对于下列Hello类,哪个叙述是正确的? class Hello{ Hello(int m){ } int Hello(){ return 30; } hello(){ } }A.Hello类有两个构造方法B.Hello类的int Hello()方法是错误的方法C.Hello类没有构造方法D.Hello无法通过编译,因为 其中的hello方法的方法头是错误的(没有类型)
对于下列Hello类,哪个叙述是正确的? class Hello{ Hello(int m){ } int Hello(){ return 30; } hello(){ } }
B.Hello类的int Hello()方法是错误的方法
D.Hello无法通过编译,因为 其中的hello方法的方法头是错误的(没有类型)
分析下列程序。 int main() { printf("Hello") ; fork(); printf("Hello") ; fork(); printf("Hello") ; fork(); printf("Hello") ;} 不考虑其他因素,程序正常运行后共打印出多少个"Hello"?A.15B.11C.7D.4
下面程序创建了一个线程并运行,请填空,使程序完整。public class ThreadTest {public static void main (String[] args) {Hello h=Hew Hello ();【 】t.start ();}}class Hello implements Runnable {int i;public void run () {while(true) {System.out.println("Hello" +i++);if(i==5) break;}}}
下列程序的输出结果是()。includeusing namespace std;int main()于chara[]=”Hello,Te 下列程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() 于 chara[]=”Hello,Test”; Char*p=a; while(*p) { if(*p)=’a’*p(=’z’) cout<<char(*p+’A’-’a’); else cout<<*p; p++; } return 0; }A.hello,testB.Hello,TestC.HELLO,TESTD.hELLO,tEST
( 24 )请阅读下面程序public class ThreadTest {public static void main ( String args[ ]){Thread t1 = new Thread ( new Hello ()):Thread t2 = new Thread ( new Hello ()):t l .start ():t2.start ();}}class Hello implements Runnable {int i ;public void run (){while ( true ) {System.out.println ( "Hello"+i++ ) ;if ( i=5 ) break :}}}该程序创建线程使用的方法是()A )继承 Thread 类B )实现 Runnable 接口C ) t l.start ()D ) t2.start ()
( 28 )请阅读下面程序public class ThreadTest {public static void main ( String args[ ]) throws Exception {int i=0;Hello t = new Hello ();___________;whlle ( true ){System.out.println ( "Good Morning"+i++ ) ;if ( i=2 && t.isAlive ()){System.out.println ( "Main waiting for Hello ! ” );tjoin () ; // 等待 t 运行结束}if ( i==5 ) break :}}}class Hello extends Thread {int i ;public void run ()笼while ( true ){System.out.println ( "Hello"+i++ ) ;if ( i=5 ) break ;}}}为使该程序正确执行,下划线处的语句应是A ) t.sleep ()B ) t.yieldn ()C ) t.interrupt ()D ) t.start ()
通过实现Rmmable接口创建线程,请在下面横线处填写代码完成此程序。public class ThreadTest{public static void main(String args []){Thread testObj1 = new Thread (new Hello ());Thread testObj2 = new Thread (new Hello ());testObj 2.start ( );}}class Hello implements Runnable{int j;public void run(){System.out.println("Hello" + j ++);}}
请阅读下面程序 public class ThreadTest { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ int i=0; Hello t=new Hello(); while(true) { System.out.println("Good Moming"+i++); if (i==2 t.isAlive()) { System. out.println("Main waiting for Hello!"); t.join(); //等待t运行结束 } if(i==5) break;} } } class Hello extends Thread { int i; public void run() { while(true){ System.out.println("Hello"+i++); if (i==5) break;}}} 为使该程序正确执行,下划线处的语句应是A.t.sleep()B.t.yield()C.t.interrupt()D.t.start()
下列程序的输出结果是______。includeusing namespace std;int main() {char a []="He 下列程序的输出结果是______。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char a []="Hello, World"; char *ptr=a; while (* ptr) { if(*ptr)= 'a' *ptr' <= 'z') cout << char(*ptr+'A'-'a'); else cout << *ptr; ptr++; } return 0; }A.HELLO,WORLDB.Hello,WorldC.hELLO, wORLDD.hello,world
有如下类和对象的定义:class MyHello{public:static string getName() { return "Hello"; }};MyHello my;下列各组语句中,能输出“Hello”的是( )。 A. coutB.coutC.coutD.cout
下列程序的输出结果是()。includeusing namespace std;int main(){char a[]="Hello,Te 下列程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char a[]="Hello,Test"; char *p=a; while(*p) { if(*p>='a'*p<='’z') cout<<char(*p+'A'-'a'); else cout<<*p; p++; } return 0; }A.hello,testB.Hello,TestC.HELLO,TESTD.hELLO,tEST
下列程序的输出结果是()。includeusing namespace std;int main(){char a[]="Hello,Te 下列程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char a[]="Hello,Test"; char*p=a; while(*p) { if(*p>='a'*p<='z') cout<<char(*p+'A'-'a'); else cout<<*p; p++; } reA.hllo,testB.Hello,TestC.HELLO,TESTD.hELLO,tEST
写出程序运行的结果Public class BasePublic virtual string Hello() {return “Base”;}Public class Sub:BasePublic override string Hello() {return “Sub”;}1. Base b = new Base(); b.Hello;2. Sub s = new Sub(); s.Hello;3. Base b = new Sub (); b.Hello;4. Sub s = new Base(); s.Hello;
有下列程序段:include using namespace std;int main() { char b[]= "Hello,you"; b[ 有下列程序段: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char b[] = "Hello,you"; b[5] = 0; cout<<b<<end1; return 0; } 执行此程序后,得到的输出结果是( )。A.Hello,youB.Hello0youC.HelloD.0
下列程序的输出结果是()。includeusing namespace std;int main(){char a[]=""Hello,W 下列程序的输出结果是( )。 #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char a[]=""Hello,World"; char*ptr = a; while(*ptr) { if(*ptr>= 'a' *ptr<='z') cout<<char(*ptr+'A'-'a'); else cout<<*ptr; ptr++; } retur 0; }A.HELLO, WORLDB.Hello, WorldC.HELLO, worldD.hello, world
以下( )表达式是不合法的。A.string x="hello";int y=9;x+=y;B.string x="hello";int y=9;if(x=y){}C.string x="hello";int y=9;x=x+y;D.string x=null;inty=(x!=null)(x.length()>0)?x.length():0;
对于如下C语言程序 int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); fork(); printf("Hello World\n"); } 在UNIX操作系统中正确编译链接后,其正确的运行结果是A.共打印出2行Hello WorldB.共打印出3行Hello WorldC.共打印出4行Hello WorldD.共打印出5行Hello World
对于如下C语言程序 int main() { printf("Hello World\n"); fork(); fork(); printf("Hello World\n"); } 在UNIX操作系统中正确编译链接后,其正确的运行结果为A.共打印出2行Hello WorldB.共打印出3行Hello WorldC.共打印出4行Hello WorldD.共打印出5行Hello World
下列选项中,()是正确的表达式。 A、% String s = “hello world ” ;% B、% = “hello world ” ;% C、% = “hello world ” % D、% ! “hello world ” %
public class ClassA{ public int getValue(){ int value=0; boolean setting=true; String title="Hello"; if(value||(setting title=="Hello")){return 1;} if(value==1title.equals("Hello")){return 2;} } } And: ClassA a=new ClassA(); a.getValue(); What is the result?()A、1B、2C、Compilation fails.D、The code runs with no output.E、An exception is thrown at runtime.
class A { public A() { System.out.println(“hello from a”); } } class B extends A { public B () { System.out.println(“hello from b”); super(); } } public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { A a = new B(); } } What is the result when main is executed?() A、 Compilation fails.B、 hello from aC、 hello from bD、 hello from b hello from aE、 hello from a hello from b
写“Hello World”的正确javascript语法是()A、document.write("Hello World")B、"Hello World"C、response.write("Hello World")D、("Hello World")
10. public class Hello { 11. String title; 12. int value; 13. public Hello() { 14. title += “ World”; 15. } 16. public Hello(int value) { 17. this.value = value; 18. title = “Hello”; 19. Hello(); 20. } 21. } and: 30. Hello c = new Hello(5); 31. System.out.println(c.title); What is the result?() A、 HelloB、 Hello WorldC、 Compilation fails.D、 Hello World 5E、 The code runs with no output.F、 An exception is thrown at runtime.
单选题class A { public A() { System.out.println(“hello from a”); } } class B extends A { public B () { System.out.println(“hello from b”); super(); } } public class Test { public static void main(String args[]) { A a = new B(); } } What is the result when main is executed?()A Compilation fails.B hello from aC hello from bD hello from b hello from aE hello from a hello from b
单选题public class ClassA{ public int getValue(){ int value=0; boolean setting=true; String title="Hello"; if(value||(setting title=="Hello")){return 1;} if(value==1title.equals("Hello")){return 2;} } } And: ClassA a=new ClassA(); a.getValue(); What is the result?()A1B2CCompilation fails.DThe code runs with no output.EAn exception is thrown at runtime.
单选题下列选项中,()是正确的表达式。A% String s = “hello world ” ;% B% = “hello world ” ;% C% = “hello world ” % D% ! “hello world ” %