2000 compatibleaccess组B、使用EAP在Hel和客户端访问,使用EAP在Sales组远程访问策略C、为所有Sales组成员选择store password susing reversible encryptionD、为所有Sales组成员配置用户委派信任关系

以下配置邮件主题过滤关键字错误的是()。A、firewall smtp-filter subject add*B、firewall smtp-filter subject add*hello*C、firewall smtp-filter subject addhel loD、firewall smtp-filter subject add"hel lo"

Which three route filtering statements are true?()A、After the router ospf 10 and passive - interface s0/0 commands have been issued , the s0/0 interface will not send any OSPF updates, but will receive routing updates on that interfaceB、When you use the passive - interface command with RIPv2, multicasts are sent out the specified interfaceC、After the router rip and passive -interface s0/0 commands have been issued, the s0/0 interface will not send any RIP updates, but will receive routing updates on that interfaceD、When you use the passive - interface command with EIGRP, hel lo messages are not sent out the specified interfaceE、After the router eigrp 10 and passive - interface s0/0 commands have been issued, the s0/0 interface will not send any EIGRP updates, but will receive routing updates on that interfaceF、When you use the passive - interface command with OSPF, hello messages are not sent out the specified interface



单选题某简支托梁和其上部的砌体组合承重墙梁用以支承托梁墙体及其上的荷重时,托梁高度hb应满足()A≥Lo / 8B≥Lo /10C≥Lo /12D≥Lo /15


单选题血小板的正常值是(  )。A(100~300)×lO9/LB(200~300)×lO9/LC(100~500)×lO9/LD(50~100)×lO9/LE(30~60)×109/L

单选题字符串„hel‟lo‟输出结果为()A’hello’B’hel lo’Chel’loDhel/’lo
