
While studying at Lawrence High School, Frost wrote poems and finished his studies at the top of his class.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Stylistically,poems of Robert Frost is characterized by simple language, a graceful style, and traditional forms of poetry.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

He was a philosopher who wrote plays and poems and essays () his doctrine. A、expoundingB、forgoC、explosiveD、presided

Which of the following usually appears in poems? A.horseB.steedC.gee-geeD.nag

Each of Emily Dickinsons poems has a well-chosen title.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

Robert Frost wrote most of his poems in free verse.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

______'s Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems written in free verse.A.Robert FrostB.T.S. EliotC.Walt WhitmanD.Ezra Pound

Robert Browning's obscure style. of writing made his poems______(access)to many readers.

以下哪项是POEMS综合征2007诊断标准(Dispenzieri等)的强制性主要标准()。 A、硬化性骨病B、内分泌病变(肾上腺、甲状腺、垂体性腺、甲状旁腺或胰腺)C、血VEGF水平升高D、多发性神经病变E、水肿 (肢体水肿、胸腔积液或腹水)

对于新诊断的POEMS综合征患者,()方案是一个非常有效并且耐受性较好的选择。 A、DiagnB、PathC、TreaD、MdexE、Ndd

()是POEMS综合征特征性表现。 A、全身性皮肤色素沉着B、内分泌系统异常C、雷诺现象D、血管瘤E、白甲

POEMS综合征是一种与()有关的多系统病变。 A、浆细胞病B、白细胞疾病C、中性粒细胞疾病D、红细胞疾病E、骨髓细胞疾病

以下哪项不是POEMS综合征2007诊断标准(Dispenzieri等)的次要标准()。 A、脏器肿大(脾、肝或淋巴结肿大)B、视乳头水肿C、单克隆浆细胞增殖性异常D、水肿 (肢体水肿、胸腔积液或腹水)E、内分泌病变(肾上腺、甲状腺、垂体性腺、甲状旁腺或胰腺)

POEMS综合征的首发症状多为()。 A、淋巴结肿大B、多发性周围神经病变C、糖尿病D、全身性皮肤色素沉着E、杵状指

POEMS综合征的病因、发病机制仍有争议,目前认为可能与下列()两方面因素有关。 A、细胞因子和遗传学异常B、遗传学异常和环境异常C、环境、饮食D、遗传、饮食E、细胞因子和饮食

下列有关POEMS综合征与多发性骨髓瘤的鉴别诊断,说法错误的一项是()。 A、发病年龄较POEMS综合征晚B、首发多发性周围神经病C、内分泌改变较POEMS综合征少D、血沉增快,血钙增高及M蛋白E、合并肾脏损害多见,可有淀粉样变

早期的放射性脊髓炎( )比较常见 A、Lhermitte氏征B、Brown–Sequard征C、Honer氏综合征D、Eaton–Lambert综合征E、POEMS综合征

The main theme of Emily Dickinson′s poems isthe following except( ) A.friendship B.love and marriage C.life and death D.war and peace



Altogether, Dickinson wrote 1775 poems of which most had appeared during her lifetime.



判断题Altogether, Dickinson wrote 1775 poems of which most had appeared during her lifetime.A对B错


填空题What Santa Claus does nowadays can be traced back to one of Clement Clarke Moore’s poems.____

单选题His Selected Poems ______ first published in 1965.AwereBwasChas beenDis