18.A. wentB. went toC. wantD. wanted


A. went

B. went to

C. want

D. wanted


I was one of those people who went to __________ college knowing exactly what I wanted to do with __________ life. A./, myB.a, theC./, theD.my, my

Someone was speaking there; the voice was familiar ( )us. A. byB. toC. forD. with

Guilin is quite __________ a visit. A. worthyB. worthy toC. worthy ofD. worth of

Everything ________ except salaries. A. wentB. went upC. went toD. went from

We _________ to make him feel at home. A. went to our wayB. went out of our wayC. went away from our wayD. went on our way

If I didn’t have to get up early, I( )out tonight, but I start work at 7.30 tomorrow. A. wentB. would goC. had goneD. am going

—__________?—Yes. I want to have a look at that blue skirt. A. What are you doingB. Who are youC. What do you wantD. Can I help you

After seeing the film, _________ . A.the book was read to himB.the book he wanted to readC.he wanted to read the bookD.he wanted the reading of the book

18.A. ofB. forC. over

18.A. moreB. the moreC. muchD. the less

My sister wanted to look for a job here _______ her abilities.A. suited toB. suiting toC. suitedD. and to suit

16.A. canB. used toC. mayD. should

20.A.ofB. toC. forD. from

Passage ThreeThe war had begun, and George had joined the air force. He wanted to be a pilot and after some months he managed to get to the air force training school, where they taught pilots to fly'.There, the first thing that new students had to do was to be taken up in a plane by an experienced pi lot, to give them some ideas what it felt like. Even those who had traveled as passengers in commercial (商业的 ) airline planes before found it strange to be in the cockpit (驾驶舱)of a small fighter plane, and most of the students felt nervous.The officer who had to take the students up for their first flight allowed them to fly the plane for a few seconds if' they wanted to and if they were not too frightened to try, but be was always ready to take over as soon as the plane started to do dangerous things.George was one of those who took over the controls of the plane when he went up in it for the first time, and after the officer had taken them [Yom him again. George thought that he had better ask a few questions to show how interested he was and how much he wanted to learn to fly. There were a number of instruments (仪表) in front of him, so he chose one and asked the officer what it was. The officer looked at him strangely for a moment and then answered, "That is the clock."44. George went to the air torte training school because he wanted ______.A. to fight the warB. to flyC. to be pilotD. to be a passenger

18.A. atB. onC. ofD. to

Beijing is 1200kilometres _____ Shanghai.A. ofB. toC. from

I love traveling. I_____ most places in the world.A. have gone toB. have been toC. went to

As a news reporter, James __________ many places in the world.A. has been toB. has gone toC. went to

In Africa, there were tribes which ___ stretching the ear lobes. A、went in forB、went forC、wentD、went to

There was a sudden gust of wind and ____. A、went away his hatB、went his hat awayC、away went his hatD、away his hat went

The storm continues to move west and is expected to ________ the east coast of Florida tomorrow. A. wentB. endC. beyondD. reach

I ______ see you, but I didn't, for I had no time. A、had wanted toB、has wanted toC、wantedD、was wanted

18.A. ThankB. Thank youC.ThanksD. Thanks you

I'm familiar ______the music that they are dancingA. to, toB. with, toC. with, withD. with,/

Which of the following is TRUE?A.The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple gotB.Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experienceC.The manager went back to the table and apologized to the coupleD.From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture

单选题_____AHe wanted to check the order number.BHe wanted to order some computers.CHe wanted to report on a problem.DHe wanted to see the secretary.

单选题Mr. Baker went slowly upstairs. He wanted to see what mischief his grandson was _____Aup forBup withCupDup to