The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.” (Line 6, Para. 5) shows that[A] Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.[B] Alvarez’s salary barely covered her household expenses.[C] Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs.[D] Alvarez paid practically everything by check.

The sentence “I lived from paycheck to paycheck.” (Line 6, Para. 5) shows that

[A] Alvarez cared about nothing but making money.

[B] Alvarez’s salary barely covered her household expenses.

[C] Alvarez got paychecks from different jobs.

[D] Alvarez paid practically everything by check.


1.public class GC{2.private Objec to;3.private void doSomethingElse(Object obj){o=obj;}4.public void doSomething(){5.Object o=new Object();6.doSomethingElse(o);7.o=new Object();8.doSomethingElse(null);9.o=null;10.}11.}When the doSomething method is called,after which line does the Object created in line 5 become available for garbage collection?()A.Line5B.Line6C.Line7D.Line8E.Line9F.Line10



Given:When the doSomething method is called, after which line does the Object created in line 5 become available for garbage collection?() A.Line 5B.Line 6C.Line 7D.Line 8E.Line 9F.Line 10

给出下列的代码,哪行在编译时可能会有错误? ① public void modify() { ② int i,j,k; ③ i=100; ④ while(i>0) { ⑤ j=i*2; ⑥ System.out.println(" The value of j is"+ j); ⑦ k=k+1; ⑧ } ⑨}A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8

给出下列代码, ( )行在编译时可能会有错误。 ①public void modify( ){ ②int i,j,k; ⑧i=100; ④while(i>0){ ⑤j=i*2; ⑥System.out.println("The value of j is"+j); ⑦k=k+l; ⑧} ⑨}A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8

给出下列的代码,哪行在编译时可能会有错误? ① public void modify( ){ ② int i,j,k; ③ i = 100; ④ while( i 0){ ⑤ j = i * 2; ⑥ System.out.println("The value of j is" + j); ⑦ k=k + 1 ⑧ } ⑨ }A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8

若有以下程序: void g(int **q) { (**q) ++; (*q) ++; } void main() { int line [5]; int *p=line; for (i=0; i<5; i++) { *p=i; g(P); } for (i=0; i<5; i++) cout<<line[i]; cout<<end1; } 该程序运行后的输出结果为( )。A.12345B.1234C.11111D.55555


给出下列的程序段,哪行在编译时可能会有错误? ( ) ①public void modify( ) ②int i,j,k; ③ i=100; ④ while(i>0){ ⑤ j=i*2; ⑥ System.out.println("The value of j is "+j); ⑦ k=k+1; ⑧ } ⑨}A.line 4B.line 6C.line 7D.line 8