Person:Right, 58 ,turn left into Queen Mary Avenue.

Person:Right, 58 ,turn left into Queen Mary Avenue.


根据以下材料回答第 1~5 题:A.Maybe I should call a taxiB.can you help’s the second leftD.not the traffic lightsF.Not al allG.Museum DriveH.Thanks again第 56 题 Tourist:Excuse me, 56 ?I'm lost!Person:Certainly,where would you like to go?Tourist:I'd like to go to the museum,but I can’t find it.Is it far?Person:N0, 57 .It’s about a 5 minute walk.Now,go along this street to thetraffic lights.Do you see them?Tourist:Yes,I can see them.Person:Right, 58 ,turn left into Queen Mary Avenue.Tourist:Queen Mary Avenue.Person:Right.Go straight on.Take the second left and enter Museum Drive.Tourist:OK.Queen Mary Avenue,straight on and then the second left, 59 .Person:Right.Just follow Museum Drive and the museum is at the end of the road.Tourist:Great.Thanks for your help.Person: 60 .

阅读下列C程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面是一个用C编写的快速排序算法。为了避免最坏情况,取基准记录pivot时,采用从left、right和mid=[(left+right)/2]中取中间值,并交换到right位置的办法。数组a存放待排序的一组记录,数据类型为T,left和right是待排序子区间的最左端点和最右端点。void quicksort (int a[], int left, int right) {int temp;if (left<right) {hat pivot = median3 (a, left, right); //三者取中子程序int i = left, j = right-1;for(;;){while (i <j a[i] < pivot) i++;while (i <j pivot < a[j]) j--;if(i<j){temp = a[i]; a[j] = a[i]; a[i] = temp;i++; j--;}else break;}if (a[i] > pivot){temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[right]; a[right] = temp;}quicksort( (1) ); //递归排序左子区间quieksort(a,i+1 ,right); //递归排序右子区间}}void median3 (int a[], int left, int right){ int mid=(2);int k = left;if(a[mid] < a[k])k = mid;if(a[high] < a[k]) k = high; //选最小记录int temp = a[k]; a[k] = a[left]; a[left] = temp; //最小者交换到 leftif(a[mid] < a[right]){temp=a[mid]; a[mid]=a[right]; a[right]=temp;}}消去第二个递归调用 quicksort (a,i+1,right)。 采用循环的办法:void quicksort (int a[], int left, int right) {int temp; int i,j;(3) {int pivot = median3(a, left, right); //三者取中子程序i = left; j = righi-1;for (;; ){while (i<j a[i] < pivot)i++;while (i<j pivot <a[j]) j--;if(i <j) {temp = a[i]; a[j]; = a[i]; a[i]=temp;i++; j--;}else break;}if(a[i]>pivot){(4);a[i]=pivot;}quicksoft ((5)); //递归排序左子区间left = i+1;}}

要设置宽度不为100%的页面容器居中,则可以在CSS定义中添加( ) A.margin-left:0;margin-right:0;B.margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;C.margin-left:100%;margin-right:100%;D.margin-left:auto;margin-right:0;

( 19 )设 a=" 计算机等级考试 " ,结果为 " 考试 " 的表达式是A ) Left(a,4)B ) Right(a,4)C ) Left(a,2)D ) Right(a,2)


2、在循环双链表的p所指结点之后插入s所指结点的操作是()A.p->right=s;s->left=p;p->right->left=s;s->right=p->right;B.p->right=s;p->right->left=s;s->left=p;s->right=p->right;C.s->left=p;s->right=p->right;p->right=s;p->right->left=s;D.s->left=p;s->right=p->right; p->right->left=s;p->right=s;

设指针变量p指向双向链表中结点A,指针变量s指向被插入的结点X,则在结点A的后面插入结点X的操作序列为()A.p->right=s; s->left=p; p->right->left=s; s->right=p->right;B.s->left=p;s->right=p->right;p->right=s; p->right->left=s;C.p->right=s; p->right->left=s; s->left=p; s->right=p->right;D.s->left=p;s->right=p->right;p->right->left=s; p->right=s;

