How to present a structure?

How to present a structure?


对于字符串“HOW”,下列表示法中正确的是()。 A.’HOW’B.{HOW}C.‘HOW’D.[HOW]

"even though he _________ present, he could not solve the problem." A. isB.wasC. wereD. be

37______A. imagineB. considerC. exploreD. present

[A] present [B] publish [C] deliver [D] pursue

净现值规则(Net-Present-Value Rule)

“even though he _________ present, he could not solve the problem.“ A. wereB. beC. isD. was

Xiao Lu won a _____ at the tennis match.A:prizeB:priceC:praiseD:present

Wellman said he is not trying to send any _______ to disabled people by climbing. A.messageB.suggestionC.movementD.present

I have decided to accompapy my aged mother this summer to visit France,which is one of her lifelong dreams.A:accommodate B:take C:escort D:present

In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments,a student should exhibit his findings in logical order and clear language.A:furnish B:proposeC:raise D:present